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Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Tinubu’s Records Trumps His Detractors, Sunday Dare Responds To Shaka Momodu’s A / Tinubu's Record Trumps His Detractors (unabridged Version) / Tinubu's Records Trumps His Detractors (the Unabridged Version) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by strangest(m): 7:37pm On Jul 05, 2014
How much are they paying all these writers? Na wa oo..

1 Like

Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by ilogbe(m): 7:37pm On Jul 05, 2014
The proponents of the fallacious news
about the person of Asiwaju are
people who have no background
worthy of emulation, neither are they
worth our time and energy. However
it is an incontrovertible fact that their
is an unimaginable degree of poverty
in the land, therefore they employ the
services of hungry journalists and
writers/columnist to smear the image
of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. But
as God will have it, his profile keeps
rising in and out of the political
sphere. If not for the fact that we
know they could never attain the
height Asiwaju has attained, we
would have asked them to come show
their political prowess. Even in their
immediate nuclear family, they can
hold sway. Asiwaju of the black race! You have
the people's mandate and may you
reign for as long as the good lord
continue to favor you. Ase


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Caseless: 7:38pm On Jul 05, 2014

Amen grin
hw ur side?
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Howmanage: 7:38pm On Jul 05, 2014
ola_pluto: Suddenly after Ekiti elections, PDP claiming to be saints and trying to demonise Tinubu. Some even dare to question Tinubu's performance as a governor in Lagos, saying he didnt do anything.
If you know Oshodi in 1998, and Oshodi in 2003, then you will never talk trash of Tinubu. I wont even go into the years of witheld allocations, yet he ran the state. These days, we have states governed by PDP with monthly allocations pumped in regularly, yet they struggle to pay workers salaries.
Tinubu sure has his flaws, but I am yet to see a PDP governor (present or ex) who has performed up to Tinubu's level....and the ability to choose a better successor is the halmark of a great leader. If OBJ didnt make a mistake with Yaradua or GEJ, we wont be where we are now.
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by luvmijeje(f): 7:39pm On Jul 05, 2014
This beautiful write-up remind of one of the reasons I have high regar for BAT and generally the opposition party. We can all see how intelligence, class, poise and clarity of purpose was oozing out of that write-up. The ruling party should learn from this and they stop disgracing us with their thuggish attitude.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Howmanage: 7:41pm On Jul 05, 2014
extend the deepest sympathies to Momodu. The man’s soul
has vanished, yet he writes this shameless piece to announce
to the entire world that his soul has not died but that he
merely sold it.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by doja(m): 7:41pm On Jul 05, 2014
Tinubu. The reason PDP fools cant find sleep.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Nobody: 7:46pm On Jul 05, 2014
Interesting piece! God bless whoever writes this.
Asiwaju is a great man and will forever be, no amount of blasphemy from his adversary will bring him down!


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Lilswaghanxum(m): 7:50pm On Jul 05, 2014
What record is this man talking about? The record of being a serial pen thief or what?


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by PhockPhockMan: 7:51pm On Jul 05, 2014
caseless: What a gagarntuan piece from an intelectually rich nigerian!!
All these pdp-tilted journalists who are intelectually arid but take delight in hatchet job at the progressives are getting their share advalorem. The milieu of progressives is guaged with like minds who are equipped to raze down asinines like aribisala and momodu down in proportionality. These intemperate numskulls who are given token to write their crass piece about our progressive leader will be swept into the hypabyssal soon as our political orogenesis begins.
And as for their lobster-like e-worriors like phockphockman, sincere9igerian, and others...u've enjoyed our fluffy altruism for too long. Just be on the lookout for our invasion.
Well to the APC , the hub of mental magnitude and supracrustal consangnuity.
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla, we are used to the ranting of APC e-goats, so come on with what is left of you people after aerial bombardment from the "CLUELESS" President.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by PhockPhockMan: 8:04pm On Jul 05, 2014
Okiki_Oluwa: I think APC is still a little bit fair on Nigerians than PDP.
Just talking from what I saw in the South West.
Last Bullet
Tinubu has his flaws. But PDP & their hyenas are animalistic with their in human acts of mis-ruling Nigeria since 1999.
The Saintly APC has been ruling Lagos since 1999, yet it can not provide drinking water for the people.



Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Caseless: 8:05pm On Jul 05, 2014
PhockPhockMan: Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla, we are used to the ranting of APC e-goats, so come on with what is left of you people after aerial bombardment from the "CLUELESS" President.
cretinous imp!


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Orikinla(m): 8:05pm On Jul 05, 2014
All the PDP states and the oil producing states in particular are like banana republics when compared to Lagos state since 1999 to date.
Lagos was an eyesore before Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu became governor and transformed the state and with free education for all the children resident in the state regardless of the states of origin of their parents, including the children of those from PDP states who are breeding like dogs in Lagos, especially the Igbos who breed kids they cannot even feed and abandon their liabilities for the Lagos state government.

[size=18pt]No other state in Nigeria works like Lagos to create jobs for the millions of jobless youths from every state in Nigeria.
Lagos is building Eko Atlantic City, new rail transport system and two new seaports that will employ thousands of people. But which other PDP state is building such a new city, rail transport systems and seaport?
Why can't Cross River build New Calabar City and Akwa Ibom build New Ibom City (not a shopping and recreation center) that will create jobs for their youths who rush to Lagos for greener pastures.
Abia state is the worst and a shame to all the Igbos from the state.
The state is as ugly as the governor who is the most clueless governor in Nigeria.
I dread going to Aba, because it is the largest slum city in West Africa.[/size]
Lagos state is the burden bearer of the rest of Nigeria and instead of the Federal Government under the ruling PDP to be grateful to Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, they are jealous and ganging up to malign him and bring him down.
Are they holier than Asiwaju?
What have they done or achieved for their people?
Go to Bayelsa state where the current President of Nigeria once ruled as deputy governor and governor and ask him and his successors what they have done with the billions of dollars allocated to the state since 1999 to date.
As much as I have tried to encourage and challenge them by my criticisms to be more ambitious, they are still lagging behind and Yenagoa looks like Ajegunle in Lagos.
You can never find any place like Victoria Garden City in Lekki, Park View and Banana Island in Bayelsa.
They don't even have a domestic airport and no sea port.
Bayelsa cannot even boast of any road transport service like the BRT in Lagos that employs thousands of people and helps commuters to go to work and return without the nightmares commuters suffered before 1999.[/size]

All the present and past governors of PDP combined have not achieved what Asiwau Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his successors have achieved for Lagos since 1999 to date. And he has proved by his works and political wisdom that he can be a better President than any PDP President since 1999 to date.

Any critic attacking and insulting Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu should show facts or just SHUT UP!


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by PhockPhockMan: 8:13pm On Jul 05, 2014
caseless: I'm cretinous imp!
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Orikinla(m): 8:14pm On Jul 05, 2014
VINDICATED!!! History on Tinubu’s side


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by OkikiOluwa1(m): 8:16pm On Jul 05, 2014
PhockPhockMan: The Saintly APC has been ruling Lagos since 1999, yet it can not provide drinking water for the people.

If APC failed with only water.
PDP failed with everything.
The issue here is one party has ruled for 15 years with little development while another party ruled in a state for 3 years & did wonders. Take Osun State & Ogun State for example. See their development rate btw 2011 & now.
The records are there. Most PDP states governors v the highest corruption cases.
PDP should be ashamed that they v Alameisegha, Gbenga Daniel, James Ibori etc.
They recked their states.
I m not an APC devout!
But what's happening from GEJ downward is shocking!


