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Poll: True or False: A military coup will make Nigeria a better place to live

True: 29% (14 votes)
False: 70% (33 votes)
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Re: . by Nobody: 5:44am On Jan 13, 2009
After they killed all the generals? I doubt so. No one is worthy of doing it now cause they don't trust themselves anymore in the military. The president will be scared to represent Nigeria in an international meeting knowing that he will be overthrown before he gets back. Abeg no coup can happen again.
Re: . by niyooo(m): 7:51am On Jan 13, 2009
I cant believe anyone in his/her right senses will be asking for a coup in this age and time? You want a coup? How old are you and what do you know about coups and the trauma of not knowing what that gun totting military man will do to you under any pretext he likes just because you no longer have any right? Even in this Civilian dispensation, you are treated as second class citizens by the military personnel and you are now asking for military coup!!!! Please if you have nothing better to do with your time go and jump in the lagoon. Idiot like you asking for coup. Some people just make one wanna puke. Idiots.
Re: . by wunmilyn(f): 11:04am On Jan 13, 2009
God forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cry

infact am relocating to Ghana grin grin
Re: . by otukpo(f): 12:38pm On Jan 13, 2009
Some people can really be crazy, and i think the crazy ones are more on NL.

How can someone be talking of military coup again in Nigeria? No wonder some people's views and opinions on national issue are the way they are.

Some are even bringing their personal biases on a serious issue like this.

I can see that some are not wishing Nigeria well.

The Worst democratic govt would always be better than a military one. It is the military that has kept us where we are today.

May God forbid any form or attempt of any military rule in Nigeria again.

God bless Nigeria
Re: . by SCYLLA: 12:53pm On Jan 13, 2009
I think we all need to take action not just the military, Nigerians are such cowards no one is willing to die for the generations unborn.
Lets all start a peaceful civil obedience like Ghandi did in India.
Rather than come to nairaland to yap away, bloody cowards angry
Re: . by Kc0022000(m): 3:29pm On Jan 13, 2009
Think the British should come back rather than khaki boys
Re: . by Nobody: 3:47pm On Jan 13, 2009
9ja sha!!!
Patriotism is lacking from my point of view. Not patriotic like those white people in Southern USA but at least a little love for the nation will do.
Re: . by maxsiollun: 3:54pm On Jan 13, 2009
Nigerians are their own worst enemies. They call for the military to intervene and ended up with over 30 years of corrupt and brutal military rule which totally dehumanised and corrupted Nigerian society. Yet we still call for the people who ruined the country to return?!
Re: . by sherrylo: 4:13pm On Jan 13, 2009
@asha real mental case for that becomerich of a person.He needs to see a doc!
Re: . by londoner: 6:04pm On Jan 13, 2009
Military coup? For what? So that the responsibility for change will once again rest with someone else other than YOU?

Have we not learned one thing from Obama and the recent Ghanaian election? Who was it who delivered the change THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES, they could not be BOUGHT or riled up behind TRIBAL or RELIGIOUS differences to the detriment of their country's future, they were UNITED in what they wanted. They created a force that could not be defeated at all, the powers that were became irrelevant against it.

If the people of Nigeria still do not realise that the system they claim to despise has largely been permitted by their own inaction, then nothing will change it NOT EVEN A COUP.

The truth is that a country of over 140 million people have either sat back (merely complaining) or actually helped Nigeria to stand still with little progress. If you are talking about military action in 2008, it means you are not civilised enough to live within a democracy and could never create one.

Thats the truth,

Its high time we stopped the complaining and got involved in a real sense rather than this pie in the sky nonsense which comes out of the average Nigerian's mouth nowadays, it just winge all the time, its getting tiring.
Re: . by Ifygurl: 7:15pm On Jan 13, 2009
I see people insulting Yaradua and wishing his death in this website.  It makes me wonder, Wetin the man do? 
I've read good things about him in Allafrica.com and then when i come to this website, i see people bashing the man.  It makes me wonder The reporters are they incorrect about him.  what did he do? I mean other than taking the election by force, whatelse did he do?  Did he kill people?  There has to be a reason people hate him that much.  A friend of mine said it's because he hired only northerners for his office.  I doubt that.  Anyway i'll be waiting for the answer.

