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Vacancy For Accountants And Marketers - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Vacancy For Accountants And Marketers by ifeka: 8:29am On Nov 12, 2013
On behalf of our client, An Engineering Firm that deals with sales and marketing of Various heavy duty Engineering and Technical Equipment’s, we are Searching for –
1. An Executive Accountant with a high level of integrity and a broad range of skills, knowledge and expertise that spans the various aspects of accounting services.

Skills and qualifications
First degree in Accounting or related discipline and must have concluded his or her NYSC.
Advanced financial and accounting knowledge, including in depth understanding of international and local accounting and financial reporting standards.
Good understanding of foreign exchange operations and regulations, and other relevant regulations.
Proven ability to interpret financial statement and apply a broad perspective in summarizing results.
Verbal and written communication skills, presentation skills and the ability to influence others
Strong business and financial acumen.
High level of integrity and business ethics.
High level of attention to detail.
Good appreciation and working knowledge of Microsoft Office tools.
Minimum of 3 years’ experience

2. Two Executive Marketers who will drive the overall Sales and Marketing of the organizations products and services.
The Candidate must be a graduate from any university and as such, must have concluded his or her NYSC.
Ability to multi task and function effectively under pressure.
The Candidate must have a flair for marketing and as such be a strategic goal oriented individual.
The Candidate must be good with Microsoft office especially Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
An experience in Industrial Sales/Marketing will be an added advantage
Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Political savvy, diplomacy, maturity and tact including the ability to relate with various categories of people.
Strong relationship management & networking skills.
Strong leadership and people management skills.
High sense of responsibility, accountability and dependability.
Minimum of 3 years Marketing experience

Interested candidates should send in their Resume to poiz@poizconsulting.com
Application Closing Date: 22nd November, 2013
Job Type: fulltime
Required Experience: 3+ year(s)
Location: Ajah, Lagos.

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Electrical Engineer / Vacancy!vacancy!!vacancy!!!(portharcourt) / As Southern Nigerian Youths We Can Unite Nigeria Via Voluntiarism

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