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by Abuklaw(m): 8:20pm On Jul 05, 2014
Jaypee Anics: Aslong as I'm consigned...tinunbu is a stupid leader...he ddnt do anytin durin his tenure....fashola is evn beta dan him.....all he is afta is makn money...and doing busines....na him get LAGbus,TVC, tvc mini cable(jst lik go tv),oil company and so on....he wnt 4d senate, he won but he couldn't stay cus he has a bad record so he decided 2put his wife.....and worst of all he formed APC aka Amoured Personnal Carrier or Anti Progress Congress....d mst confused party in d history of 9ja....jst watch n see dey will hav a big problem in choosing won 2 represnt dem in 2015 presidntl election.....boko sponsors.....gerout.....
You've an articulate thought but your expression was bad. Chai
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by anonimi: 8:43pm On Jul 05, 2014
But as a man, his achievements are numerous and for all to see. When Tinubu became the governor of Lagos State, the state was internationally known as the dirtiest city in the world. Lagos has been improved, cleaned and made better. Take a drive round Lagos metropolis today and judge for yourself.

Do you have a governor for the metropolis or for a STATE
No wonder the Conmen in the Arewa People's Congress have been taking us for a ride PRETENDING to be progressives angry
How much of Lagos state has this Tinubu praise-singer driven around:

hensben: i want to ask a question; is it that pdp doesnt want an opposition? because acn merge with apc have really open the masses eyes to see what is really happening in nigeria since they become a formidable opposition. A democracy with no opposition is not a democracy, we need strong opposition party against pdp for we to put things in check. Please lets be civil instead of calling 'supporters of APC', 'cankerworms'. pdp as a party have failed us.

Do you think ACN/APC wants opposition in Lagos after ruling us for 15 years non-stop with 100% win of LGA elections even when the Thief'nubu tribunal said he lost in his polling boot to Obanikoro's son:

Tribunal Declares ACN Winner of Ikoyi/Obalende Election

From: http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/tribunal-declares-acn-winner-of-ikoyi-obalende-election/138087/

Or when they lost in Badagry LGA:


ACN is WORSE than PDP since they paint themselves as angels/progressives, which clearly they are NOT.
Simply a bunch of HYPOCRITES who can only continue fooling their MUMU followers sad


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by 79lauya: 8:44pm On Jul 05, 2014
Tinibu keep winning, haters keep losing


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by anonimi: 8:44pm On Jul 05, 2014
If APC failed with only water.
PDP failed with everything.
The issue here is one party has ruled for 15 years with little development while another party ruled in a state for 3 years & did wonders.

For how long has APC ruled Lagos state

- 15 years
- 3 years


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by anonimi: 8:45pm On Jul 05, 2014
79lauya: Tinibu keep winning, haters keep losing

Winning in

- Ondo
- Anambra
- Ekiti


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by hensben(m): 8:46pm On Jul 05, 2014

Do you have a governor for the metropolis or for a STATE
No wonder the Conmen in the Arewa People's Congress have been taking us for a ride PRETENDING to be progressives angry
How much of Lagos state has this Tinubu praise-singer driven around:

Do you think ACN/APC wants opposition in Lagos after ruling us for 15 years non-stop with 100% win of LGA elections even when the Thief'nubu tribunal said he lost in his polling boot to Obanikoro's son:

Or when they lost in Badagry LGA:


