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I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother / Under What Conditions Should A Christian (born Again) Divorce? / Surrogate Mother (2) (3) (4)

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Re: .. by BCF1: 1:10am On Mar 23, 2015
@ BCF1 ... I wouldn't know the position of the law concerning this, but have you checked to make sure that it is in our laws.

I know this kind of stuff happen abroad, but i have never heard nor seen it take place here in Nigeria.

If it's legal, then I think your terms are quite fair.

I think the law is very silent on this. I believe that as long as there is a mutual understanding between the parties involved we are covered legally speaking.

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Re: .. by BCF1: 1:15am On Mar 23, 2015

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Re: .. by Nobody: 1:25pm On Mar 23, 2015
Why do I have d feeling that the Op is a gay? undecided
@ mimibe ....What's Ur take?

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Re: .. by blaizze(f): 6:44pm On Mar 23, 2015
embarassedI really wish I could do it.

but I d fear to carry belle sad
Re: .. by cococandy(f): 6:55pm On Mar 23, 2015
Why do I have d feeling that the Op is a gay? undecided
@ mimibe ....What's Ur take?

Re: .. by Onegai(f): 7:33pm On Mar 23, 2015
BCF1 and aderonila18, have you contacted Nordica? They're in VI. I'm sure they have a surrogacy plan (but it won't be cheap). Also ask your lawyer to check state and federal laws (Lagos would have more progressive laws than some other states). Because some states may have no laws covering surrogacy.


Re: .. by Nobody: 8:44pm On Mar 23, 2015
Lalasticlala abeg carry matter go front for adults. We need to torchlight this matter in the face of mankind.

The human person and humanity needs to be reviewed in the light of this humble request.

Oga Seun, good evening sir, I dey greet oh.....

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Re: .. by BCF1: 7:10am On Mar 24, 2015
Re: .. by enygmababe: 8:37am On Mar 24, 2015
Surrogacy is a welcome development and we hope that Nigeria would break her silence on the issue soon and make it legal in which case the rights and obligations of all parties to it will be clearly defined.

However I wish to state that the op's generosity is likely to cause a trend in which surrogacy becomes a money making industry available only to the very wealthy. In fact that is the only con I see in this arrangement and before we know what is happening, our baby making factories will take another turn.

I fear for the girl child because very soon we will have surrogacy pim.ps (naira land na waa for una oh! Pim.p and love vendor which one bad pass?) or agents/agencies where the girls are paid peanuts while the pim.p rakes in millions just like the factories.

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Re: .. by BCF1: 9:28am On Mar 24, 2015

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Re: .. by mimiNj: 10:26pm On Mar 29, 2015
Hi @bcf1. I think it's a good opportunity to have met you here. Firstly am a surrogate,although a new one,am 21 by the way. In nigeria,people tend to misinterpret what surrogacy truly means,but that's a lecture for another day

As for those saying there is hunger in the land and that the said amount is too much has not gone through labour pains(its a near encounter with death)i have been down that road and I know how it feels,so nobody should think any amount is too big for such long road,it isnt.

Anyways you can contact me on my email,that is if you haven't found one already.thanks

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Re: .. by BuddhaPalm(m): 7:38pm On Mar 30, 2015
Sup bro. How about a 'servicer'?

My ancestry has some really BIG pimps: Newton, Descartes & Michael Jordan.

Some other family is bidding...

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Re: .. by enygmababe: 7:43pm On Mar 30, 2015
Hi @bcf1. I think it's a good opportunity to have met you here. Firstly am a surrogate,although a new one,am 21 by the way. In nigeria,people tend to misinterpret what surrogacy truly means,but that's a lecture for another day
As for those saying there is hunger in the land and that the said amount is too much has not gone through labour pains(its a near encounter with death)i have been down that road and I know how it feels,so nobody should think any amount is too big for such long road,it isnt.
Anyways you can contact me on my email,that is if you haven't found one already.thanks

undecided undecided undecided

I guess you had to create an account yesterday and stay on line since then to be able to say that. By all means, be a surrogate. There is nothing wrong with it but please leave the issue of birthing a child. It has absolutely no relevance on this thread.
Re: .. by Nobody: 9:39pm On Mar 30, 2015

the child dosnt belong to her.shez just a carrier for both the op sperm nd wife eggs.

But we often forget that life finds a way. His wife eggs and sperm but the fusion of the egg forming the foetus growing in the other lady's womb. And we forget we can't change God's creation it's for a little while.

No religious sentiment cos I'm not a religious person.

It's more like what happened in jurassic park making dinosaurs of a single sex with an amphibians dna.

I'm curious, won't the baby gain some sort of dna too from her own system
Re: .. by ratatis(m): 11:06pm On Mar 30, 2015
Sup bro. How about a 'servicer'?

My ancestry has some really BIG pimps: Newton, Descartes & Michael Jordan.

Some other family is bidding...

Re: .. by udinov(f): 8:08pm On Mar 31, 2015
Hello Bae. Stop this ignorant talk.


But we often forget that life finds a way. His wife eggs and sperm but the fusion of the egg forming the foetus growing in the other lady's womb. And we forget we can't change God's creation it's for a little while.

No religious sentiment cos I'm not a religious person.

It's more like what happened in jurassic park making dinosaurs of a single sex with an amphibians dna.

