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Woman Was Married To Two Men At The Same Time In Lagos / Update; I Am 31 And getting married soon / Can A Man With Ac Genotype Marry A Woman With As Genotype (2) (3) (4)

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Re: . by Nobody: 12:24am On Dec 26, 2013
Abali1: Did you all notice that this thread is the only topic the Op has ever created on NL.
Am sure she is very disturbed about the situation and hoping that at least some people will back her in her quest to marry lover boy.
"Love is truely blind, but marriage is the eye opener."

Re: . by Abali1(m): 2:21am On Dec 26, 2013

oga you are wrong.
there is the possibility that out of 8 children, all 8 children are SS, just that the chance of that is small
And that makes me wrong? You can learn or you can choose to dwell in your ignorance. It's your choice.
Re: . by ritze(m): 3:22am On Dec 26, 2013
And that makes me wrong? You can learn or you can choose to dwell in your ignorance. It's your choice.

And that makes me wrong? You can learn or you can choose to dwell in your ignorance. It's your choice.
Re: . by Nivlin: 8:45am On Dec 26, 2013
Why tempt God? cry
Re: . by ukchy: 12:12pm On Dec 26, 2013
Baby mama:

Even that loving man she is now seeing will easily abandon her and that sick child in the hospital and find another wife to give him healthy babies and heirs
No be man we dey talk?
Let her continue shouting love love
The burden of that sickler child will rest on her ,the mother 80%
Eye go clear am
True talk dear cos my Aunty is a living witness. The husband was such a loving man.When their three kids turn out to be Sicklers,the man changed automatically. If you see my aunty now,she is in her late 30's but she looks older than my mum who is in her late 50's.Eventually the man abandon them and flee only for us to hear that he married another woman who is AA.It hurt me everyday seeing my cousins during their crisis period.My advice is dat human beings can change at anytime.Love is not enough for this kind of situation.Think with your head and not your heart cos that was one big mistake my aunty made and she is regretting every bit of it now.Don't suffer your unborn children when you have opportunity to love again and have healthy children.A word is enough for the wise
Re: . by Laird(m): 1:42pm On Dec 26, 2013
Please don't marry as if YOU are as. I just broke up 2 and a half year relationship because of genotype
Re: . by Nobody: 2:16pm On Dec 26, 2013
True talk dear cos my Aunty is a living witness. The husband was such a loving man.When their three kids turn out to be Sicklers,the man changed automatically. If you see my aunty now,she is in her late 30's but she looks older than my mum who is in her late 50's.Eventually the man abandon them and flee only for us to hear that he married another woman who is AA.It hurt me everyday seeing my cousins during their crisis period.My advice is dat human beings can change at anytime.Love is not enough for this kind of situation.Think with your head and not your heart cos that was one big mistake my aunty made and she is regretting every bit of it now.Don't suffer your unborn children when you have opportunity to love again and have healthy children.A word is enough for the wise

This life is unpredictable.
Same thing happens in childlessness,reason I tell women after waiting 5 years to adopt.
The man most of the times either leaves or goes out to impregnate someone

How many stories have we read in newspapers where a man absconds after the wife gives birth to triplets and quadruplets
They do the same in sickness

I hope she reads your post
Re: . by baralatie(m): 2:38pm On Dec 26, 2013
@op!we cant exhaust d numerous cases.pls av courage and make the rit choice.
Re: . by Nobody: 9:58pm On Dec 26, 2013
As far as this thread has gone, I believe Ms. Op knows what to do
Re: . by Nobody: 3:35am On Dec 27, 2013
If the OP is still reading,i know it is a tough decision ,not easy at all
But it is the right thing to do
Do it for your unborn children
Someone else will come along,that man is not the right one
Don't let what you call love blind you from the reality before you
99.999% of the posters here spoke in one voice out of genuine concern
God also speaks through men

You have been warned
Re: . by Nobody: 5:50am On Dec 27, 2013
As far as this thread has gone, I believe Ms. Op knows what to do

I really really hope she listens. cry hard but it's worth it; it's better to be safe than regretfully sorry. How many abortions do you wanna have to avoid a stickler child OP ?