ACN is WORSE than PDP since they paint themselves as angels/progressives, which clearly they are NOT.
Simply a bunch of HYPOCRITES who can only continue fooling their MUMU followers sad
mr i am not praising acn/apc but i am telling you generally pdp have failed nigerians.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by musiwa92: 8:47pm On Jul 05, 2014
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by PhockPhockMan: 8:48pm On Jul 05, 2014
If APC failed with only water.
PDP failed with everything.
The issue here is one party has ruled for 15 years with little development while another party ruled in a state for 3 years & did wonders. Take Osun State & Ogun State for example. See their development rate btw 2011 & now.
The records are there. Most PDP states governors v the highest corruption cases.
PDP should be ashamed that they v Alameisegha, Gbenga Daniel, James Ibori etc.
They recked their states.
I m not an APC devout!
But what's happening from GEJ downward is shocking!
Why didn't you add Ekiti State as one of the states APC did wonders.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by gen2briz(m): 8:50pm On Jul 05, 2014
If APC failed with only water.
PDP failed with everything.
The issue here is one party has ruled for 15 years with little development while another party ruled in a state for 3 years & did wonders. Take Osun State & Ogun State for example. See their development rate btw 2011 & now.
The records are there. Most PDP states governors v the highest corruption cases.
PDP should be ashamed that they v Alameisegha, Gbenga Daniel, James Ibori etc.
They recked their states.
I m not an APC devout!
But what's happening from GEJ downward is shocking!

They'll never reason this way, na to dey shout gej to Jesus return .


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by OkikiOluwa1(m): 8:53pm On Jul 05, 2014

For how long has APC ruled Lagos state

- 15 years
- 3 years
Did I mention Lagos State?
I said APC's rule in Ogun & Osun between 2011 till now.
Last Bullet
And come to think of it, can you compare APC's rule in Lagos for 15 years to other PDP states?


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by OkikiOluwa1(m): 8:55pm On Jul 05, 2014

They'll never reason this way, na to dey shout gej to Jesus return .
They are glued to PDP's mis-rule.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by anonimi: 9:01pm On Jul 05, 2014
Orikinla: All the PDP states and the oil producing states in particular are like banana republics when compared to Lagos state since 1999 to date.
Lagos was an eyesore before Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu became governor and transformed the state and with free education for all the children resident in the state regardless of the states of origin of their parents, including the children of those from PDP states who are breeding like dogs in Lagos, especially the Igbos who breed kids they cannot even feed and abandon their liabilities for the Lagos state government.


All the present and past governors of PDP combined have not achieved what Asiwau Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his successors have achieved for Lagos since 1999 to date. And he has proved by his works and political wisdom that he can be a better President than any PDP President since 1999 to date.

Any critic attacking and insulting Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu should show facts or just SHUT UP!

What is it with APC supporters and the propensity to LIE as if they are breathing shocked
Let me share this with you in case you are unaware:

Soyinka commends Akpabio’s Educational Programmes

NOBEL Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, has commended Governor Godswill Akpabio for his efforts in human capacity development in Akwa Ibom State.

The erudite scholar, who was the Chairman of a discussion session at the second day of the just-ended South South Economic Summit in Asaba, specifically mentioned Akpabio’s target training of Akwa Ibom youths in specialized field of aviation.

He also identified the governor’s free education to all youths in the state, as another area where Akpabio had blazed the trail, pointing out that “such models must be developed by governments at all levels, in the country.”

The Governor had earlier told participants at the summit of his administration’s investments in free and compulsory education for all Nigerians resident in Akwa Ibom State from primary to senior secondary school, with an attendant revamping of education infrastructure .

Such a gesture, he said, was designed “to build the capacity of the youths to meet the manpower challenges of not only the emerging industrial economy of the state, but the highly competitive labour market in the country.”

Akpabio said his educational scheme was devoid of any hidden charges as his government was paying subventions to school heads in the state.”

This apart, he said, “we have made a law, the child rights law, that among other things prohibits children of school age from being detained at home during school hours.”

Similarly, he said, “my administration has sponsored several youths abroad for specialized training in aviation in view of the huge investments it has made in the aviation industry.”

From: http://www.nationaldailyng.com/nationwide/soyinka-commends-akpabios-educational-programmes

Meanwhile in Lagos, a SINator is giving scholarship to pupils to attend SUPPOSEDLY free schools:

Lawmaker’s scholarship lifts 75 pupils

The lawmaker representing Lagos East in the Senate, Gbenga Ashafa, has charged parents to support their children’s education to the tertiary level. Ashafa made the charge in Epe last weekend during the presentation of scholarships to 75 indigent pupils in Ikosi-Ejirin Local Council Development Area (LCDA).