I'm curious, won't the baby gain some sort of dna too from her own system


Re: .. by StevensJojo(f): 5:09am On Apr 01, 2015
Hmmmm..d offer is mouth watery..goodluck op on ur search. May d best cm ur way
Re: .. by Nobody: 5:34am On Apr 01, 2015
embarassedI really wish I could do it.
but I d fear to carry belle sad

Re: .. by blaizze(f): 10:00pm On Apr 01, 2015


Re: .. by blaizze(f): 10:03pm On Apr 01, 2015


what now
Re: .. by lepasharon(f): 1:09am On May 04, 2015
Lol the film Baby Mama comes to mind cheesy
Re: .. by tyrannysucks: 4:30am On May 04, 2015
Ify Onwuka?

quote author=ephee post=31879060]

the child dosnt belong to her.shez just a carrier for both the op sperm nd wife eggs.[/quote]
Re: .. by Nobody: 10:53am On May 04, 2015
Ify Onwuka?

quote author=ephee post=31879060]

the child dosnt belong to her.shez just a carrier for both the op sperm nd wife eggs.

Re: .. by MissIndependent(f): 1:15pm On May 04, 2015
lipsrsealed @OP goodluck in your search I pray you find a responsible and honest person.


Re: .. by Onegai(f): 3:24pm On May 04, 2015
For the OP and anyone else who is interested in Surrogacy, it has a proper system. I spoke to my OBGYN and she said the rate is about N1. 5million and there is a list of potential surrogates (she used to work for a fertility clinic in Lagos). I could pass on her contact (I am in no way affiliated to this business) and speak to her. She handled my ante-natal for months, so I'm not making this up or trying to attract scammers please.

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Re: .. by sexymamatee(f): 4:12pm On May 04, 2015
surrogate moda in nigeria!

come to think abt it. The period of pregnancy is a trying period for the moda. is d period were moda and baby get connected to each oda.

wat if d surrogate sign in for normal delivery and at d end of nine month she can't deliver d baby herself except she goes in for CS. what will happen? I don't think a moda surrogate or not will go 2ru d process of a CS and den gives the baby out after so much pain.

It can happen in oda country's but not nigeria bros d surrogate moda family will later convince d surrogate moda to claim d child. or do u think d surrogate family won't b aware of ur terms and conditions.

wat if d child born become so so wealthy, influential . or maybe becomes a governor or president tomorrow u think she won't come out to claim d child.

We r in nigeria d love be moda and child is so strong dat it can't be broken. no moda can abandon her child forever.Iam a moda of 2 beautiful kids. der is wat we call moda child bonding. which every moda understands.

Instead of opting for a surrogate moda dat mite later in life blackmail u cos of d love she has for her child.
why not adopt a child, treat and nurture d child like urs
and don't make it open to anyone dat u adopted..

is just my own little piece of advice
Re: .. by adebisicutie: 6:32pm On May 04, 2015
surrogate moda in nigeria!

come to think abt it. The period of pregnancy is a trying period for the moda. is d period were moda and baby get connected to each oda.

wat if d surrogate sign in for normal delivery and at d end of nine month she can't deliver d baby herself except she goes in for CS. what will happen? I don't think a moda surrogate or not will go 2ru d process of a CS and den gives the baby out after so much pain.

It can happen in oda country's but not nigeria bros d surrogate moda family will later convince d surrogate moda to claim d child. or do u think d surrogate family won't b aware of ur terms and conditions.

wat if d child born become so so wealthy, influential . or maybe becomes a governor or president tomorrow u think she won't come out to claim d child.

We r in nigeria d love be moda and child is so strong dat it can't be broken. no moda can abandon her child forever.Iam a moda of 2 beautiful kids. der is wat we call moda child bonding. which every moda understands.

Instead of opting for a surrogate moda dat mite later in life blackmail u cos of d love she has for her child.
why not adopt a child, treat and nurture d child like urs
and don't make it open to anyone dat u adopted..

is just my own little piece of advice

From what the OP said the surrogate's eggs will not be used which means the child will have no genetic tie to her (she'll only be a gestational carrier as her DNA won't be involved) and that means she has no legal rights over the child, except you are saying she will kidnap the child and run away. That's unlikely to happen because a Nigerian woman will not really want to raise a child that's not biologically connected to her especially since if she took up the job she must need financially help. So why will she be struggling financially to raise a child that's not genetically hers Not likely


Re: .. by wonyi: 11:41pm On Jun 25, 2015
my neighbour had her baby through surrogacy in benin 2/3 years ago.;the hospital arranged the surrogacy.op wishing u all the best if u haven't found someone and success in your procedure if u have found someone.

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Re: .. by Babybella91(f): 10:18am On Aug 30, 2015
@op, contact me on isabellafolashade@gmail.com
Re: .. by adeoye201: 10:34am On Aug 30, 2015
baby mama needed.pm me for details
Re: .. by Nobody: 11:41am On Aug 30, 2015
Well,I see no reason why I should have my offspring through surrogacy,or adoption,what happen to my wife,is our marriage all about love...well I can't wait for the japanese to be through with their invention,whereby I can single handedly have my baby with any human being the carrier..I will only have to pay an egg donor...

NOTE:I am not in any way,insulting the op,but I pray before I get old,such the japanese project will become a reality,they have been able to grow a goat with it,they are experimenting live human on it presently...should it become a reality,the word marriage,will become extinct....
Re: .. by Babybella91(f): 2:02pm On Aug 30, 2015
baby mama needed.pm me for details
baby mama or surrogate mother?

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