Please a word is enough for the wise.
Re: . by babestell(f): 12:25pm On Dec 27, 2013
OP you know what you should do. Better do it, I do not believe in testing God, seek his face and ask his guidance, because a certain person claims his genotype changed doesn't mean yours will change. Love especially the one between a naija man and lady has expiry date. I had a colleague in my former working place who is an AS married to AS, they have a child but aborted the second one because preliminary test showed the child was SS. I was shocked when I heard this. Apparently the latest gist is that the husband has kids with another woman outside and meanwhile he insists that he and the wife use contraceptives to avoid having anymore kids. Meanwhile this lady was always screaming faith and believing in God to us.

Pkease visit the sickle cell centre in idi araba before you make your choice. God bless you
Re: . by Abali1(m): 1:20pm On Dec 27, 2013
babestell: OP you know what you should do. Better do it, I do not believe in testing God, seek his face and ask his guidance, because a certain person claims his genotype changed doesn't mean yours will change.
The bolded is the key word in this whole thread. I cannot understand why in this day and time, someone will take a Life Altering decision based on hear-say.
God is still in the business of doing miracles, but I will never support anyone who purposely decides to tempt God.
If the Op didn't know already, I will excuse her ignorance. But knowingly going into a marital union with both being AS/AS is a No-No. Nobody is even talking about the financial implication of catering for a SS baby. The money my family has spent on managing my health is enough to train about 4 persons from Kindergarten up to University level.
As an adult who now earns his own money, I know how much I spend on medication. And still my family accuses me of not doing enough for myself. No two days passes without me taking one form of medication or another.
But someone who obviously has not been close to a Warrior will come to me and talk about Faith. Do you even know what it means to "pass through the valley of the shadow of death" (literally)? Yet you talk to me about Faith.
In the suicide thread, here on NL a fellow Warrior is constantly batteling with depression leading to suicidal thoughts cos his Father has abandoned their mother to her woes.
Op, I am not your God........ but you can go ahead and Tempt the Lord your God.
Re: . by EfemenaXY: 2:58pm On Dec 27, 2013
The bolded is the key word in this whole thread. I cannot understand why in this day and time, someone will take a Life Altering decision based on hear-say.
God is still in the business of doing miracles, but I will never support anyone who purposely decides to tempt God.
If the Op didn't know already, I will excuse her ignorance. But knowingly going into a marital union with both being AS/AS is a No-No. Nobody is even talking about the financial implication of catering for a SS baby. The money my family has spent on managing my health is enough to train about 4 persons from Kindergarten up to University level.
As an adult who now earns his own money, I know how much I spend on medication. And still my family accuses me of not doing enough for myself. No two days passes without me taking one form of medication or another.
But someone who obviously has not been close to a Warrior will come to me and talk about Faith. Do you even know what it means to "pass through the valley of the shadow of death" (literally)? Yet you talk to me about Faith.
In the suicide thread, here on NL a fellow Warrior is constantly batteling with depression leading to suicidal thoughts cos his Father has abandoned their mother to her woes.
Op, I am not your God........ but you can go ahead and Tempt the Lord your God.

Abali, I don't know you off nland - but everytime I read your comments about what you as a person deserving of love goes through battling this disease breaks my heart! cry

If you don't mind my asking, how often do you have these crises and what triggers them? Does stress contribute to it?

I think your responses will go a long way to educating many people (myself included). What I just can't fathom here, is when people who know exactly what the risks are, decide to take them all on the chance that it won't happen to them. Why play Russian Roulette with a child's life? Why dice with sure death? Granted, I don't know many people personally who've had SS but I had (and still have) a classmate whose lived with it and has exceeded the life expectancy - but one can only imagine the stress and fright we her friends all went through in school.

Teachers were wary of her and excluded her from tasks, from punishments, you name it. Yes she was a good girl but felt it unfair that she couldn't experience a little of what we all went through when naughty. I remember clearly, she broke the norm of being her usual quite self, made a lot of noise in class and made sure her name was on that list for noise makers. Even the prefect was reluctant to put her name down. When the teacher came in to round us up for punishment (yes, yes, I follow them make noise too tongue ), he didn't want to flog her but she insisted. You need to have heard the sharp intake of breadth from EVERYONE.

