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Are You Happy With Your Life? by Nobody: 3:56am On Aug 09, 2013
Hi everyone,its me again.Something struck my heart this evening and I felt the need to pour it out.It has to do with the mind and how it influences every aspect of your life.As complicated as this topic may be,I would try my best to shed light unto it with the little knowledge I have on psychology and the control of the mind. The power of the mind cant be over estimated.Everything you do,from the moment you wake up in the morning to when you sleep at night,your mind is always in control.A man that wakes up in the morning and say to himself 'today isnt going to be such a good day at all' would automatically program his brain towards making that day as bad as anyone could imagine.I understand that what am saying might make no sense to some of you that are over realistic and practical,that makes it neccesary for me to cite an example.Take the PLACEBO for instance.
Re: Are You Happy With Your Life? by Nobody: 4:05am On Aug 09, 2013
The PLACEBO is a false drug that is used by Doctors (like me wink) to treat a patient of any,yes ANY illness as long as the Doctor can tell the patient that it is a drug capable of healing their illness.You can all see the power of the mind at work here.Its not as if the PLACEBO contains an almighty formular for any illness,it only make use of the belief of the patient,which is a constituent of his mind.If only you can just make yourself belief something is something then you would be programming your mind into making that thing what it might not,in actual sense,be.
Re: Are You Happy With Your Life? by Nobody: 4:11am On Aug 09, 2013
So I urge you all to learn to see life the way you want it to be,you would be surprised at how things would begin to go just the way you want it.That thing that you have been looking for or that goal you have been aiming after,the only thing stoping you from obtaining it is the wrong set of mind,you have to reprogram your mind,make yourself believe whatever thing you want in the way you want it,and leave the rest to your sub-conscious mind. N.B-your subconscious mind is that aspect of your mind that you have no immediate control over but which works in the background and is usually the most influential in your life.
Re: Are You Happy With Your Life? by Nobody: 4:14am On Aug 09, 2013
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