The pupils, drawn from various public schools shocked shocked, were selected by the Gbenga Ashafa Educational Enhancement Programme.

Congratulating the beneficiaries, the lawmaker told the pupils to make judicious use of the grants.

He urged the parents to see education as a potent tool for development and always support their wards’ quest for it. He added that the programme is aimed and sustaining pupils’ interest in education.

He said: “Today’s occasion serves as a pilot project for the indigent students in public schools throughout the Lagos East senatorial district. Support for education has always been an integral part of our programmes.

“Under this scheme, a lot of success has been recorded. In the last three months, over 10,000 copies of writing materials, mathematical sets and rain coats were distributed throughout schools in my senatorial district. This is not to mention the different categories of scholarships and various financial assistances, all to keep the interest of our children in education.”

The chairman of the Gbenga Ashafa Educational Enhancement Programme in the local government, Oba Ganiu Aderibigbe, Alayandelu of Odo Ayandelu, thanked the lawmaker for the gesture.

“We thank our amiable Senator Ashafa for this initiative. Without this scholarship, the implication would have been to have these children out of schools without completing their studies shocked shocked, which has the potential to constitute nuisance in our community,” he said.

The beneficiaries, who were indigenes and non-indigenes of Lagos State, were selected across communities in the LCDA. One of them, Abraham Mercy, a Primary 5 pupil of Anglican Primary School, Ajebo, said she almost stopped schooling when her parents could not afford to pay. She appreciated the senator’s gesture, saying: “Thank you sir, Senator Ashafa, for this scholarship; I will go back to complete primary school.”

From: http://thenationonlineng.net/new/lawmakers-scholarship-lifts-75-pupils/

supporter of APC party of LIARS angry


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by PhockPhockMan: 9:12pm On Jul 05, 2014
Did I mention Lagos State?
I said APC's rule in Ogun & Osun between 2011 till now.
Last Bullet
And come to think of it, can you compare APC's rule in Lagos for 15 years to other PDP states?
PDP had been ruling Enugu, Akwa Ibom and cross rivers states since 1999, they've been doing better than Lagos.


Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by anonimi: 9:13pm On Jul 05, 2014
fijiano202: Wow,this a wonderful and well written article....as the writer aformentioned Only God is flawless,Tinubu is human with many flaws.i understand people accuse him of embezzlement without evidence but what they all fail to appreciate is how he turned Lagos state to a self-sustaining state. Americans call it an Independent State..

Has Lagos state STOPPED collecting in the almajiri begging bowl monthly in Abuja from the Niger Delta oil revenue to be your "Amercians call it independent state" shocked sad angry

Is this the low quality education that Fashola is dishing out in LASU despite hiking fees from 25k to 250k in a progreThief manner

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Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by sevendays2web: 9:16pm On Jul 05, 2014
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Please re-broadcast it..... more blessing and Good luck to u all...
Re: Tinubu’s Record Trumps His Detractors by OkikiOluwa1(m): 9:25pm On Jul 05, 2014
PhockPhockMan: Why didn't you add Ekiti State as one of the states APC did wonders.
Can you defime hypocrite?
Go & check Fayemi's record in Ekiti. Check his infrastructural developments.
His tenure is better than Fayose's 1st term & Segun Oni's tenure. Both were PDP prodigy.
It's a shame that most Nigerians only go with politicians that give them money & bags of rice but fail to develop their community. Every man must work for his money & not depend on crumbs from politicians.
What we need from politicians is good governance, infrastructural developments, strong rule of law.
I m not an APC member but I d rather support them than to support PDP that has failed us for 15 years.
I don't need to start mentioning caser. GEJ is a good example of mis-rule.


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