Just to humour her, he tapped her hands lightly with a pencil and the whole class breathed a sigh of relief. Mind you, we were in JSS 1 then. Still very young, but old enough to understand the implications of what could have happened if the teacher her flogged her like the rest of us. Anyway, the bigger question here is this - why did she go this far? Simple. She just wanted to belong. To feel 'among'.

So @OP really does need to ask herself if this is another thing she's willing to put her kids through. It's heart wrenching enough for an individual to feel 'left' out, much less a child.

I also have an aunt who had seven kids, one of which was an SS child. No need going into details the pain the whole family felt when this child died just after gaining admission into Uni.

A word they say, is enough for the wise.
Re: . by Nobody: 3:51pm On Dec 27, 2013
I have a friend with this genotype issue who would soon put to bed! I an super-scared! I practically cry and beg God everyday to just please take control on the D-day! I've come close to losing her before (without baby tinz oo), i just don't wanna think about anything going wrong that day cos nothing is gonna go wrong! When we were together (she's in the states now), u need to see the way she keeps telling me 'come on, i'm nt gonna die if u let ne do that, u know?' i just almost cannot let her lift a finger if i have my way!

It doesn't worth it, i tell ya!
Cry if u av to, do whatever u have to but let go of this man, please!
Re: . by EfemenaXY: 3:53pm On Dec 27, 2013
^^ I think your friend would most probably have her baby via CS.

There's no way the doctors will let her have a 'normal' delivery. It's just way too risky.

Would be good if you could keep us updated on how it goes with your friend...
Re: . by Nobody: 3:58pm On Dec 27, 2013
Efemena_xy: ^^ I think your friend would most probably have her baby via CS.

There's no way the doctors will let her have a 'normal' delivery. It's just way too risky.

Would be good if you could keep us updated on how it goes with your friend...

I spoke to her about it and she said she's left it to God, she'll see how it goes. She said she'll not mind vagi*al delivery but if she has to opt for CS, she'll definitely go for it! She's just waiting to see how it goes. She's in america and in the health sector, so, I bliv she's in safe hands! cool

Would keep you updated!
I'm expecting the good news soon by God's grace!

Even CS has it's own complications that I don't wanna think about!

A young guy died in my hospital sometimes ago, i pitied the mother! To say he was even fine and about to be discharged, only for him to go into cardiac arrest! I was shocked beyond words when I got to the hospital the second day and my consultant told us he died! A 20-year old guy, young and vibrant like that! embarassed
Re: . by Abali1(m): 5:00pm On Dec 27, 2013


If you don't mind my asking, how often do you have these crises and what triggers them? Does stress contribute to it?

Teachers were wary of her and excluded her from tasks, from punishments, you name it. Yes she was a good girl but felt it unfair that she couldn't experience a little of what we all went through when naughty. I remember clearly, she broke the norm of being her usual quite self, made a lot of noise in class and made sure her name was on that list for noise makers. Even the prefect was reluctant to put her name down. When the teacher came in to round us up for punishment (yes, yes, I follow them make noise too tongue ), he didn't want to flog her but she insisted. You need to have heard the sharp intake of breadth from EVERYONE.

Just to humour her, he tapped her hands lightly with a pencil and the whole class breathed a sigh of relief. Mind you, we were in JSS 1 then. Still very young, but old enough to understand the implications of what could have happened if the teacher her flogged her like the rest of us. Anyway, the bigger question here is this - why did she go this far? Simple. She just wanted to belong. To feel 'among'.

So @OP really does need to ask herself if this is another thing she's willing to put her kids through. It's heart wrenching enough for an individual to feel 'left' out, much less a child.

I also have an aunt who had seven kids, one of which was an SS child. No need going into details the pain the whole family felt when this child died just after gaining admission into Uni.