@ the poster
Military Coup?  Military coup would destroy Nigeria. Didn’t we learn from the past 34 years that military coup is a bad decision?  The thing is look at countries in Africa with great democracy such as Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Capo Verde, Madagascar etc.  Hell even Ghana and South Africa.  All this countries people are still living in poverty.  Equatorial Guinea was labeled one of the best countries in Africa, with high GDP and everything and yet the people of that country are living in poverty. In 2008, that country was labeled one of the 50th poorest countries in the world. It makes you wonder, what happened to all their money.  Let’s take South Africa, the country is falling right in our eyes and none of us are seeing it.  High unemployment, high crime, GDP dropping, etc.  Hell, South Africa was ranked 16th in the corruption index in 2006 and in 2008, they magically moved down to 54.  Ghana came out of there military coup in 1993 and since then that country has not improved as much, except for their city Accra.  Hell, I could not even believe a country that trades gold and oil still have to depend on Foreign Aid.  It still amazes me. 
Hell, in 2002, Nigeria was ranked the 24th poorest country in the world and Ghana economy was very much higher than ours was.  In 2008, Nigeria did not make the top 50th poorest country.  I was surprised that our economy in 2008 is higher than Ghana. I am still surprised. Till this day, I wonder did UN make a mistake in that. I mean the country have better democracy than ours. In 2002, we couldn't even compete with them, what happened? I am still shocked; I am not going to lie. 
All I know African countries with great democracy is proving everyday that Africans really don't know how to take care of their country with that type of government.  Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Ghana, Capo Verde, Madagascar, etc are supposed to have great economy.  I thought that less corrupt and better democracy creates a positive and moving country.  Equatorial Guinea and capo Verde were able to reach it but for some reason in 2008, they both fell.  Ethiopia is always in a war so I doubt that country will ever fix up but their economy did increase in 2007. Ghana receives more money than any African country I know. I mean they trade oil, gold and other natural resources and they collect foreign aid more than any other African countries including countries in war.  They have enough to make that country, one of the richest countries in Africa.  Hell even Egypt and Mali, Both countries had a great potential to become one of the best countries in the World. I mean look at their history and then take a look at those countries, Egypt is suppose to be a developed/high income country but yet it's a developing/middle income country. Mali on the other hand had great philosophers in the past, that country was suppose to be a developed/high income income country and yet it's a fouth world/ the least developed country.
Let’s all just face it, Africa needs prayer or at least recreate another government technique.  Democracy and republic is not working for us, but military coup isn't it. To me, we need to go back to monarch years. Out of all the African history books i've read, i've never read of any African people suffering like we are now-a-days. But i doubt that will ever happen, Africans like following the white man way too much. Don't even lie, we do everything they do and we judge ourselves based on what they are doing. I doubt any of us would actually decide to move back to monarch days.
Re: . by Digiman(m): 12:38am On Jan 14, 2009
The situation in Nigeria will always remain the same if the same old stock of greedy politicians are around. We need a cleanup Rawlings style wink.

You can debate, fast and pray for the next 10 years it will not make any difference.

We have no true leaders or statesmen, what we have is people who have their own agenda, selfish ambition coupled with greed.
Re: . by SkyBlue1: 12:51am On Jan 14, 2009

I see people insulting Yaradua and wishing his death in this website. It makes me wonder, Wetin the man do?
I've read good things about him in Allafrica.com and then when i come to this website, i see people bashing the man. It makes me wonder The reporters are they incorrect about him.
what did he do? I mean other than taking the election by force, whatelse did he do? Did he kill people? There has to be a reason people hate him that much. A friend of mine said it's because he hired only northerners for his office. I doubt that. Anyway i'll be waiting for the answer.

