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Root Your Stubborn Infinix Zero 16gb&2gb With This New Method - Phones - Nairaland

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Root Your Stubborn Infinix Zero 16gb&2gb With This New Method by Fashrobbin(m): 4:59pm On Nov 24, 2014
I dont know if you are a victim of this stubborn
infinix zero which refuses to Root.If you are
current in this present Era of Glo bis on andriod
device you should know the importance of
rooting your andriod devices.
Virtually all simple methods used to root older
devices refuses to work with the infinix zero i
even tried The new method used to root andriod
kitkat but all failed.
But this evening i will sharing you a new method
that works perfectly just follows the procedures
==>A pc needed better still if you have a
computer its ok just make sure it is running on
at least window XP
==>Download pda.net from HERE
==>Download Update super Su HERE
==>SP Flash Tools V5 download HERE
Firstly,Run Pda.net as
administrator then connect your
infinix to the pc it will prompt
you to install drivers and a list
of devices will be shown.If you
didnt find infinix there,tick
others then wait till the drivers
are fully installed.
Then copy the zip file (update
super su) to the root of your
memory card
The Sp recovery flash infinix
16+2 file consists of the scatter
files and the recovery.Create a
new folder on your desktop for
easy location of the files.
Extract SP flash tools and run as
administrator.Then you should
receive a popup notification "no
scatter file selected" just browse
through the older folder you
saved the scatter files then
select it.
Unplug, Turn Off your phone and
wait for 30 seconds then Hit
Download and plug back your
Infinix to PC.
You should see a red link appear.
But if you don't, it means your
divers wasn't installed properly
try checking it. Wait until you
see okay then unplug your device.
Now Boot To recovery mode
power+vol down then move to
install zip from sdcard.Choose
the update super su you
downloaded eariler and wait till
the installation process finishes
After successful
installation,reboot your phone
then go to playstore and update
your supersu.
Your infinix zero is fully rooted download rot
checker from playstore to check.
If you have problems with this,just hesitate to
drop your comments.
download files http://www.techfashy.com/2014/11/root-your-stubborn-infinix-zero-16gb.html?m=1
Re: Root Your Stubborn Infinix Zero 16gb&2gb With This New Method by hariorh: 9:20am On Nov 26, 2014
Nice job.

Everything was easily understood till u got here:

Then copy the zip file (update
super su) to the root of your
memory card

The Sp recovery flash infinix
16+2 file consists of the scatter
files and the recovery.Create a
new folder on your desktop for
easy location of the files.
Extract SP flash tools and run as
administrator. (Are we running it from the phone memory card root folder or from the pc desktop where we copied the files to? how do we run as administrator? its in apk format)

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