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Interview With A Nigerian Police Officer Who Is A Successful Internet Marketer. by ediko5(m): 10:28pm On Feb 24, 2015
Exclusive Interview With Okon George, A Nigerian Police Officer Who Is A Successful Internet Marketer And A Motivational Writer With Brain News NG

Brain News NG: Officer, can you tell me a little profile about yourself and background?

Okon George: Thank you so much for this wonderful privilege given to me by Brainnewsng.com.
My name is Okon George; I am from Oron in Akwa ibom state of Nigeria. I grew up in a poor environment based on my low family background, but my positivity always led me through that one day, I’ll actually scale through to meet my financial freedom. After my secondary education in 2001, I was advised to join the Nigerian police force, because there was no money for me to further my education.

I embraced the idea and had to joined the police force in November 2002, and I successfully passed out of training in June 2003 and i was posted to Ebonyi State, which I started my job as a a Police Constable.

Along the line, I took hold of the financial opportunity to enroll myself into Ebonyi State University under work and study program, and after 5 years, I was successfully awarded with a Bsc in Economic in 2010, which was the same year I was promoted to a Corporal. In 2011, I was mobilized into Police Mobile Force (MPF). I got wedded to my lovely wife in 2012 and we are blessed with wonderful kids.

In my quest for financial freedom & breakthrough, I came across some books by authors like Roberts kiyosaki, the rich dad poor dad, rich dad guide to financial investing and also attended numerous motivational seminars. I discovered that there’s a great wealth on the internet and hence I went into research on how to make money using the power of the internet.

When I read about The Cash Flow Quadrant, I understood the different kind of business system and the different kind of people we have in the society like those in E-quadrant, being the employee like me now, the savers-quadrant, the investors-quadrant and the business owners quadrant which makes up the four quadrant.

I realized that the four quadrants was the best quadrants, whereby, you own a business system for yourself and even pay people to work your in your system. I choose to use the power of internet to build a business system for myself and have my extra source of income without relying on my paid government job.

I came across a website called pluginprofitsite hosted by Stone Evans. In his guided work of dotcomology, he talked about multiple stream of income where he analyzed that ''your job is not enough, one investment is not enough, and one business is not enough. If you are only relying on one stream of income, you are setting yourself up to be broke one day and the fact is that 85% of the world’s population grows old and dies financially broke. That’s because most people do not have multiple streams of income. I got motivated to create my own website to start growing second income, and I created my first mobile website gokon7.wapka.mobi with my phone to promote some merchant products as an affiliate.

Brain News NG: What business are you currently into?

Okon George: As I learned from my mentor “Robert Kiyosaki,” your job is your job and your business is your business. Inspite of your job, you need your own business. This cleaved me to the idea of owning my business. When I had my first site, I wasn’t able to add more functionalities to the site since it was a free domain, and hence, the reason why I built my custom website www.geokonnet.com (An acronym of George Okon Network) since it is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business, I had to hired a developer to build the website according to my need. I launched geokonnet.com on 7th January 2013.

The title of the website is Wealth Formular Concept, a platform for creating, marketing and selling information products in e-Format for instance, how to lose weight, how to start your personal business, how to make money using the internet etc. We have about 300 registered members at the moment and large numbers of followers on the social media.

Other than geokonnet, I'm into information marketing, a young and savvy importer, a motivational speaker, and an online business consultant.

Brain News NG: Looking at your website popularity, it ranks high in alexa, how did you build your traffic?

Okon George:
“Traffic” which involves getting people to visit your website is a very vital area in the internet marketing business. Getting traffic to your website is the same as popularizing your offline business. Without people getting to know that your business exist, you won’t be patronized; neither would you make any sells.

I used a free traffic secret with my on-biz-know-how, to generate huge lesser targeted traffics to my website and also get rank about average. I got to understand that there are two options to getting traffic to a website;
The Free and Paid Traffic

One of the free methods of getting traffic to a website is through Search Engine Optimization SEO, where you concentrate on keyword rich, title tags, headings tag, descriptions and meta tags, targeting visitors from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc and one of the top requirements is to have a unique contents on your blog to rank on top of organic search results.

Another free method to get traffic to a website is by means of links exchange, this involves in-bound links, out-bound links, back-links, anchor-links and banner exchange where you place your link on someone’s website and the person also places a link on his or her website. Also, you can post your website to places like OLX, Trade stable and other classified ads website. A very important free traffic source is by using social site like Facebook, Twiiter, Google+, Linkedin etc.

There are so many free traffics strategies to get listed in top search engines which may not have the time to explain them such as article directories, forum free traffics, web submissions, pingsite submissions etc
There’s also a paid traffic source and here, you reduce your stress of doing much work. Examples of paid traffic are PPC like Google Adwords, Addynamo, facebook paid advert etc.

Brain News NG:
How profitable is the internet marketing business in Nigeria Today?

Okon George: For now, I can score the profitability level of internet marketing business 70% still on a growing demand. If I should prophesy, I will say that internet marketing will be the world’s no.1 accepted means of trading. Presently, some offline jobs are now done online, and most people are making it into 7 figures; therefore, the opportunity of making money through internet marketing is inevitable.

And the one thing that is so special about the make money online opportunity is that ''you do the work once, and you're getting paid over and over again''.
I will advice people to venture into internet marketing and tap into the wealth of the computerize age.

Brain News NG: Due to the high rate of unemployment in our country, so many people want to make money online. Do you really make money online?

Okon George: Yes! I actually make money online through internet marketing. Presently, I can boldly say that I make more than $700 monthly from internet marketing. I make figures of income online and I'm aiming to earn even more. I make money selling information products through my geokonnet membership Site.

