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Procedure For The Alteration Of An Article Of Association Of A Company. - Business - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Procedure For The Alteration Of An Article Of Association Of A Company. (9310 Views)

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Procedure For The Alteration Of An Article Of Association Of A Company. by chikachike86(m): 9:26pm On Oct 11, 2013
1. There must be a board meeting whereby a resolution will be passed to alter the article.
2. A notice of 21 days notice must be given to the members accompanied with the said special resolution.
3. The company must convene a general meeting and pass a special resolution to alter the article.
4. The company must ensure that the alteration does not go contrary to the provisions of the memorandum of association.
5. The next step would be the delivery of the printed copy of the article and printed copy of the resolution to Corporate Affairs commission within 15 days of passing the resolution.
6. Evidence of payment of Annual return must be made available at the commission and it must be up to date.
Note: CAC do not attend to post incorporation issues of a company where the payment of their Annual returns is not up to date.
7. The company would be required to annex the resolution to every copy of the article issued after the passing of the resolution.
1.Meetings of the company.
2. Notice of meetings
3. Quorum of meetings
4. Who to chairman the meeting
5. Voting at meetings
6. Directors of the company.
7. Appointment of Directors
8. Filling of causal vacancy in the post of a Director.
9. Share qualification of Directors.
10. Tenure of the office of a Director.
call 07069279374 for further inquiry.
Re: Procedure For The Alteration Of An Article Of Association Of A Company. by Alexious(m): 3:55pm On Oct 15, 2021
1. There must be a board meeting whereby a resolution will be passed to alter the article.
2. A notice of 21 days notice must be given to the members accompanied with the said special resolution.
3. The company must convene a general meeting and pass a special resolution to alter the article.
4. The company must ensure that the alteration does not go contrary to the provisions of the memorandum of association.
5. The next step would be the delivery of the printed copy of the article and printed copy of the resolution to Corporate Affairs commission within 15 days of passing the resolution.
6. Evidence of payment of Annual return must be made available at the commission and it must be up to date.
Note: CAC do not attend to post incorporation issues of a company where the payment of their Annual returns is not up to date.
7. The company would be required to annex the resolution to every copy of the article issued after the passing of the resolution.
1.Meetings of the company.
2. Notice of meetings
3. Quorum of meetings
4. Who to chairman the meeting
5. Voting at meetings
6. Directors of the company.
7. Appointment of Directors
8. Filling of causal vacancy in the post of a Director.
9. Share qualification of Directors.
10. Tenure of the office of a Director.
call 07069279374 for further inquiry.

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