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Excerpts Of Beside Still Waters (short Book Series). by RemenZack(f): 9:45pm On Feb 06, 2016
P.S - www.remenzack.com is thoroughly responsible for any of her posts linked here on Nairaland.

Hello Everyone,

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who took out substantial time from their hours to read my last brief Book Series, Our Wedding Night which has sadly ended.

I'll be posting the Excerpts of my latest Book Series, Beside Still Waters but I need the adequate support to carry on with it till the end.

Patiently, read on and remember to drop your views, comments and criticism below. Enjoy!

Daisy, as many would call her had just received mind boggling gifts from her Step-brother who dwelt in the City as a Brain Drain worker. He was made to work in the big city to earn enough money for his family back in the rural village.

Daisy was a fair young beautiful girl, aged 17. She was tall, smart and coy. Everyone envied her because of how fair she was amongst her equals. Her Mother was proud of her and wanted to make her rare and precious in the eyes of others.

Daisy rushed to the Post Office to receive the new things her Brother, Richard had sent to her, after much buckets and wells of promises. It was finally here! She tore the parcel right there and then as she laid her eyes on her brand new shoes, snazzy clothes and a mobile phone. A mobile phone? This was going to be news!

All of Daisy's friends would talk about having a dream mobile phone, just like the big boys and girls in the City. Daisy was therefore the first girl in the village to own one, aside from the King's daughter, Nora.

"A mobile phone! Mama, Richard sent me a phone! I can't believe it!" Daisy yelped out for joy, jumping to and fro immediately she returned to the House .

"I see it, my dear. May the gods bless your brother. He is really a kind person. So do you even know how to make this thing work? Can we talk to dead people through it?" Mama asked, her tone naïve and frivolous.

"No, Mama. But we can always talk to Richard now. We just have to wait for electricity to be restored next week so I can start using it," Daisy replied, her tone still highlighted in exuberance.

"Okay then." Mama confirmed, before picking up the phone to take a closer look at it.

The next day, all of Daisy friends, Joy, Rita, Favour, Princess and Manna were at Daisy's house. They were sitting outside, directly under the Orange tree at the backyard of the House, talking about the latest thing or person in the small under populated Village.

"So why did you call us to be here, Daisy? Is anything the matter?" Favour asked, her voice very mild and placating.

"Is it about the Village's Bully, Jim? That boy must have no shame!" Princess quipped, her nose rising and falling as she spoke in authority.

"No, my friends. It's just that my Brother sent me a parcel from the City yesterday," Daisy commented, her eyes lit.

"Really? So what did he bring for you?" Favour asked again, her eyes also shone, anticipating for the big official news.

"He got me a phone!" Daisy yelped, making her friends gasp.

"May the gods be praised!" Joy exclaimed, lifting her hands towards the skies.

"But my Mother told me such things are demonic and fetish. You will begin to hear strange voices from the dead from now on," Manna stated, making the rest transfixed and shocked at her statement.

"Manna, how can you say such? That is not true. My Uncle who works in a telecommunications company in the City said you can only get to call people who live far away from you," Favour quipped, her tone assuring and dissenting.

"But it's almost the same thing. It still sounds demonic to me," Manna argued vaguely. Daisy frowned but Favour's coaxing tone made her feel so much better immediately.

"This is great news, Daisy. We are really happy for you," She said, making Daisy smile again.

"We have to go now. We shall see some other time." Rita finally said a word, getting up from the wooden bench and adjusting her dress slightly.

The rest followed on cue and hugged one another before walking away from the tree and their friend, Daisy.

Daisy returned back inside the House to fetch herself a few untidy clothes to the Stream to have a quick wash. She was walking alone towards the lonely path as the Sun was almost about to set to end the day. Her Mother was still at the Market place, busying herself.

Re: Excerpts Of Beside Still Waters (short Book Series). by wazupguy(m): 9:19pm On Feb 07, 2016
hmmmm....miss...I av taken my seat already.....

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Re: Excerpts Of Beside Still Waters (short Book Series). by RemenZack(f): 9:40pm On Feb 07, 2016
Thanks for reading and commenting but you're the only one who seems to support this story piece. I don't think I will be making new chapters for what people aren't even interested in.
Thanks for the support regardless.

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Re: Excerpts Of Beside Still Waters (short Book Series). by wazupguy(m): 9:52pm On Feb 07, 2016
Thanks for reading and commenting but you're the only one who seems to support this story piece. I don't think I will be making new chapters for what people aren't even interested in.
Thanks for the support regardless.
you never tell...just do wat you do best...put all the beta ingredients...people will flock in wenever you dish out yo meal

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Re: Excerpts Of Beside Still Waters (short Book Series). by RemenZack(f): 10:14pm On Feb 07, 2016

you never tell...just do wat you do best...put all the beta ingredients...people will flock in wenever you dish out yo meal
Thanks for the advice and spice. I appreciate it.

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