@ the poster
Military Coup? Military coup would destroy Nigeria. Didn’t we learn from the past 34 years that military coup is a bad decision? The thing is look at countries in Africa with great democracy such as Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Capo Verde, Madagascar etc. Hell even Ghana and South Africa. All this countries people are still living in poverty. Equatorial Guinea was labeled one of the best countries in Africa, with high GDP and everything and yet the people of that country are living in poverty. In 2008, that country was labeled one of the 50th poorest countries in the world. It makes you wonder, what happened to all their money. Let’s take South Africa, the country is falling right in our eyes and none of us are seeing it. High unemployment, high crime, GDP dropping, etc. Hell, South Africa was ranked 16th in the corruption index in 2006 and in 2008, they magically moved down to 54. Ghana came out of there military coup in 1993 and since then that country has not improved as much, except for their city Accra. Hell, I could not even believe a country that trades gold and oil still have to depend on Foreign Aid. It still amazes me.
Hell, in 2002, Nigeria was ranked the 24th poorest country in the world and Ghana economy was very much higher than ours was. In 2008, Nigeria did not make the top 50th poorest country. I was surprised that our economy in 2008 is higher than Ghana. I am still surprised. Till this day, I wonder did UN make a mistake in that. I mean the country have better democracy than ours. In 2002, we couldn't even compete with them, what happened? I am still shocked; I am not going to lie.
All I know African countries with great democracy is proving everyday that Africans really don't know how to take care of their country with that type of government. Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Ghana, Capo Verde, Madagascar, etc are supposed to have great economy. I thought that less corrupt and better democracy creates a positive and moving country. Equatorial Guinea and capo Verde were able to reach it but for some reason in 2008, they both fell. Ethiopia is always in a war so I doubt that country will ever fix up but their economy did increase in 2007. Ghana receives more money than any African country I know. I mean they trade oil, gold and other natural resources and they collect foreign aid more than any other African countries including countries in war. They have enough to make that country, one of the richest countries in Africa. Hell even Egypt and Mali, Both countries had a great potential to become one of the best countries in the World. I mean look at their history and then take a look at those countries, Egypt is suppose to be a developed/high income country but yet it's a developing/middle income country. Mali on the other hand had great philosophers in the past, that country was suppose to be a developed/high income income country and yet it's a fouth world/ the least developed country.
Let’s all just face it, Africa needs prayer or at least recreate another government technique. Democracy and republic is not working for us, but military coup isn't it. To me, we need to go back to monarch years. Out of all the African history books i've read, i've never read of any African people suffering like we are now-a-days. But i doubt that will ever happen, Africans like following the white man way too much. Don't even lie, we do everything they do and we judge ourselves based on what they are doing. I doubt any of us would actually decide to move back to monarch days.

Peaople wishing him death might be a tad over the top (LOL), but why don't you inform us what you read that was good about him? What has he achieved since he got into office? It is approaching half of his tenure, what has been achieved apart from rhetoric spewing? What has been done or what efforts have been made to actualise the "7 point agenda"? You can start with that smiley
Re: . by otukpo(f): 8:42am On Jan 14, 2009
I see people insulting Yaradua and wishing his death in this website. It makes me wonder, Wetin the man do?
I've read good things about him in Allafrica.com and then when i come to this website, i see people bashing the man. It makes me wonder The reporters are they incorrect about him. what did he do? I mean other than taking the election by force, whatelse did he do? Did he kill people? There has to be a reason people hate him that much. A friend of mine said it's because he hired only northerners for his office. I doubt that. Anyway i'll be waiting for the answer.

u did well for ur observation and analysis.

i will try to answer your question based my own understanding.

Nigerian masses have come to hate and loose hope in PDP based on OBJ's leadership. We also know that the election that brought Yar ' Adua to power was not free and fair. So, Nigerians transfered the hatred they have for OBJ and PDP to Yar 'Adua. This makes people not willing to see anyhting good in what Yar' Adua does. Initially, when he was imposed on us, i did'nt want to accept him but when i started seeing somethings in his person, i tried to open my mind to give him a chance. To be fair to Ya' Adua, i think he has done some commendable things which OBJ or even past state governors could not do. He has good intentions as a person and i believe he is a modest person but the PDP that made him is the problem he is having. He is not as greedy and power drunk like most of our politicians.

the truth again is that Nigeria needs a change. We are tired of all these old politician who have been in the system and keeps recycling themselves. We need a need breed. Jerry Rawlings style wont be too bad for Nigeria. Nigeria is in a desperate need of revolution.

