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How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job- What Job Experts Suggest - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job- What Job Experts Suggest by Nobody: 11:28am On Aug 17, 2015
Here is a summary of what job experts suggest job seekers should do to improve their chances of getting a job.

1) Access the hidden job market: It may sound strange to say that it is not often the most qualified applicants that get the best jobs, but the most effective job seeker. Yes, that is the reality. What is "hidden job market"? This refer to jobs that are not advertised. In this case,you need to put in extra effort to discover these jobs. What can you do?

If you are looking for jobs only by responding to news paper and internet ads, you will miss majority of available jobs. A good number of jobs are never advertised. a) Call on businesses you think may have jobs you can do, do not wait until they advertise positions. b) Spread your resume (cv) across many companies and don't forget to keep following up, this has worked for me personally. c) If the companies you call on don't have jobs ask if they know anywhere you might check.

2) Produce an effective resume: In an email sent to me by job agents, It reads that job recruiters flip through each resume in less than 30 seconds. It's obvious there's something unique they're looking for and if it's not found on your, you are left out. Your resume tells them who you are. In 30 seconds they can tell if a resume is professional or not. I suggest you subscribe to . You could download a free resume or buy one from them to guide you in preparing yours.

3) Prepare well for your interview: This goes beyond wearing an inappropriate attire. Your preparation should involve a great deal of research. research the company you hope to work for before the interview. You will make a good impression if you know a lot about the company before the interview.

See onlinebizinfo.com/how-to-find-a-job-employment-tips (for detailed info. add www)

Re: How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job- What Job Experts Suggest by careersonpoint: 11:47am On Aug 17, 2015
nice post. so true, not all vacancies are placed online.

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