A word they say, is enough for the wise.
Aunty Efe,
I usually do have crisis not more than three times a year. Reason, I have come to understand myself so well that I can sense a crisis coming days before it occurs. Once I sense it, I start admnistering the necessary medications to either hold it off or minimize the effect.
I once opened a thread "Factors that trigger of Sickle Cell Crisis". Yes, stress is one of the factors that trigger of crisis. Others are, dehyderation, Malaria attack, infection (maybe from open wound) food poisening etc.
On the second bolded, I attended a boarding school and I will tell you that I made so much effort not to allow anyone see my Doctors Report. Why? I never want to be shielded. Infact in my JSS 1, only about 2 or 3 people suspected I had health problems. I joined my mates in doing manual labour like cutting the grass, carrying buckets of gravel to the building site, fetching water etc. Flogging? I recieved enough of that while in the secondary school.
Yeah, Warriors may have health challenges but we also want to be treated like the rest of the human race. If you go through my threads, you will see that I have done some 'bad boys' things that you will never associate with a Warrior. But with the benefit of hindsight, it was just the Grace of God that I am still alive.
Re: . by Nobody: 5:05pm On Dec 27, 2013
OP, we have billions of people in this planet yet you choose this one. undecided
Pls try and love another, open your eyes wella. With your condition, you should know that genotype matters first before feeling lovey lovey.

Next time you see that handsome bro, first of all ask of his genotype for before taking it further.
Re: . by damiso(f): 5:54pm On Dec 27, 2013
The closest thing I have to an older brother is my uncle(the last child of my maternal grandmother) my parents raised him and he lived with us till he was able to stand on his own.When my dad died his name was on the obituary cos he and my dad were soo close.He is SC.You don't even wanna know. cry cryHe is 43 now, has a child and is doing quite well ( as has been said they are often very brainy, he is a fellow of CIIN, has two masters degrees etc).BUT as most people have said, you don't wanna how we all hold our breath if he as much as has a cold or headache.

He came to the UK last winter stayed with us and I practically turned to nanny nurse cos I was soooo concerned about him not falling ill even more so than my lil children.He had to tell me off cos I was really scared. Uncle are you ok, Is your room warm enough bla bla cos I just wanted him to be ok.As Abali said you learn to manage your health with age but believe me its not easy.

I am AS and as unromantic as it sounds, It was one of the first things I found out about my husband.Because we have a 'warrior' in my family, its one of the first things people in my family ask when you get serious with someone.

Pls OP, abeg you have heard enough but pls pls think of your unborn children.I have nursed a person in crisis so I know what I am talking about.


Re: . by Nobody: 6:13pm On Dec 27, 2013
Genotype info is synonymous to sex education bringing up a child , our people ignore this part of parenting. It's very very important.

That was the first question I asked before I was introduced to family.
Re: . by Nobody: 6:14pm On Dec 27, 2013
damiso: The closest thing I have to an older brother is my uncle(the last child of my maternal grandmother) my parents raised him and he lived with us till he was able to stand on his own.When my dad died his name was on the obituary cos he and my dad were soo close.He is SC.You don't even wanna know. cry cryHe is 43 now, has a child and is doing quite well ( as has been said they are often very brainy, he is a fellow of CIIN, has two masters degrees etc).BUT as most people have said, you don't wanna how we all hold our breath if he as much as has a cold or headache.

He came to the UK last winter stayed with us and I practically turned to nanny nurse cos I was soooo concerned about him not falling ill even more so than my lil children.He had to tell me off cos I was really scared. Uncle are you ok, Is your room warm enough bla bla cos I just wanted him to be ok.As Abali said you learn to manage your health with age but believe me its not easy.

I am AS and as unromantic as it sounds, It was one of the first things I found out about my husband.Because we have a 'warrior' in my family, its one of the first things people in my family ask when you get serious with someone.

Pls OP, abeg you have heard enough but pls pls think of your unborn children.I have nursed a person in crisis so I know what I am talking about.

Re: . by Nobody: 6:15pm On Dec 27, 2013
^^^ just testing my video posting skills grin
Re: . by nurey(m): 6:20pm On Dec 27, 2013
Please I will advise you to go on with the marriage reason is a story
My sister is SS and we didn't know until she was 24yrs old because she had malaria which affected her seriously. But according to my mum she has neva had any episode prior to that like 2yrs ago that happened.

She is now married and her husband is as, a their first child is SS a girl and when we heard she was SS (child) I could have sworn the result was a lie because the baby is very strong and plays like a boy not a girl. (disease affected her leg so she couldn't walk for almost a week the disease was treated and all is well now except for coughing sometimes but the doctors said she is well taken care of so we shouldn't worry.

