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Car Clearing Cost by ofans(m): 7:31pm On Mar 05, 2008
is there any reliable car clearing agent in the house. could someone tell me what it will cost to clear a
2001 toyota camry
2000 honda accord
Re: Car Clearing Cost by adexfem(m): 2:50pm On Mar 06, 2008
camry 2001- -----------
accord 2000 - -----------
Re: Car Clearing Cost by viperman: 3:05pm On Mar 06, 2008
Adexfem, how bodi? smiley
Re: Car Clearing Cost by adexfem(m): 3:15pm On Mar 06, 2008
Viperman, i am coool cool.
and you?
Re: Car Clearing Cost by viperman: 3:55pm On Mar 06, 2008
my brother i dey o. U just disappeared.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by adexfem(m): 4:15pm On Mar 06, 2008
Yeah my Man, i have been busy.
Man must survive now wink.
How bizz?
Will give you a call soon.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by komekn(m): 6:02pm On Mar 06, 2008

this is a question i asked sometime ago, I know that when i deal with customs and their bed fellows clearing agents i am getting scammed.

I just want to know what the actual % custom duty payable on a SUV is ? i know that the duty payable will be determined by a number of variables, specifically-- registration year, engine size and market value. Also a pick up is a commercial vehicle any body know what the % custom duty is ?

Why is it when you ask an agent or custom officer for these basic details you get evasion or a claims of ignorance intended to misinform. I even went to some banks only to be told customs had not issued them with the Tariff book.

This is not rocket science, i bring in one car, whats so complicated that i can't do myself ?? we have to make a stand for integrity, probity and an insistence on correct procedure, i refuse to accept this ingrained corruption at our ports.

Ive asked the question on a few threads, my reply to date has been SILENCE, any one willing to open the can of worms and let the truth be revealed ?

Indeed i made an error of judgement in describing adexfem as that incredibly scarce commodity a person of truth and integrity, do date no reply, the only conclusion i can make is that my earlier presumption is in error.

And finally i no be Oibo or lost son, i just want some straight talking truth, thats all , is there any clearing agent that can answer this question or shall i assume you are all the same, to be loved but never trusted.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by komekn(m): 9:32pm On Mar 07, 2008
Its not amazing and its not suprising, truth is a very scarce commodity, no reply or answer, it really puts a big on the integrity of our so called clearing agents.

Re: Car Clearing Cost by jenju(m): 10:44pm On Mar 07, 2008

Its not amazing and its not suprising, truth is a very scarce commodity, no reply or answer, it really puts a big on the integrity of our so called clearing agents.


Here is an extract that can provide the information you've been looking for. As you can see the customs duty for cars is between 30 - 45% by law.  The amount of enforcement of that law is debatable.

Here is the source of the information : http://www.shipperscouncil.com/nsc/portal/trade/nct.pdf

Additional information here:  http://www.shipperscouncil.com/nsc/portal/trade/ftcp.html

Heading No H.S.Code Customs Duty Rate in %.
2005 – 2007

87.02 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons including thedriver……………………… 5% 5% 10% 10%.
Cars/Jeeps 87.03 Motor cars and other motorvehicles Principally designed for the transport of persons…………………………,  40% 40% 35% 35%.
87.04 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods………… 5% 5% 10% 10%.
87.05 Special purpose motor vehicles other than those principally designed for the transport of Persons…………………… 5% 5% 10% 0%.
87.06 Chassis fitted with engine for the motor Vehicle……… 25% 25% 30% 30%
Re: Car Clearing Cost by komekn(m): 2:55pm On Mar 10, 2008
thanks you have restored my enduring conviction that there are people willing to stand for truth and righteousness even in Nigeria. I have looked at the links and like i already knew, its not rocket science these are simplistic procedures that any body can do. If we will not insist we will not receive.

All these lies that clearing agents and customs have been telling me for years, i can now insist on my right even if it ends up in court it will be a righteous fight the good fight. grin grin
Re: Car Clearing Cost by jenju(m): 3:07pm On Mar 10, 2008

thanks you have restored my enduring conviction that there are people willing to stand for truth and righteousness even in Nigeria. I have looked at the links and like i already knew, its not rocket science these are simplistic procedures that any body can do. If we will not insist we will not receive.

All these lies that clearing agents and customs have been telling me for years, i can now insist on my right even if it ends up in court it will be a righteous fight the good fight. grin grin

I'm glad to be able to help.  The irony of the situation is that, if you pay the said customs rate, after proper inspection and valuation of  an imported vehicle,  you may end up paying 2 or even 3 times as much as what the clearing agents will charge you. 

For example if you imported a $10,000 2003 Toyota Camry, your duty should be $3500 - $4,000 (approx N413,000 - N472,000  ) - excluding the costs to bribe your way through the necessary paper work.   If you go through an agent you may be charged N300,000 or less! This assumes that the inspectors agree that the car is indeed worth $10,000. It is more likely that they will say that your the car is worth $20,000. In which case you will have to offer a consideration of probably $1500 to get a friendly valuation. That is the system!

The net result is that, taxpayers are being fleeced, one way or the other. The question is, who pays taxes in Nigeria in the real sense of the word?  The existing system in place fosters corruption and the enrichment of everyone involved in the process.

I will however note that, the process has visibly improved dramatically in the last 5 years.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by Okejazz(m): 3:53pm On Mar 10, 2008
What's really good Adexfem?

Long time no hear my brother. Nah chairman clear my last deal, but my next due is April. Will look you up.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by komekn(m): 12:01pm On Mar 11, 2008
It will be difficult and a lot of people will not like you for it. This is a system that has been operating in excess of 30 years, custom officers have been making stupendous amounts of money through corrupt enrichment its now ingrained and the unofficial supercedes the official. There are custom officers i know who there assets exceed there salaries by a thousand fold with houses in Florida and London.
However, we have to challenge it, we cannot let it lie. Even if i if it means litigation then so be it, its a price i am willing to pay to make a difference.
Re: Car Clearing Cost by adexfem(m): 3:54pm On Mar 11, 2008

Sorry for not replying you all this while, i have been busy.

So why all the comments about adexfem, anyway i wont say you ask too many questions but i think you are close to it.
I hope you are ok with jenju's response?
I know your type very well, but when you are ready for the shipment, you can contact me and we discuss one on one.

Thanks Prof. Komekn. wink
Re: Car Clearing Cost by komekn(m): 8:28pm On Mar 11, 2008
thanks for your reply, i will not make an issue of African time, just as i will not respond to what my type is.
I guess you think i am dreaming of an unattainable vision a largely corruption free Nigeria.
God Bless You. undecided
Re: Car Clearing Cost by wazobia1: 8:27pm On Apr 09, 2010
Oga Adex - How far good work online.

How much to clear a Mack 2000 CH613 and a 40 ft Frauhauf trailer back attached?

How much is comprehensive insurance for trucks in nigeria now via PHB or Reliance insurnace? Anyone know?
Re: Car Clearing Cost by insight04: 1:36pm On Jun 08, 2010
Re: Car Clearing Cost by Nobody: 9:38am On Nov 19, 2011
what will it cost to clear a 2004 porsche cayenne and what is the amount for dummurage per day
Re: Car Clearing Cost by femmy2010(m): 11:27am On Nov 19, 2011

what will it cost to clear a 2004 porsche cayenne and what is the amount for dummurage per day

If on a grimaldi line N650k would clear it and Rent varies between N750 - N3000 per day.

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