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Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 9:34am On Oct 16, 2014
When a married woman isn't good sexually in bed,its very easy for her husband to satisfy himself outside his matrimony, with the excuse" my wife isn't performing"but please nairalanders what happens when the reverse is the case?am saying even the pre-intimacy is nothing to write home about.and the sex lasts 5mins at most.ur opinions are needed
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by vizkiz: 9:37am On Oct 16, 2014
My opinion is "always get furcked by your partner before getting married" if that had happened this tread wouldn't be needful undecided


Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Rexnegro(m): 9:41am On Oct 16, 2014
@op change him for a better longlasting fuckingg hubby if that's wat u only want in the union.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Nobody: 9:56am On Oct 16, 2014
Learn how to Bleep more and he'll stay
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Nobody: 10:21am On Oct 16, 2014
When a married woman isn't good sexually in bed,its very easy for her husband to satisfy himself outside his matrimony, with the excuse" my wife isn't performing"but please nairalanders what happens when the reverse is the case?am saying even the pre-intimacy is nothing to write home about.and the sex lasts 5mins at most.ur opinions are needed

Why e nur go happen when una go dey say "no sex until marriage" na the result be this.

my shinfu in shaolin temple once said, "a key that can open many doors is a master key, but a door that can be opened by many keys is useless" get a vibratòr or teach him ur soft spots to make the "pre-intimacy" better. Viagra is always an option. smiley


Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 10:24am On Oct 16, 2014
@rexnegro,I had expected some funny response for nairalanders!am not surprised u spoke like that,if sex isn't the only thing she wants in the union does that mean is shldnt be enjoyed?
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 10:27am On Oct 16, 2014
The guy in question never really wanted sex before marriage too,they both agreed not to involve in "sex before marriage"
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 10:43am On Oct 16, 2014
@samflexxy,who shld learn how to bleep more?I advice u read the post well,that's exactly what trying to say,I dey talk abt man wey no dey satisfy him woman,samflexzy is saying something else.guys are quickly ready to blame women.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Nobody: 10:45am On Oct 16, 2014
@samflexxy,who shld learn how to bleep more?I advice u read the post well,that's exactly what trying to say,I dey talk abt man wey no dey satisfy him woman,samflexzy is saying something else.guys are quickly ready to blame women.
lols am sorry if you find my post offensive
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by tosyne2much(m): 10:56am On Oct 16, 2014
Ladies love a man who would bleep her as if he's pounding yam.. You bleep them like a chicken dem go complain, you bleep them like a donkey dem go complain... I doubt if God Himself understand ladies
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ERCROSS(m): 10:58am On Oct 16, 2014
Drug him with excess viagra...
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 11:03am On Oct 16, 2014
Guys are usually not truthful to themselves,I wonder if they can be truthful to God.u don't need to bleep like an animal,all u need to is make ur woman reach climax.is that too much for a woman to ask from her husband.na wa for 9ja men!men of this part of the world are selfish, if its the other way round u all will be quick to advice that he seeks solution outside.smh

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Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 11:08am On Oct 16, 2014
@ERCROSS she doesn't need to drug him,he shld be able to drug himself by himself afteral he knows he doesn't satisfy her sexually,so don't u think he shld find solution by himself for himself?afteral he says after each sex"I know u didn't cum oo"as a matter of fact,she's not asking for two rounds of sex,she only wants ONE good round.so she can cum!and enjoy sex,anyway my advice for her still remains the best, I taught bringing the issue here will help,but just has self centered has 9ja guys are.no reasonable advice. I told her to just allow the sperm go in to do the job of procreation.

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Re: Whats The Solution To This? by justineu(m): 11:20am On Oct 16, 2014
@ERCROSS she doesn't need to drug him,he shld be able to drug himself by himself afteral he knows he doesn't satisfy her sexually,so don't u think he shld find solution by himself for himself?afteral he says after each sex"I know u didn't cum oo"
they should practice real pre intimacy b4 any action start..sum women do reach their climax b4 the main action start, so he shuld be advice to do thorough pre-intimacy b4 d deed..
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ednut1(m): 11:23am On Oct 16, 2014
before u marry u no see the signs its for beta for worse tongue
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by kay29000(m): 11:28am On Oct 16, 2014
My opinion is "always get furcked by your partner before getting married" if that had happened this tread wouldn't be needful undecided

Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 11:44am On Oct 16, 2014
Shes not on nairaland,sorry I won't even give her ur number.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 11:56am On Oct 16, 2014
@ednut its like u cldnt read abi?u didn't see where I wrote that they abstained from sex before marriage.is ur moniker ednut or headnut?
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Ucheosefoh(m): 8:22pm On Oct 16, 2014
@ednut its like u cldnt read abi?u didn't see where I wrote that they abstained from sex before marriage.is ur moniker ednut or headnut?
The man knew he has a problem that is why he agreed on that. How is the communication between them? Is the man ready to learn or seek for solution for his quick ejaculation problem. Your answer will determine my type of advice
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by mecussey(m): 9:23pm On Oct 16, 2014
When a married woman isn't good sexually in bed,its very easy for her husband to satisfy himself outside his matrimony, with the excuse" my wife isn't performing"but please nairalanders what happens when the reverse is the case?am saying even the pre-intimacy is nothing to write home about.and the sex lasts 5mins at most.ur opinions are needed

Sorry about that my dear...the need for test before marriage. In this case, I think there is still a solution...those enhancing drugs.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by WIZGUY69(m): 12:01am On Oct 17, 2014
cry [size=48]op. I don't get you at all.[/size]
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Exjoker(m): 12:17am On Oct 17, 2014
When a married woman isn't good sexually in bed,its very easy for her husband to satisfy himself outside his matrimony, with the excuse" my wife isn't performing"but please nairalanders what happens when the reverse is the case?am saying even the pre-intimacy is nothing to write home about.and the sex lasts 5mins at most.ur opinions are needed
Hey according to a research men are not meant to last longer than 5mins naturally on bed. It will only take some therapys any takin drugs for a man to beat that given time

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Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Rexnegro(m): 2:03am On Oct 17, 2014
@rexnegro,I had expected some funny response for nairalanders!am not surprised u spoke like that,if sex isn't the only thing she wants in the union does that mean is shldnt be enjoyed?
Dear don't mind me, was joking. Y on earth wud I say such. Sex isn't gud enuf for separation na. No vex dear d tin is she shld try to improve on sexuall aspect . Eg talk to a friend dat u no or tink she's da bomb in such mata, then watch adult clips. I do believe wat u see in dos videos u can perform them with ur hubby except for the extreme actions since u re not a pornnstar...so my dear I believe u can Bleep if u believe u can.... Practice how to ride on a pillow , do it often den wen u take ur hubby do it by den u wud ve improve....am sori for my first comment was on transit that was why
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by agrovick(m): 7:04am On Oct 17, 2014
This situation seems strange to me considering I can spend eternity on just fore.play
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Youngpo413: 7:21am On Dec 15, 2015
@rexnegro,I had expected some funny response for nairalanders!am not surprised u spoke like that,if sex isn't the only thing she wants in the union does that mean is shldnt be enjoyed?
then enjoy other thing and leave sex,the last time I checked,sex is not important.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Youngpo413: 7:23am On Dec 15, 2015
@rexnegro,I had expected some funny response for nairalanders!am not surprised u spoke like that,if sex isn't the only thing she wants in the union does that mean is shldnt be enjoyed?
then enjoy other things and leave sex,the last time I checked,sex is not that important.
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by cruzita(f): 7:45am On Dec 15, 2015
naija men wants to have it all not caring if the wife is satisfied or not which makes dem fall below the whites who can go extra miles to satisfy dia woman.instead dey choose to go out and catch fun PERVERTS


Re: Whats The Solution To This? by naijalodge(m): 8:17am On Dec 15, 2015
Hey according to a research men are not meant to last longer than 5mins naturally on bed. It will only take some therapys any takin drugs for a man to beat that given time
u lie,I've had sex for 2hrs 30m b4
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by Pamelayoung: 1:35pm On Apr 07, 2016

Why e nur go happen when una go dey say "no sex until marriage" na the result be this.

my shinfu in shaolin temple once said, "a key that can open many doors is a master key, but a door that can be opened by many keys is useless" get a vibratòr or teach him ur soft spots to make the "pre-intimacy" better. Viagra is always an option. smiley

This saying is deep
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by EternalTruth: 12:15pm On Jan 01, 2017
When a married woman isn't good sexually in bed,its very easy for her husband to satisfy himself outside his matrimony, with the excuse" my wife isn't performing"but please nairalanders what happens when the reverse is the case?am saying even the pre-intimacy is nothing to write home about.and the sex lasts 5mins at most.ur opinions are needed
try me
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by ajuwarhodes(f): 10:41pm On Feb 14, 2017
try me

Foolish fool...that what u are!
Re: Whats The Solution To This? by EternalTruth: 10:34pm On May 10, 2017

Foolish fool...that what u are!
idiotic promiscuous moronic adulterous prostitute. Yeah that's what you are

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