let me leave it at this b4 some people will begin to crucify me.
Re: . by seyibrown(f): 12:50pm On Jan 14, 2009
I am definitely against a military coup! Think about the harrassment and abuse people still get from their boys while these 'UNIFORMS' are not in power, besides 'Military coups' ain't fashionable any more.
Re: . by talk2keke: 1:11pm On Jan 14, 2009
Re: . by skyranger: 1:14pm On Jan 14, 2009
we can't still denied the fact that most developed countries of the world had it path for greatness defined by it's military.
the fact that  our military officers were clouded by tribalism which scuttled the earlier reasons they had for staging a military coup and plonged the nation into counter coups and civil war should not prevent us from admitting that from all indications, only young army officers could rise up to  the challenge and cleans our land invested with corruption and corrupt political officers
Re: . by eddy4naija: 3:14pm On Jan 14, 2009
Anyone calling for a coup in this country is not in his right frame of mind, infact na craze dey worry am.

How will someone with his right senses intact call for such a disaster upon himself and the nation? i think such persons need deliverance.

All what is happening in this country today is as a result of the mess over the years the military have inflicted on this country, and it cannot be easy for the civilians to repair all these messes in few years in office and some "craze people" are still calling for our oppressors to sieze power to oppress us the more, what an irony.

We are witnesses to all the killings, maimings and oppressions Nigerians were going through in the hands of the military and some one is stilll praying to toe that same line, military coup can never solve Nigeria's myraid problems instead it will escalate the issues at hand.

It's also unfortunate that our so called politicians are not helping matters at all, they only go into politics to kill their  opponents to pave way for their entry, snatch ballot boxes and stuff ballot papers to win and then go into office to loot the treasury threrby rendering the people impoverish.

The one wey de vex me most is the fact that these greedy and corrupt politicians move from one political office to another after the expiration of their former tenure in office. Example is the former governors becoming minister, senators etc and all these people have rendered their various states impoverished and later transformed into other forms of stealing.

Lastly, the  political party i would really love to hate with passion is "PDP" these are bunch of criminal cabals who are bent on bringing this country down at all cost with their do or die attitude, if i have my way, i will do to them what rawlings did in Ghana when he took over government.

All what we need is to vote out these criminals and put in power those who will give Nigeria a good government. It's also unfortunate that they will not want to hand over power to credible Nigerians.
Re: . by Makavelis(m): 4:04pm On Jan 14, 2009
if not why not,
Re: . by yoshimitsu(m): 6:30pm On Jan 14, 2009
The best thing to do is LEAVE NIGERIA. Find a better country, and let the politicians rule themselves. This is the only country in the world where citizens are not proud to be proud of their country. Everyone hates their country. Even in Ethiopia, that is struck with poverty, they surprisingly have 24hour supply of electricity all over the country, even in the villages. I can stand by this fact, because I was born there and lived there for 13 years!! The lights only went off on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6am to 9pm. The other days of the week had non stop 24 hour supply of power!!!
Re: . by yoshimitsu(m): 6:58pm On Jan 14, 2009
Some people are insulting Obasanjo. I insult him too!! grin But atleast when he was in power, he was stealing money, but NEPA was providing a reasonable amount of power. When Yaradua came into power, I had to increase my candle supply. Instead of buying stocks and shares, I was buying candles grin wink
Re: . by skyranger: 2:28pm On Jan 15, 2009

Anyone calling for a coup in this country is not in his right frame of mind, infact na craze dey worry am.
How will someone with his right senses intact call for such a disaster upon himself and the nation? i think such persons need deliverance.

All what is happening in this country today is as a result of the mess over the years the military have inflicted on this country, and it cannot be easy for the civilians to repair all these messes in few years in office and some "craze people" are still calling for our oppressors to sieze power to oppress us the more, what an irony.

We are witnesses to all the killings, maimings and oppressions Nigerians were going through in the hands of the military and some one is stilll praying to toe that same line, military coup can never solve Nigeria's myraid problems instead it will escalate the issues at hand.

It's also unfortunate that our so called politicians are not helping matters at all, they only go into politics to kill their  opponents to pave way for their entry, snatch ballot boxes and stuff ballot papers to win and then go into office to loot the treasury threrby rendering the people impoverish.

