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The Wisdom & Foolishness In Electricity Power Hike - Exlink Lodge - Politics - Nairaland

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The Wisdom & Foolishness In Electricity Power Hike - Exlink Lodge by bumi10(m): 8:07am On Feb 09, 2016
First of all let me start by saying: Nigeria is a place in African were the unsual happens. From N5,000 salary to unemployed youth to #missingbudget to amrsgate to dasukigate and so on as so forth and now we are presently at #powerhike. It is a matter of time it will begin to trend on twitter if it hasn't already. Is any wrong with Nigeria? Or is it that their is something wrong with the citizenry? Or possibly, their is something wrong with our leaders?

I will like to address the issue of the press first. I was listen to wazobia fm yesterday and when people really wants to express their opinion, how they deem fit, they are cut off air. What is happening in this country? How can a Radio station, doing a program on "Electricity Power Hike" and then cuts people off air when they really wants to express their anger and fustration? AIT, LTV, TVC and the rest of them are so screwed and governed by this so called government under the guise of communication ethics. This is perplexing. I may not know how to speak english very well but please bear with me.

Foolishness In Power Hike:

How can a country like Nigeria, wake up one morning and decide to increase the electricity bill by 45%? I thought a government was supposed to look after its citizens? Should it be the other way round? What reason do they really have to increase electric bills? What possible reason? I mean in a Nigeria that you cannot boost of 5-hours steady power supply under 24-hours. What have possessed or possessing this people? And to know that Babatunde Fashola is the man spearheading this outrageous plan is more confusing than the bill increase itself. Sometimes, i think the government are crazy. The only viable reason Fashola could come up with was that: In his words

Their is no way we can improve power supply without having the resources to do that

I don't believe this. I don't like insulting politicians but this is share craziness. So Mr. Fashola is asking Nigerians to pay this outrageous fee in other to raise money or resource for Nigeria to improve on power sector? Is that what he is saying? Did i get that right? Nigerians cannot trust its government, has not trusted its government from time immemorial and Fashola is asking us to, by increasing the electric bill. I want to use this opportunity to tell you (Mr. Fashola), that Nigeria are not gullible anymore. I mean almost everybody in Nigeria knows that Former President Olusegun Obasanjo looted $38b (Thirty Eight Billion Dollars) in power sector and yet he is working free without being probed.

Take this scenario for example: Say MTN networks is epileptic and their customers are complaining bitterly. What will happen? All their subscribers will leave them and move to other stable networks, ins't it? ok. Lets say instead of MTN to work round the clock to rectify the problem it their network in other to retain their customers, (maybe something possesses them somehow), they increased their tarrif, tell their subcribers that they have to pay more so that they can use the resources to rectify their network problem. I can see you laughing ...lol but this is actually what this so called government is proposing to Nigerians by increasing this power bills. MTN subcribers will not only leave MTN network, but they cause them join am ...hahahahaha.=

What beats my heart the most is why all the citizens of this country is going about their business and leaving the protest for NLC alone to handle. All citizens of this country should be on the street. This power hike is a day light robbery and we are taken it with our arms folded. Is is not done. I repeat, all Nigerians should be on the street to protest on this power hike. Power bills in this country is outrageous enough already before this increase and am so so surprised that Nigerians are sitting back and letting this happen.

A philosopher said and I quote: "The problem is not the government, the problem is with the people who keep electing them"

It is time for us as citizens of this great country to stand up for ourselves and stop making fun of every foolishness in this country. Because i know is a matter of time, this electricity bill hike will start trending on twitter and people will begin to make fun of the whole process just like we are doing on #armsgate, #dasukigate, #missingbudget etc. Lets us take action so that we will be proud tell our kids in future what we did when this happened.

If government cannot run the power sector, then by all means privatize it and give to the real private sectors. We can only pay for what we consume. I knew that when the pay as you go meter was instroduced, there wa going to be a catch. I mean how can Nigeria introudce pay as you go meter while they can't provide power? Government will loose and the citizens will gain. And trust me, that can never happen in Nigeria. Government never does anything for the interest of his people especially in Nigeria.

Exlink Lodge - http://www.exlinklodge.com/2016/02/the-wisdom-foolishness-in-electricity.html

lalasticlala and mynd44 lets see what people think

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