My junior sister who is a doctor says we shouldn't worry that there are now good medicine for ss.

My take on ur issue is as with as will give one AA, 2As and 1SS. So you have a 25percent chance of ss against others but the bad things is that the first child can be SS or even all your children can be SS. That is he science in your child bearing
Re: . by EfemenaXY: 9:31pm On Dec 27, 2013
Aunty Efe,
I usually do have crisis not more than three times a year. Reason, I have come to understand myself so well that I can sense a crisis coming days before it occurs. Once I sense it, I start admnistering the necessary medications to either hold it off or minimize the effect.
I once opened a thread "Factors that trigger of Sickle Cell Crisis". Yes, stress is one of the factors that trigger of crisis. Others are, dehyderation, Malaria attack, infection (maybe from open wound) food poisening etc.
On the second bolded, I attended a boarding school and I will tell you that I made so much effort not to allow anyone see my Doctors Report. Why? I never want to be shielded. Infact in my JSS 1, only about 2 or 3 people suspected I had health problems. I joined my mates in doing manual labour like cutting the grass, carrying buckets of gravel to the building site, fetching water etc. Flogging? I recieved enough of that while in the secondary school.
Yeah, Warriors may have health challenges but we also want to be treated like the rest of the human race. If you go through my threads, you will see that I have done some 'bad boys' things that you will never associate with a Warrior. But with the benefit of hindsight, it was just the Grace of God that I am still alive.

Good heavens Abali sad sad

I've just finished reading all five pages of your thread on common misconceptions people have others with Sickle Cell and all I can say is that it's been an enlightening piece. I've learnt so much from it and I think articles / posts like these will go a long way to educating and creating even more awareness of this issue.

If there's any one thing I've learnt from it, is to empathise and not sympathise. It's hard for us on the outside you know and I think most of us do it with nothing more than well intentions. It is well and I pray the lord continues to give you all strength and courage to fight the good fight.

Now I really, really, have to ask this: how do you contend with heart break resulting from girls initally promising to go all the way with you, but then develop cold feet because they feel it's something they can't handle? I'm referring to girls with AA genotype.

I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm hoping you will.
Re: . by Abali1(m): 10:23pm On Dec 27, 2013

Now I really, really, have to ask this: how do you contend with heart break resulting from girls initally promising to go all the way with you, but then develop cold feet because they feel it's something they can't handle? I'm referring to girls with AA genotype.

I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm hoping you will.

@ The bolded, with me there is no holds bar. I will do my best to answer any question(s) if it has to do with Sickle Cell.
To your question; I learnt a very long time ago that I need a healthy dose of confidence in being able to relate with my peers, albeit having to cope with sickle cell.
I thank God for my very first girlfriend. This babe got height, shape and she is beautiful. Guys in UNILAG were always asking her what she is doing with "this boy"; and guys in turn were asking me how I got such a hot babe. Though we couldn't marry because of TRIBE (mum was adamant), my confidence level just stayed high after that.
AA girls (IGBOs) who rejected me because of genotype actually caused some damages to my Self Confidence, but when I remember other conquests and my first girl.......My self confidence always build up.
At the moment I have an Ex who knows everything about me calling day and night to come back....... but she has already made the mistake of fluttering. Also, my current girl knows everything about my genotype and keep showing me love. She doesn't care about Genotype (maybe she is the one come 2014).
Aunty Efe,
As for those that walked away, their lost.
Re: . by EfemenaXY: 10:40pm On Dec 27, 2013
It's good to know that your confidence levels though, having taken a couple of knocks in the past, is on an upward path. Impressive and I hope others in similar situations will read this and take solace (if need be) and a leaf from your book.

Having said that, you did pique my interest when you mentioned tribe as a criteria for getting married. I don't know how to ask this without sounding coarse but I'll try my best...

Will you say, that in choosing a partner for life, you've had to compromise on your criteria / check list of what your intended wife should have or meet? I mean, apart from her needing to be an of AA genotype, would you say you've had to forgo other aspects which normally, you wouldn't have if you weren't a Warrior?