The one wey de vex me most is the fact that these greedy and corrupt politicians move from one political office to another after the expiration of their former tenure in office. Example is the former governors becoming minister, senators etc and all these people have rendered their various states impoverished and later transformed into other forms of stealing.

Lastly, the  political party i would really love to hate with passion is "PDP" these are bunch of criminal cabals who are bent on bringing this country down at all cost with their do or die attitude, if i have my way, i will do to them what rawlings did in Ghana when he took over government.
All what we need is to vote out these criminals and put in power those who will give Nigeria a good government. It's also unfortunate that they will not want to hand over power to credible Nigerians.

Your opening lines where insulting and as well captivating.
After reading through your write up, i was disappointed to realise you were just typing without thinking or you don't really have a box upstairs to think from.

Your's is the most contradictory write up i have ever read.
Rowlings could achive all that because he plotted a coup!

next time, pls read your notes before you post, else you are selling your cheap stupidity, illitracy which has led Nigeria to the very path it stands.

That was what the first millitary coup sought to achieve before they got derailed by tribal sentiments,
There is large scale corruption, who do you think would stop it? the next coming PDP government?
Or you intend to rely on our judiciary, who doled out guidlines on the lower courts and tribunals on how to deliver sound judgments on election hearings but at the end they delivered the most controvercial ruling ever.

Once some young military officers from the defence academy, that owe no allegiance to any general or tribe, gets their acts right, the nation would be on a new path to greatness
Re: . by SkyBlue1: 6:27pm On Jan 15, 2009

I see people insulting Yaradua and wishing his death in this website. It makes me wonder, Wetin the man do?
I've read good things about him in Allafrica.com and then when i come to this website, i see people bashing the man. It makes me wonder The reporters are they incorrect about him. what did he do? I mean other than taking the election by force, whatelse did he do? Did he kill people? There has to be a reason people hate him that much. A friend of mine said it's because he hired only northerners for his office. I doubt that. Anyway i'll be waiting for the answer.

u did well for ur observation and analysis.

i will try to answer your question based my own understanding.

Nigerian masses have come to hate and loose hope in PDP based on OBJ's leadership. We also know that the election that brought Yar ' Adua to power was not free and fair. So, Nigerians transfered the hatred they have for OBJ and PDP to Yar 'Adua. This makes people not willing to see anyhting good in what Yar' Adua does. Initially, when he was imposed on us, i did'nt want to accept him but when i started seeing somethings in his person, i tried to open my mind to give him a chance. To be fair to Ya' Adua, i think he has done some commendable things which OBJ or even past state governors could not do. He has good intentions as a person and i believe he is a modest person but the PDP that made him is the problem he is having. He is not as greedy and power drunk like most of our politicians.

the truth again is that Nigeria needs a change. We are tired of all these old politician who have been in the system and keeps recycling themselves. We need a need breed. Jerry Rawlings style wont be too bad for Nigeria. Nigeria is in a desperate need of revolution.

let me leave it at this b4 some people will begin to crucify me.

In all you have said you are yet to answer the question of what has been done, unless you think you have already answered it. So according to your post, Yar Adua has done some commendable things, i ask like what?? I am so confused by this post, LOL. Why not forget about how people might feel about Yar Adua and PDP and focus on the Yar Adua of a person as the president of the federal republic of Nigeria. So does Yar Adua being according to you "modest" constitute effective action and leadership in face of the problems facing the country? Does Yar Adua being "modest" improve the power situation? Does it create more jobs? Does it upgrade the infrastructure of the country? A budget has been passed since he was i power after all that delay, what has the huge ammount resulted in or being spent on? Electoral reforms which was his mantra throughout the so called "campaign", what has been the result of that? What electoral reforms have occured since he got in? I could lgo on an on but i will stop here. I know we are all free to say what we want, but with all that has not been done, can the country called Nigeria afford what (permit me) i will in the face of lack of evidence of performance call blind sentimentality? So what if he kisses his kids goodnight each evening and reads them bed time stories, so what if he is a good husband? How on earth has that translated to good leadership or governance or direction on his path? He is sick and you would think that wil at least mean he will take the health sector of the country more seriously. Sometimes i don't even know anymore with regards to the responses on nairaland, LOL.

