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Babalawo Raises Man From The Dead In Ibadan #fake9ja_news - Jokes Etc - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Jokes Etc / Babalawo Raises Man From The Dead In Ibadan #fake9ja_news (929 Views)

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Babalawo Raises Man From The Dead In Ibadan #fake9ja_news by Dopeyomi(m): 4:15pm On Nov 04, 2014
Fake Naija News have come across a story which is
sweeping round Ibadan like wild fire about a native
doctor who has such legendary healing prowess in
his mouth that just the odour of his mouth was
capable of bringing a dead man back to life.
According to the stories making the round, Baba
Kasumu who is a 7o year old herbalist operates in
Ibadan where he has a shrine. He administers
native medication on sick patients with the aid of
the deities.
A certain sick man was brought to his shrine for
healings, but the man died just as soon as he was
carried into the shrine. He seemed to be suffering
from chronic lung cancer. Baba Kasumu was
however not ready to deal with the issue of a dead
body on his hands, hence he orderred the dead
man to be brought to him.
Baba Kasumu then proceeded to administer
spiritual mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to the dead
man. He did this for about a minute when the dead
man miraculously jumped up from d mouth and
ran outside to vomit excreta.
When he was held by his friends who brought him
in and asked to narrate his story, he revealed that
he was flying among the stars when he suddenly
started smelling something horrible like a mixture
of garlic and sour beans which was drawing him
back to the earth.
Baba Kasumu then confirmed this when he
revealed to his stupefied clients that he had not
brushed his teeth in about 2 months. According to
him, mouth odour is one of the most potent natural
medicine which can be used to cure several
ailments, including death.
Fake Naija News was able to confirm all these facts
via phone call to the man who was raised from
death and Baba Kasumu himself. Our
correspondent was able to broker a meeting
between himself and Baba Kasumu. But his
insurance company expressly prohibited him from
making the journey, claiming that they will not
insure him in case of any liability which might arise.

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