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In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand - Business - Nairaland

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In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by Constantin: 6:21pm On Jun 01, 2006
, well, here I got a table to prove it. It is taken from the World Bank and IMF, Check out where Nigeria is positioned in 2005 and 2007 and remeber where we came from in 1999,

Re: In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by my2cents(m): 6:55pm On Jun 01, 2006

though remarkable, I personally don't c the big deal in overtaking New Zealand and/or Chile. Now, if you are talking, say, India/China/Japan/Countries in Europe/US, then that would tickle my fancy.

Again, it is good that we are moving up the ladder so to speak. However, assuming the FG and you are thinking along the same lines, I wouldn't make those 2 aforementioned countries our benchmark.

Re: In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by Constantin: 7:22pm On Jun 01, 2006
my2 cents, as always full of negativity cry, attitude like this doens´t surprise when Africa is not developping fast enough,

Moreover, this table was conceived by[b] IWF AND WORLD BANK AND NEITHER BY ME NOR BY OBA[/b]

Take at it a second look, please, and balance your remarks a bit more! Just saying indirectly that Nigeria is condemned to poverty for the next 500 years or so is not an answer to me, if that is an answer we can close down the section "business" because we are "poor" and "incompetent"
Re: In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by my2cents(m): 7:33pm On Jun 01, 2006
I would personally say that my remarks were more motivating than negative grin

I mean, when in secondary school, if say, you came in 33rd/40 one term and you suddenly moved up to 30th, as a parent, am I to congratulate you for improving (which I did in this case)? Sure. But should that be enough? No. Now that 32nd and 31st have been conquered, I would push my child to start aiming at the top 5 or so. On the contrary to your last post, I would think that, in my opinion, being happy about beating Chile/NZ would make certain people feel satisfied at where they are without wanting to move forward. In Nigeria, I would call it the "how we go do? E been worse pass this before o" syndrome. I experience it everytime I go home. For example, I ask y a certain road is rotting away. Typical response "nna, make u leave us o. this road been bad pass this before. E better small now".

"better small" is not good enough in today's globalistic world. We have to shoot for the stars. Thatz all am saying.

Just saying indirectly that Nigeria is condemned to poverty for the next 500 years or so is not an answer to me
Show me where I made the exact same statement I quoted from you above please. I will be pulling up a chair and holding my breath on this one smiley

Sorry if you misunderstood my comments for what they really meant.
Re: In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by Constantin: 8:11pm On Jun 01, 2006
my2cents, our conversation must have been based on misconceptions, i have misunderstood you, sorry. You have been much clearer now and pushed things into perspective. Of course, Nigeria should not stop but we are getting better than the Northern African countries which is good if you see how Africa is portrayed in Western media which tend to lump all African countries into a nutshell by saying "sub-saharan Africa", as if we were a single country inhabited by some incompetent sub-species of humankind.

Re: In 2007, Nigeria´s Economy Will Be Larger Than That Of Chile Or New Zealand by Zahymaka(m): 8:14pm On Jun 01, 2006
Well. . . I agree with my2cents. We have our sights set on very low. What's Chile or New Zealand?

In reality, the IMF knows that Nigeria has the potential to have a bigger economy than USA but do they tell you that? Of course not -- they happen to serve the interests of only the so-called First-World countries so it's taboo to mention another country coming up.

Like Herod, they'll trample all other 'Third-World' countries if need be.

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