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Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Olutola88(m): 11:34am On Sep 05, 2014
First, I'll like to give honour to whom honour is due; I doff my hat to the Premier University of Ibadan. I'm doing this because no matter how successful Lionel Messi is, he will still salute Diego Maradona

I know it's normal for people to hate on you when you are a success but the hate non-unilorin students and non-unilorin graduates have for my dearest alma mater is alarming.

Instead of you people to think of how you'll advise your younger ones to dream of gaining admission into the best University in Nigeria, you are there hating for nothing.

Some of the critics say Unilorin rush their students and that they don't use more than two months to complete a semester. This statement infuriates me so much but I try to laugh each time I hear such. For your information, the problem you people are having is that, the Nigerian factor makes you people see what is “right” as “wrong” and what is “wrong” as right. University of Ilorin operates the ideal, standard and logical academic calendar; they resume a new session in September/October and close June/July. Each semester, they have 15weeks of Lectures and 4 weeks is always dedicated for exams. You people feel it is wrong because you are used to using 18months for one session. It's not your fault, it's normal for pauper to accuse the rich of profligacy for washing his hands with Eva water.

Some uninformed ones amongst you say Unilorin students are not sound. That statement always pushes me to hit hammer on someone's head but I always remember the penalty for murder + my Alma mater taught me not to be violent. Whether you like it or not, an average Unilorin graduate is Smart. Regardless of the department they finished from, they never disappoint. I am a proud graduate of the better by far University. whenever I speak in a gathering of intellectuals, the first question they ask me is “What University did you finish from” and the second question is always; “did you finish with a first class” and I always respond with No, I finished with a 2.1.

I would avoid writing an epistle for the sake of lazy readers. Nevertheless I'll like you to tell me of that university that combines the good qualities of a public university with the desirable hallmarks of a private university. In genetics, it is called hybrid. Unilorin is a hybrid university.

What more do you want from a university if the university offers you sound Education, grooms you in character, allows you to plan you life accordingly, gives you access to quality Information & Communication Technology, provides an avenue for a work&study programme, makes available your certificate and Academic transcript a day after your graduation, makes sure you are @ the NYSC camp 4 months after your final papers etc

Even the private universities we have cannot meet that record of making available University Certificate and Academic Transcript 4 months after your final exams.

Why the hate? Why the subjective criticisms? Why not join the winning team? The yorubas will say: “Gba fun oga e ” which means accept that your master is your master. You people should be proud that An exceptional institution like the University of Ilorin is a Nigerian University.

On a final note, If you are not a student or Alumnus of the better by far university, the University of Ilorin, do yourself good by getting one as friend.

35 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 12:12pm On Sep 05, 2014


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by kolamark(m): 1:12pm On Sep 05, 2014
Better by far.........reping i.c.s department.......best in nigeria....Bleep smellos
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by adeabi: 1:29pm On Sep 05, 2014
On a final note, If you are not a student or Alumnus of the better by far university, the University of Ilorin, do yourself good by getting one as friend.

Your last statement makes people to hate you-pride(Not all of you sha) No other thing else.


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 2:05pm On Sep 05, 2014
adeabi: On a final note, If you are not a student or Alumnus of the better by far university, the University of Ilorin, do yourself good by getting one as friend.
Your last statement makes people to hate you-pride(Not all of you sha) No other thing else.
yeah,i agree.most uniilorin students are very annoying with their constant hyping of the school.they make it seem other universities are public schools when compared to them.yeah we all know you Guy's don't go on strikes,invent stuff.bla bla bla,but with the way you keep ranting and rising to a defensive stance anytime the name is mentioned. it's annoying.
plus the slogan "better by far"....it's just plain annoying when u see ppz ranting it up and down on educational threads,like they are paid to rep the school.pheew.used to be a fan of uniilorin and i still respect thembut later just got plain disgusted with their students "patriotism"


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by baruzeez(m): 2:41pm On Sep 05, 2014
Haters keep hating and unilorin keeps making marque achivement and improvement.
Repping ma alma mater since 1975

