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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) (26531 Views)
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Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Nobody: 5:33pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
I still remember how I do skip school on those evil caning days..... I hate canes no matter the gravity... I hate that stupid rod |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Chartey(m): 5:35pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
speedyboi: I thank GOd for my schoolCan you see that your heart is just as hardened as every Nigerian? |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Chartey(m): 5:41pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
KoloOyinbo:Well, flogging did me more good than all other forms of discipline. I'm happy i was flogged. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KoloOyinbo(m): 5:44pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Chartey: So violence is the answer to everything! How very sad. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by vizboy(m): 5:57pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
coogar:abi, These one no reach anything compare to back then |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by eminikansoso(m): 5:58pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Thank God and May the Lord Bless Mr. Akolawole aka Onakumanaidi of Iwo comprehensive high school. Iwo isin kwara state. I for don follow Emeka joined kidnappers ![]() ![]() |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KingsleyCEO: 6:19pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
The fear of cain is the beginning of good behavior! Flogging works wonders, I'm a living testimony! Proud to be an African child. 1 Like |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Chartey(m): 6:25pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
KoloOyinbo: My life didn't turn out to be a "sad" one. I've also learnt to view life from different perspectives unlike you. Calling it "violence" is wrong from an African perspective(maybe it's violence in Belfast) and nobody said it's "the answer to everything". Nobody encourages beating to the extent of bruising or causing injury. What most people are saying here is that without corporal punishment, most of us would have become very wayward and amounted to very little in life. Why should we change a formula that has worked and is working for us. You won't understand because you didn't grow up here. It is evidently not similar to what happened to you in Belfast. 1 Like |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KoloOyinbo(m): 6:26pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Flogging teaches us that when reason fails pathetic bullies resort to violence. The children who are beaten may turn out good but in the absence of violence many more will turn out better! By the way when the children grow up and meet the teachers they find that like most bullies they are pathetic cowards when confronted by someone who is no longer afraid or under their abusive control. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KoloOyinbo(m): 6:29pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Chartey: My life didn't turn out to be a "sad" one. I've also learnt to view life from different perspectives unlike you. Calling it "violence" is wrong from an African perspective(maybe it's violence in Belfast) and nobody said it's "the answer to everything". Nobody encourages beating to the extent of bruising or causing injury. What most people are saying here is that without corporal punishment, most of us would have become very wayward and amounted to very little in life. Why should we change a formula that has worked and is working for us. You won't understand because you didn't grow up here. It is evidently not similar to what happened to you in Belfast. Striking a child to cause physical pain IS violence! Africa or Belfast makes no difference. I have spent 13 years travelling in Africa and longer travelling all over the world so I can compare systems and ideas. The formula may and indeed does partially work - teaching much bad along with any good. But there are much better methods out there. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Onyenna(m): 6:31pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
roselynbas: You're right sis...... When I was in Primary3(Public school), I could hardly read nor write in both english and parents then took me to a private school(my new school told me to repeat primary3.....which I did after a lil argument)....My new Primary3 teacher then happened to be a woman and guess what, she really knew how to FLOG..... and after first term in that private school, I became very good in both english and Igbo including Mathematics! It was like a miracle! She transformed me and I owe her a lot........ Without that koboko, I just wonder......... 1 Like |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Chartey(m): 6:32pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
KoloOyinbo: Flogging teaches us that when reason fails pathetic bullies resort to violence. You are wrong. When we're lucky to see an old disciplinarian teacher, we run across the road, greet him/her and tell him/her about all the progress we've made in life due to the way we were trained. 3 Likes |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KoloOyinbo(m): 6:42pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Chartey: How sad when you would almost certainly have made more progress with their misguided and often sadistic abuse. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Onyenna(m): 6:44pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Chartey: May The Lord bless You!! |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Onyenna(m): 6:45pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
KoloOyinbo: It's not the same with all teachers.... I guess I was lucky not to have met the sadistic ones..... I was only "kobokoed" for the right reasons....and it worked |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by InvertedHammer: 6:50pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
/ This is nothing. Late coming to school, making noise in the class, failing tests, incorrect answers, sleeping in class, losing a football competition against rival school, etc. was guaranteed 6 lashes per offender per case. Add that up in a day...and by the time we graduated, we were all walking "tough guys" Those seminary school instructors never took prisoners! ![]() \ 1 Like |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Onyenna(m): 6:58pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
InvertedHammer: / When I was about entering secondary school back then, my elder brother who was in seminary told me to avoid Seminary schools...... My friends who attended seminary schools are as hard as a rock! These guys are TOUGH and HARDENED ...Their Rectors and teachers FLOG anyhow with no justification...I guess that's what makes them Hardened..... |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by naptu2: 7:30pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Lagos State Government bans flogging of students and apprentices. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by KoloOyinbo(m): 7:37pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
naptu2: Lagos State Government bans flogging of students and apprentices. Excellent. Nigeria continues to develop in every way. It is well on the way to becoming the powerhouse of Africa. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by jesuspikinjp(m): 7:51pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