@ifygurl, he may not have killed anybody, but Yar Adua is killing progress and development (in my view) and that could as well be a death sentence to some people indirectly.
Re: . by ifele(m): 1:03am On Jan 16, 2009
You see my folks. We need an uprising not just talk. We need weapons and ammo to deal with the situation.

Discussion does not solve this kind problem.
Re: . by ifele(m): 1:05am On Jan 16, 2009
You see my folks. We need an uprising not just talk. We need weapons and ammo to deal with the situation.

Discussion does not solve this kind problem. We dont need military coup we need peoples' coup.
Re: . by Nobody: 10:30am On Jan 16, 2009
[size=13pt]Everybody, Let us Pray:[/size]

[size=13pt]O Lord, Our God, We thank you for this suggestion, but Baba, e never reach this stage O! We ask you to come and intervene and do your own coup by yourself, you remember what you did to Abacha, Please don't do it to Yar'adua, because the man na correct station, Father, instead do it to the ones in that office that say they would never allow him to rule Nigeria, that are making things worse and hard for him, so that we can live and peace and quietness, In your Holy Name we pray. Amen[/size]

All the non-bad-belles, can you please say a big Amen to dis prayer
Re: . by dalaha: 10:46am On Jan 16, 2009
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin


Re: . by segy2g(m): 11:55am On Jan 16, 2009
Rather than entice the military back into power, isn't it better to push for some non-violent resistance a la Ghandi? If i remember correctly almost every single military regime in this country managed to stash away more money in Europe than was left in the coffers of the Nation!!!!!! Be careful what you wish for!!!
Re: . by eddy4naija: 3:32pm On Jan 16, 2009
Skyranger, or whatever you call yourself, You must be a big fool to have posted those outrageous rubbish on my tread, if you are part of those ruining this country or calling for the military takeover then i'm sorry for you because you are at a cross road and you might as well jump into the sea.

How on earth can you utter such rubbish on my post? next time you guard against any villianish utterances you post here. BULLSHIT angry
Re: . by skyranger: 7:12pm On Jan 16, 2009
eddy4naija: Skyranger, or whatever you call yourself, You must be a big fool to have posted those outrageous rubbish on my tread, if you are part of those ruining this country or calling for the military takeover then i'm sorry for you because you are at a cross road and you might as well jump into the sea.

How on earth can you utter such rubbish on my post? next time you guard against any villianish utterances you post here. BULLSHIT

You are still typing w/o thinking!
Now i'm convince you have an empty box sitting atop your body.
c'mon make some sense bro,
How could you reasonably use all available adjectives to disqualify a military coup and wit the same tongue in your chick you are wishing for what Rawlings did in Ghana,
Even a pry 4 pupil  knows that Rawlings stage a coup, twice

Your arguments don't just sound like BULLSHIT alone, i think you are a personification of DEAD BULLSHIT.

Let me give you a bit of advice, you lame duck!
In an arguments, you either argue FOR or AGAINST as far as you can surport them with facts or logical reason which obviously, you lack.
And if you ever want to attack or counter an opposition's theory, even if you intend to attack his personality be sure to attack the arguments first; just like i did to your redeemless contradictory post.

you have every right to call me rubish, but try with all literacy or civility to justify it.
you wrote  that you dont want a military coup and that those clamouring for it were insane, you went futher to wish for what Rowling did in Ghana to happen in Nigeria,  For the sake of lucidity which school did you finish from, that is if you knew the path to one.

If i ever see any post from you that defies sanity or logical reasoning from you, i would bring this fight to your doorsteps.
you would wish you never knew the road to nairaland.

Scalawags like you missled this country this far.


PS: i could offer to tutor you at no cost, how to think while you write, if you'll be humble enough to ask.
Re: . by BlackMamba(m): 9:12pm On Jan 16, 2009
Why not advocate for colonial rule instead. If someone that has the knowledge to access the internet will call for a military rule, then it seems we're at a loss in our battle against ignorance.
Re: . by jamace(m): 2:00pm On Jan 17, 2009
You see my folks. We need an uprising not just talk. We need weapons and ammo to deal with the situation.

Discussion does not solve this kind problem. We dont need military coup we need peoples' coup.

True talk. But Who will organise and lead the resistance force? May be I should suggest you lead the operation grin grin.

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