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Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Donfamous(m): 3:23pm On Sep 05, 2014
[b] my opinion.
1. Me no like them cos I don't think I can get what I want. (don't misquote me, I have a particular course, I want there, I can pass there post Utme and gain admission there, but they might possibly not give me my choiced course.
2. They are proud. Seriously when I say they are proud I mean it, always thinking they are the best. Mtchew.
3. They think they are the best uni cos of webometric issue. Lemme tell u its just based on the school website popularity.
4. They aren't fair in their dealings. After putme and checking ur scores u can't know what odas get in relation to urs therefore u are blinded and put in a state of illusion until admission list is out. So if u get 90 aggregate and u want medicine and they give u physiology, u can't protest becos u don't know what others get. So u gat to accept
4b. No stating of cutoff mark for each course. Have a friend WU got 76 in putme and 237 in jamb. Opted for medicine but was given physiology. He was so sad. Y won't he wen he dint see the cut off mark, and y can't d whole result be pasted so that ppl will know where they stand in relation to others.
5. Heard a rumor that they select students due to religious beliefs not sure though.
6. If u no get leg ogbeni u go Tay for house tire. U go just see say jamb no jam u, but na unilorin dey jam u.
7.they still av a long way to go when they wan compete with there olori. (oau) they think with fast syllabus and non assu initiatives they've arrived. Dem mumu.

Moral of ma story: if this ppl (unilorin) is claiming best in naija. Den we are finished. Ppl selling fake tabs for their students. ( dem think they've arrived becos of tab. Iro o)
Moral 2: we have no uni in naija all we have is some well structured beans. Until we realise and start work to av a world class uni. Den we can compete. All unis in naija have little or no difference. I rest ma case.[/b]


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by viccipedia: 3:28pm On Sep 05, 2014
LOL Just passing...........@op get a better topic. I'm not sure u can take anybody up on this. The tribalism in that school is shocked I'd rather not say.
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Spotless180(m): 3:44pm On Sep 05, 2014
unilorin is nt a school. tribalism reigns there and they are too full of themselves. it is not a school worth going. nonsense.


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by viccipedia: 3:49pm On Sep 05, 2014
Spotless180: unilorin is nt a school. tribalism reigns there and they are too full of themselves. it is not a school worth going. nonsense.
Most people that will support the op will be wink u know what i mean
Signed and sealed

Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Ninilowo(m): 4:02pm On Sep 05, 2014
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by viccipedia: 4:04pm On Sep 05, 2014
Ninilowo: www.wetinconcernme.com
hahaha u no try at all
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 4:08pm On Sep 05, 2014
Oh my God!!! What is this ranting all about? Is like i'm gonna block my ears......wtf? Uniilorin my ass!!!
No matter the weather no university in Nigeria can ever ever surpass the UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA,NSUKKA-The first indigenous university also doubles as only the 'university of nigeria'.
Hey, let me warn you guys this is the last time i will see any 'uniilorin' bullshit on nl!!!

1 Like

Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Claroo(m): 4:12pm On Sep 05, 2014
This Hype is too much jawe.
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by dotexxxy(m): 5:07pm On Sep 05, 2014
Kasynpaulsyn1997: Oh my God!!! What is this ranting all about? Is like i'm gonna block my ears......wtf? Uniilorin my ass!!!
No matter the weather no university in Nigeria can ever ever surpass the UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA,NSUKKA-The first indigenous university also doubles as only the 'university of nigeria'.
Hey, let me warn you guys this is the last time i will see any 'uniilorin' bullshit on nl!!!
y? r u turnin blind?
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 5:15pm On Sep 05, 2014
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 6:21pm On Sep 05, 2014
chizzy94: Space booked.
If this story makes frontpage, I'll give my take on this terrible school!
lol, what of if it Makes a backpage
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by viccipedia: 6:32pm On Sep 05, 2014
chizzy94: Space booked.
If this story makes frontpage, I'll give my take on this terrible school!
trust me, this guy will be talking from experience.

1 Like

Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by NeuroBoss(m): 6:52pm On Sep 05, 2014
I'm a 2011 graduate of the Better by Far university. The vexation of the Unilorin haters is understandable. I used to hate Lionel Messi when C. Ronaldo was in Man Utd just because the former plays for a rival team when it is all glaring Messi is the naturally most gifted.
Without mincing facts, since 2002, Unilorin held the ace of leadership in Nigerian universities due to the firm legacies and structures of its last two Vice-chancellors.

That Unilorin has been in operation 24-7-365 is a banal truth.
That Unilorin is the only Nigerian university where students don't get harrassed by lecturers is also known
That Unilorin pioneered the CBT system of examination and a model to others in ICT is also incontestable. This was done initially to curtail incidences of missing results which is inevitable where more than 500 students offer a course before other things were factored in.
Unilorin has the best e-registration platform.
That Unilorin students don't do Aluta so are presumed subjugated. Pray, where do sane people raise placards against a progressive, student-friendly yet assertive leadership.
That Unilorin happens to be in a Muslim enclave? Hell, I'm a Christian and Ilorin is not Pakistan. Nigerians of every tribe, creed and religion are in the school as students and staff to show its federal structure.

