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Skye Bank Recruitment - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 9:53pm On May 26, 2013
pls friends I participated in the skye bank interview that held on Friday 17th of this month.I took d fone nos of some of the pple I met dere but the screen of my fone is shattered and I can get those nos out to ask questions to knw If anyone has been contacted ..I am yet to hear from dem thru email or text.pls can anyone help me with any info as related to dat I will be very grateful.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by SoGalant1(m): 11:14pm On May 26, 2013
Judith99: pls friends I participated in the skye bank interview that held on Friday 17th of this month.I took d fone nos of some of the pple I met dere but the screen of my fone is shattered and I can get those nos out to ask questions to knw If anyone has been contacted ..I am yet to hear from dem thru email or text.pls can anyone help me with any info as related to dat I will be very grateful.

I also took part in Ɗ assessment & as far as i can tell, nobody ђaѕ been contacted. Stay tuned!
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 5:57am On May 27, 2013
tanks a lot....just incase of anyfin pls dis is my email....nenye_lives@yahoo.com...pls send me a msg...tanks so very much
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by yunisco: 7:40am On May 27, 2013
Judith99: pls friends I participated in the skye bank interview that held on Friday 17th of this month.I took d fone nos of some of the pple I met dere but the screen of my fone is shattered and I can get those nos out to ask questions to knw If anyone has been contacted ..I am yet to hear from dem thru email or text.pls can anyone help me with any info as related to dat I will be very grateful.

Pls was the interview 4 freshers or experiences staff?
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by blowingout: 11:48am On May 27, 2013
@judith, i agree with sogalant. dont tink anyone has been contacted.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by adwem2003(m): 9:11am On May 28, 2013
We re still waiting oo..#repgroup 6. 28E6411E
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 8:20am On May 29, 2013
Ok tanks guys .....I was in group 1...pls just incase of anyfin just let me knw....
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by blowingout: 12:13pm On May 31, 2013
anyone heard anything from these peeps. the waiting is getting too long ooooo angry
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by adwem2003(m): 5:32am On Jun 01, 2013
Any news yet? People seems cold to dis issue. sad
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 11:28am On Jun 01, 2013
it's really getting too long..no news yet
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by nurus: 3:56pm On Jun 02, 2013
For those that did the interview kindly clarify if its fresher or experienced.If its experienced indicate if its Operations or marketing and where the interview was held from there I will tell you what is happening.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 10:27pm On Jun 03, 2013
Hi.......it was for freshers and it was at school of honors at ojodu berger Lagos...
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 10:37pm On Jun 03, 2013
Hi guys...i just got a mail that i was successful in the second phase...dat is the just concluded interview on 17th...so check ur mail guys....dey said we will be contacted in due time..
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by obaxlove(m): 1:43pm On Jun 05, 2013
Pls how can I apply?
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by tianyx(f): 11:58am On Aug 01, 2013
Please how can I apply?
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Judith99: 2:29pm On Aug 01, 2013
@tianyx&obaxlove....I submitted my cv to their head office in April...I don't knw if they re still accepting CVs but u can try...deir head office in VI....
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by irsakant: 9:21pm On Aug 02, 2013
imagine, i got an auto email 4rm www.niblox.webs.com, on a Job Offer! I recalled that dat i applied around same May, but no interview invite. Though, am yet to download d said letter as indicated, to read its content. Could dis not be SCAM?
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by ashson: 9:39pm On Aug 02, 2013
Bunch of Greedy people. when you were applying you didnt inform anybody to apply too. but when you have hitches you will start shouting for help.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by princessmay(f): 9:43pm On Aug 02, 2013
I got dat too,bt am sure its scam,i ve deleted d msg.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by adwem2003(m): 4:17pm On Aug 08, 2013
Pls do D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ seize fones in TS? Wondering y dos in sch refuse to make comments.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by tobey14(m): 7:31pm On Aug 08, 2013
My ppl in d house let us tryn 2 b updatn ourselve wit a gud info, info move d world round.my frnd also pertake in d interview around dt tym and he told m dt dey r nw at training school.
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by bakusha(m): 11:31pm On Aug 08, 2013
irsakant: imagine, i got an auto email 4rm www.niblox.webs.com, on a Job Offer! I recalled that dat i applied around same May, but no interview invite. Though, am yet to download d said letter as indicated, to read its content. Could dis not be SCAM?
i also d rec such mail 4rm niblox, telling me 2download my offer letter 4rm skye bank. I dnt remeba applying neither invited 4 an interview. I cld rmeba i subcribe 4a month package nd tru out dt month dy kp on snding me online test 4rm diff telecomms nd banks which do nt mk any sense @ all, cos if u do nt subcribe, u won't gt ur access code 2chk any mail dt cm 4rm niblox. 2me i count dm as scammers dt ws d reason i never boda 2chk eva since i rec d mail 4rm dm.thk u
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Walexsammy(m): 6:26am On Oct 06, 2015
pls friends I participated in the skye bank interview that held on Friday 17th of this month.I took d fone nos of some of the pple I met dere but the screen of my fone is shattered and I can get those nos out to ask questions to knw If anyone has been contacted ..I am yet to hear from dem thru email or text.pls can anyone help me with any info as related to dat I will be very grateful.

Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by Walexsammy(m): 6:27am On Oct 06, 2015
pls friends I participated in the skye bank interview that held on Friday 17th of this month.I took d fone nos of some of the pple I met dere but the screen of my fone is shattered and I can get those nos out to ask questions to knw If anyone has been contacted ..I am yet to hear from dem thru email or text.pls can anyone help me with any info as related to dat I will be very grateful.

pls how was the interview like? Really need ur urgent response. Thaanks
Re: Skye Bank Recruitment by success4reality(f): 1:43pm On Oct 06, 2015
i also pertake in d interview and nothing comes out since then

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