I make money as an importer, importing all kinds of stuffs from outside Nigeria and in turn sell them making huge and mega profits. I make money printing recharge cards and selling in bricks to others. I also make money organizing seminars and conducting consulting services.

Brain News NG: You have mentioned online businesses that you make money from. Let’s know more about the recharge card printing.

Okon George: There are two methods involved in recharge card printing business via;
The machine or POS (point of Sale) method and the PC or laptop method.

The POS method has already pin voucher in-built functionalities and it is easy to use. The POS recharge printing machine cost about 50-70 thousand Naira, which can also be use for paying NEPA bill, DSTV subscription etc.

The PC method requires desktop or laptop, a printer, recharge card printing software and continuous e-pin vouchers.
The software is difficult to get. I had difficulties getting the software when I started, but now I own the software.

The next requirement is the PIN (Personal Identification Number) voucher and also where to get the PIN (you can get both the PIN & software from me). I will advice people to embrace recharge card printing business because it’s a lucrative business you can do from the comfort of your room, and I don’t need to tell anyone to believe he or she would like to discover how to plant money tree on print.

The 3 kinds of people involved in this business are;

Dealership:[/b]This is a mega GSM recharge card dealers. They are the dealership or agency arrangement between the investors and the service providers. It is the most lucrative and rewarding but requires a large amount of capital outlay.

[b]Sub dealers:
This is the category I fall under, and it requires a bid huge amount of cash to start. But, with your PC and printer in place, I can help you start printing recharge cards with less than five thousand Naira (#5,000.00).

Small retailers: This is the one a beginner can start to rake in huge and mega profit. They're people who buys in bricks from the sub-dealers (agents) and sell them to the final consumers.

Brain News NG: The recharge card business has been known for some time now, some people sells eBooks which only gives directories to the merchant. How’s yours different from others?

Okon George: To stand out of the crowd, I have both the PIN voucher and software for printing recharge cards. I also have another method of printing the recharge card with POS (Point of Sale) machines with a links where you could get them very cheap.

I have been a victim of scam severally when I wanted to start the recharge card printing business. Most of the people who sells eBooks or even organize seminars about recharge card printing business will only give you the list of authorized dealers without providing you the PIN and the recharge card printing software. The software can be downloaded directly from my website, or you simple order for my complete ''GSM Recharge Card Printing Business.''

Brain News NG:
What can you tell the people who have not yet taken their business online?

Okon George: people who haven’t taken their business online comprises of two kinds; The offline brick and mortar business people, and those who don’t even have any business of their own, like the paid employees.

My advice to people who are yet to take their business online is that there are huge advantages why their business should have an online presence. Presently, there’s a massive shift from offline attention to online attention. There’s a perpetual increase of internet users, and we are already into the data driven economy.

By taking your business online, you have the opportunity to connect with new clients from different locations of the world, using top social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin etc to create awareness of your products to more people most matter to the success of your business. With the numbers of people on the internet, you could be relaxing in your bedroom and with some clicks of mouse or laptops keyboard, you're already passing your products massage around the world, earning thousands of dollars into your account, leading a team, or doing whatsoever you wouldn't have been able to do with an analogue age.

Brain News NG: In Nigeria, people have high negative impression about the Police, but you are an exemption and a good ambassador of the Police. How were you able to cope with your job to get to where you are in internet marketing?

Okon George: I embraced internet marketing in the year 2011 when I got my ogbenge Nokia E90 communicator that was actually able to let me surf the internet beyond limit. I was always searching online on how to make income from the internet without depending on my paid job that was not even enough to cater for all my financial needs.

Like I said earlier, I got a lot of motivations from my mentors like Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think Big and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill, Carson of Strong Future International, Stone Evans of Dotcomology and the rest of them. Sine I had a keen desire and a positive mindset about an online business, I was convinced that I will make it irrespective of the challenges I encountered along the way.

I also attended series of seminars and bought so many eBooks on how to make money online. I have once been scammed by a web designer whom I paid to build a website for me back then. I had gone through numerous trials and errors in my quest to make money online. Even when I was deployed by my employer to northeast fight Boko Haram in Maiduguri, I still made available little time to browse the internet and study the internet marketing business.

I am always browsing and am widely known for that within my PMF unit member. Even my unit commander and most of my other colleaques knows about that. I usually go to work with my laptop. I remember, I usually called ''yahoo yahoo'' by my unit members some people called my O/C browsing. However, I love my job and I don’t joke with it.

Brain News NG:
How can someone make money from Geokonnet.com

[b]Okon George:[/b]There are so many ways you can make money using geokonnet.com/. Before I elaborate them, I'll like to remind you that geokonnet.com is a membership site. We run free and paid membership; and all have their own advantages, and you can make money using both medium. We offers affiliate program where you can make 45% referrers commissions downward to 15% for a free members in 3 level generation, and 70% referrer’s commissions upward to 100% for paid or elite members, also in 3 level generations.

We offer our members a platform where they can list their products for sell to a large targeted numbers of audiences, using ECA. Partnering with our 'top notch income deals' is also a huge make money opportunity. Free eBook directory for viral marketing etc. Our compensation plans for free and elite members are well stated and cleared. Our products are also one in a million where you can use to fast track your internet marketing journey. However, geokonnet.com is undergoing a serious upgrade on more money making strategies will emerge. Thank you.

Visit: www.geokonnet.com

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Re: Interview With A Nigerian Police Officer Who Is A Successful Internet Marketer. by OkonGeorge(m): 7:04pm On Feb 25, 2015
A big thanks to brainnewsng for this awesome interview.
Re: Interview With A Nigerian Police Officer Who Is A Successful Internet Marketer. by BrainnewsNg(f): 11:52pm On Apr 25, 2015
A big thanks to brainnewsng for this awesome interview.

God bless you!

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