These people are in different categories. The first in these categories and infact the most bitter are the unfortunate former students who got expelled due to misconducts (yes, unilorin takes no shit), withdrawn due to overly low academic performance. We call them "Face Tanke".
People in the second categories were unsuccessful jambites and remedial students who tried many times to be initiated into "Better by Far" but were not that lucky and have since allowed bitterness to turn to perennial hatred and jealousy concocting various lies such as tribalism, religion and state of origin as reasons for their woes.
The third are just the pathetic students and graduates of other schools who can't just stand us reel out the uniqueness of our Alma mater in glowing terms. They say, "we too dey make mouth". Why we no go make mouth?
When we start something, they copy it.
In 2008, unilorin started a well-ordered student ID programme that made us to wear our ID cards like co-operate people do. The IDs were so structured that from the colour of the rope, you easily tell which faculty a particular student belongs to. And within a faculty, you can tell which department another is with the colour of the plastic casing. What did the copy-cats see this for? They went agog with starting theirs which is yet still not as sleek as Unilorin's.
As part of our convocation package, the school gives us a beautiful T-shirts with all the names of the graduands on it. Every unilorin graduate wear it on camp as if on cue thereby fostering our bonds, organisation and friendship in camp to their chagrin. Now, they have copied it.
I can go on and on but time and space will fail me.
If you have not had the Unilorin experience, your hate is understandable.
Unilorin is being run as Nigeria ideally is suppossed to be ran- innovative leadership, corrupt-free and a long term development plan.
My SUG presido in 2007 taught us a song which seems to spite the hatred.
It goes thus:
"Lèyin Ilórin kòsí varsity o
alágídí l'omo O.A.U,
lèyin kòsí varsity o,
area boys l'omo Unilag"

The haters have since multiplied from all the regions of the country.

26 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 6:59pm On Sep 05, 2014
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by naturally: 7:09pm On Sep 05, 2014
y? r u turnin blind?
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Dygeasy(m): 7:09pm On Sep 05, 2014
Spotless180: unilorin is nt a school. tribalism reigns there and they are too full of themselves. it is not a school worth going. nonsense.
Define Tribalism
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by naturally: 7:12pm On Sep 05, 2014
Unilorin ko undecided
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Yeesh(f): 7:23pm On Sep 05, 2014
Anyways, as long as I can conviniently pay my school fees ,coupled wit other registrations ryt there in my room(online things) n den my 4yrs academic prog isn't uneccessarily prolonged,I will always be proud to be a unilorite


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Kunzu(m): 7:35pm On Sep 05, 2014
Truth is bitter
rep Better by Far
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by adeabi: 7:41pm On Sep 05, 2014
It goes thus: "Lèyin Ilórin kòsí varsity o alágídí l'omo O.A.U, lèyin kòsí varsity o, area boys l'omo Unilag"

chai, the spirits of pride are in their 'bloodies'.'(but not all of them o).

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Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by christejames(m): 7:44pm On Sep 05, 2014
@OP, why all these boasting? ...its seems someone pricked you very hard. #repingUNN,the true citadel of learning.
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by christejames(m): 7:44pm On Sep 05, 2014
@OP, why all these boasting? ...it seems someone pricked you very hard. #repingUNN,the true citadel of learning.
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Nobody: 7:48pm On Sep 05, 2014
Yeesh: Anyways, as long as I can conviniently pay my school fees ,coupled wit other registrations ryt there in my room(online things) n den my 4yrs academic prog isn't uneccessarily prolonged,I will always be proud to be a unilorite
....My dear, I cant remember the last time we made a queue for anything in school...
..since we can access everything via internet....
...Unilorin, my alma mater.....Better by far....

Onething i ll miss about school...God!!..that WIFI....


Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by Jarchi(m): 8:03pm On Sep 05, 2014
Why not make history b4 boasting of your alma mata,itz like telling me u have a bought a fone when it was your friend who made it and sold it to you. be an hero and dat would boast the ego our your skul,I don't do shit like dis
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by dollyptosh(m): 8:10pm On Sep 05, 2014
Claroo: This Hype is too much jawe.
abi oooo, all these naija schools are all the same. Any small thing, you see 'better by far'
Re: Why The Hate On University Of Ilorin? by dollyptosh(m): 8:17pm On Sep 05, 2014
Go to SLT on a monday morning and see for yourself the inconvenience the freshers face( fac of science) when receiving lectures. Naso so mouth


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