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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / If You Need A Microsoft Excel File That Auto-computes Result, Send Me This (470 Views)
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If You Need A Microsoft Excel File That Auto-computes Result, Send Me This by soldierdollar(m): 4:00pm On Jan 24, 2016 |
If you need a microsoft program that auto computes result, send me the following : 1: Send me levels ( example year one or secondary/primary one) with their corresponding subjects. 2: Send me subjects/courses with their corresponding teachers/lecturer names 3. Send me names of class if any. Example primary 2A or primary 2 Bronze 4. Send me scores for grades. Example, 0-39 for "F" grade, 40-44 for "E" grade, etc 5. Send the name of the school. 6. Send me the format of the result sheet for all the students/ report card. It should contain columns for the different continuous assments This program will be able to perform the following results 1. Automatically sum students' scores - Assignments, tests, Exam and assign grades 2. You will be able to select teacher's name from a drop-down list which will be dependent on the subject and the students' class 3. Student's report card can be printed by selecting his name, class, term Reg No ( if any) 4. And many more features I cannot mention here If you are an exam officer for a university and you'd want a program which will be able to compute student's result with their GP, I can develop one for you. All you need is to be selecting courses, ( Unit load will be auto-filled) , Selecting their grades, semester and other vital information necessary for result computation. You will just enter the student's reg.No for his names and other information to be automatically populated. I can work with you to determine the functionality of the program. First 2 people that will provide me with the necessary information, will have a customized working program Send information to |
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