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Igbos And Hausas, True Friends Or Real Foes? - Culture - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Igbos And Hausas, True Friends Or Real Foes? (718 Views)

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Igbos And Hausas, True Friends Or Real Foes? by Demallcrazy(m): 9:38pm On Aug 30, 2013
I still don't get it why many igbos hate hausas (only on the internet I think undecided )
I've been privileged 2 have seen very peaceful co-existence btw hausas and igbos in real life, mostly at busy market places doing bizness 2geda. They do things 2geda as if they are bestest of friends or brodas, scenario is sooooooooooo different on electronic media, dunno why
War memories are past gone buh why do igbos so detest hausas on e-media?
Re: Igbos And Hausas, True Friends Or Real Foes? by macof(m): 3:41pm On Sep 17, 2013
I still don't get it why many igbos hate hausas (only on the internet I think undecided )
I've been privileged 2 have seen very peaceful co-existence btw hausas and igbos in real life, mostly at busy market places doing bizness 2geda. They do things 2geda as if they are bestest of friends or brodas, scenario is sooooooooooo different on electronic media, dunno why
War memories are past gone buh why do igbos so detest hausas on e-media?
Rubbish! Igbos are the ones creating false enemity with other ethnic groups but still feed from their table.

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