Again, apologies if you feel I'm crossing borders here but there is just so much I'd like to understand (psychological wise) about people who find themselves in similar situations. You know, I've got a girlfriend (the classmate I mentioned in my earlier example). She alive and well... a year older than me but not yet married. I've always wondered but would never have dreamed of asking her these same questions I'm asking you, simply because I never, ever, want her to feel I'm rubbing it in. You know, as per my already being married with teenage kids of my own...

But you're the most open person / warrior I've come across so I'm hoping you'll indulge me and not take offence at my inquisitiveness...
Re: . by Nobody: 10:58pm On Dec 27, 2013
chiebube: I believe in faith. Why dont u ask God to change your genotype before u get married. Thats better for you. Dont allow ur kids to suffer for your 'faith'. That will be very painful you know. You will not be happy and fulfilled in marriage if you have to go through that. Marriage is NOT just 'I LOVE you'. What if you have kids with SS? That can drown your faith yo know. U may live like a defeated Xtian.

Just my thought. Please pardon me

Why do people keep talking about changing genotype undecided

Re: . by Nobody: 11:12pm On Dec 27, 2013
^^ I have no clue undecided *amunisheolorun
Re: . by Abali1(m): 11:41pm On Dec 27, 2013

Having said that, you did pique my interest when you mentioned tribe as a criteria for getting married. I don't know how to ask this without sounding coarse but I'll try my best...

Will you say, that in choosing a partner for life, you've had to compromise on your criteria / check list of what your intended wife should have or meet? I mean, apart from her needing to be an of AA genotype, would you say you've had to forgo other aspects which normally, you wouldn't have if you weren't a Warrior?

But you're the most open person / warrior I've come across so I'm hoping you'll indulge me and not take offence at my inquisitiveness...
Aunty Efe,
You are not crossing any boundaries. I believe someone out there will read and get enlightened.
My Answer:
I am a straight foward person and I some times speak the truth even when I am at disadvantage. So naturally I am drawn to people who are truthful. And I trust easily, but any crack I will never trust you again. So if I were an AA, I can't compromise on a Trustworthy Lady.
Thus AA or SS, my lady must be Trustworthy (even though of late, I have done certain things to make my girl distrust me).
I don't really care about Tribe, but then I couldn't marry my first love cos of so many obstacles. The main one being that I am an only son, and I can't bear getting married and my mum wouldn't witness it (she threatened that she will be absent on my wedding day if I go ahead and marry her).
So, AA or SS, I wouldn't marry a lady my mum resents because of her tribe.
I like my ladies:
Not too slim, not to fat.
Not too tall not too short
Front view moderate, back view moderate
Above all a presentable face to look at (cos its for a life time).
I am very picky, even though I am not too handsome. So whether I be AA or not, I will still not compromise on many things. I have got only one life to live, so I have decided to make the most of it.
Re: . by EfemenaXY: 12:16am On Dec 28, 2013
^^ Okay, I get those.

Thanks for your responses Abali - much appreciated smiley
Re: . by flyingdutchman(m): 3:31am On Dec 28, 2013
Please Op get in touch with me ASAP!!! I feel you. I have made an extensive research on the ISSUE. My information is free and should be spread around for everyone to see. There are three main methods of not having an SS child- (1) \when you are pregnant, there is a thing as PRENATAL GENOTYPE TEST-- It enables you to determine the genotype of the child you're carrying. ALTHOUGH, I DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO ABORTING IT, but its an option. (2) PGD -- IT INVOLVES USING USING YOUR HUSBAND'S SPERM CELLS AND YOUR EGGS TO FORM A SERIES OF EMBRYO, AND THE ONE WITH THE BEST PROGNOSIS IS IMPLANTED INTO YOU. IT WOULD ALSO NEED YOU TO RECEIVE AN INJECTION WHICH WOULD MAKE YOU PRODUCE SEVERAL EGGS AT ONCE. I HAVE THE CONTACT OF SOME SPECIALISTS AT BOTH GREECE AND INDIA. ABEG, ABEG, ABEG, ON MY HONOUR, I'LL GIVE HEM TO YOU IF YOU DESIRE, BUT NOT ON THIS THREAD, SO IT IS NOT ABUSED- U KNOW HOW WE ARE AT TIMES.

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