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Arranging Your Private Hostel Room - Education - Nairaland

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Arranging Your Private Hostel Room by Sodiq98(m): 1:36am On Jul 26, 2015
Pls assist me in arranging my room what are the neccesary and unneccesary things i need help pls if possible with pix
Re: Arranging Your Private Hostel Room by gfunk1: 4:30am On Oct 22, 2015
The value of a carefully and well organized student accommodation is beyond the physical pleasure. The beauty always reflects in your life and your style.

Often times, if the arrangement is well done, you get a sense of accomplishment which aids a forward thinking required for success in other aspect of a student life. It is no news that a rightly arranged accommodation gives you the necessary comfort that helps you keep focus on the important things.

Unfortunately there will be no picture to use as a guide. But i do hope that the information provided here will be handy.

Arranging your room largely depends on the pattern of the room (i.e the model), but i'll state the basic/essential stuff every student should possess.

1. Bed & Pillow:
Don't just get something to sleep on, think what's best for you and remember the best things always give a good return. I'd advice you go for a quality product, as it can give you a comfort that will last a very long time.

2. Table & Chair:
Also think comfort in this aspect. There are all kinds of products out there, such as leather & non leather swivel chair, plastic and wooden chairs.

3. Cooking gas:
They come in different sizes, think carefully and get the one you really need. Believe you will not regret choosing this option. It will enhance your life.

4. Curtains:
A nice quality curtains material will serve you better. A lot of people pay less attention to the advantages of quality in this regard but it pays good, it adds sparkles.

5. Mirror:
I am aware there are some bad products out there, and i'm sure you don't want to spend your money on something that will get you confused about your true look. I'd prefer the long wall mountable types with or without designs.

6. A beautiful wall art.


It will be more useful if one have a clue on what the room really looks like i.e the type of accommodation it is and the amenities it has, as you know that the list of what makes a room cozy and beautiful is endless. Then i can provide you with tailored guides.

I hope you find my list useful.

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