solomon111: I know many people who would have been complete failures today if not for the fear of 'daddy's whip'. and there are loads who are failures today because of daddy's whip |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by naptu2: 7:54pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by gluv01(f): 8:28pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Chartey: I believe you read my post clearly. I said he was caned because he was disliked by that teacher. If he did an offence which required being caned, that's fine, i got no worries. I was caned severally in school for incorrectly answering a math question(I hated maths so always got an answer incorrect). And yes, sometimes i wonder if people like you have feelings, and that's the stupid thing about some Nigerian teachers, they have no feelings nor understand the sensitivity of some individuals. He was aware the teacher disliked him because she made it obvious, and so he thought every other person hated him as well. He was a child, what would a child below 8 do. He's grown up now though. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by niyitogun(m): 9:39pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Dusting cane on assembly was in vogue during my days. You practically looked forward to it as this makes you look tough and Impressed the Girls. The whole school talked about it for weeks. A friend read a book while he was being flogged which angered the flogging teacher who then gave him 40 strokes but he never moved an inch and kept reading. The whole assembly stood up to clap for him. Lol. 2 Likes |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by billyG(m): 10:00pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Nothing wrong in floggin but what baffle me is that if cane 30 students with 6 strokes each were is the time to teach them,i guess is is flogging them for failin in their assignment.back in ma sec.sch.days one wicked ugly troll used fulani cane that one use to flog cattle into line,to flog us 16 strokes. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Chartey(m): 10:38pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
gluv01:My comment was light-hearted na. Buh u sabi sey u no be kpako pikin? Kpako pikin no fit talk wetin u talk. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Nobody: 10:44pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Yes, there are alternatives if we get pragmatic about searching for other alternatives..... Why do kids misbehave? Knowing why and understanding their causes can enable parents and teachers deal with the causes before anything else. 1) When I was in secondary school, I get flogged for being late ( even though in most cases, it was beyond my control). The school authorities never considered proximity, traffics, bad roads, rioters causing troubles on roads that led to my school, etc. 2) Some kids get flogged due to dirty uniforms, not wearing socks, and other petty things.... Things like washing machine, dryers and free uniforms that are necessities in the west are luxury items for most struggling parents in Nigeria 3) We get flogged for not knotting our ties properly and not wearing caps.... Imagine the scorching heat in 9ja and most schools insist on western styled uniforms that was influenced by European climates? 4) We get flogged for struggling to read, write, not memorising our multiplication tables correctly, scoring low marks in exercises and assignments, e.t.c. What would flogging do to correct this when there is a universal fact that humans have different intellectual capabilities? Why can't we design an educational system that is of different range to different pupils according to their intellectual needs? 5) We get flogged for making noise... The smaller classes are, the harder it would be for student to get disruptive with noise making... Our classes are mostly packed just because of sheer greed of proprietors and proprietresses of schools. A well spaced class would minimise noise making. 6) Some kids come from really difficult homes and Nigerian schools hardly pay attention to that aspect of Pupils' lives. Most parents can't help their kids do their assignments because they are illiterate themselves. Is it then fair to beat a child for not doing his/her homework when there is no help from home? We have parents that abuse their kids or have little time for them, so when these unlucky kids turn up in school, why should a teacher that is koboko happy ( a maniac) always insist on beating these kids when they are faced at home with circumstances beyond their control? 7) Some kids in my school got beaten for theft and are publicly humiliated at assembly grounds.. God help your conscience if you find out that that kid wasn't fed last evening and the morning. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I could go on and on.... I do think we need to discipline the pupils but we find out that in most schools in Nigeria, the school authorities are too cane-happy.. They never consider the whole picture and just go straight for the cane. We don't even have child psychologists in our schools. We need these people because they would come up with radical, effective and profound solutions that aren't corporal in nature. I would suggest we reserve corporal punishment for the most offensive acts like violence ( fighting), swearing, cheating ( exam malpractices), bullying, vandalism and any other callous acts... Beating kids just because of petty reasons should stop. 5 Likes |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by meforyou1(m): 11:09pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
My young cousin in a seminary school trying to be a Catholic priest was asked to kneel and kneel-walk through the large football school which he did and bled until he bled to death. Wouldn't it have been better if he was just cained and asked to go back to class? 1 Like |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by s3nn2x(m): 12:02am On Jan 08, 2014 |
me_for_you: My young cousin in a seminary school trying to be a Catholic priest was asked to kneel and kneel-walk through the large football school which he did and bled until he bled to death. Wouldn't it have been better if he was just cained and asked to go back to class?Ouch! ![]() |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by internetpo(m): 12:10am On Jan 08, 2014 |
Corporal punishments shouldn' t b banned completely. It should be used for severe cases only. I wonder what lagos state govt was thinking banning it totally. Other means of correction (at school or home) like detension, denial from certain pleasures n benefits; eg pocket allowance, etc should also be employed. |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by Nobody: 1:21am On Jan 08, 2014 |
Chartey:my heart is not hardened in real sense. I just naturally hate Nigerians, DAZZALL ![]() |
Re: Corporal Punishment In Nigerian Schools, Any Alternative? (Video) by stantob(m): 1:47am On Jan 08, 2014 |
As Africans I don't see anything wrong in what the teacher did. He flogged them mildly just like children that they are. He didn't use power on them. Sometimes school pupils could be naughty. So they sometimes need that as a correction measure. But if the teacher forms a habit of doing that, then he will lose his respect. Flogging is required occasionally. |
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