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Why Do I Always Give Up - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Do I Always Give Up by pkang: 9:49am On May 11, 2016
Mmmmm this life is really funny. Sometimes I ask myself too many questions without any concrete answer.
I am a guy loved by some women. They always want to be close to me, wanting us to chat, play etc but hey, am one hell of a dude who cannot return what they ask for.
What do I even want to chat with a lady for do I have anything to say?
I have been loosing my female friends to my close male friends even at work hmmmmmm.
Well what prompted me to write this is my female neighbor we do business close to each other.
When I came to the area, there is this boy who never associates with this girl n other.
But wen I came, I have to relate with her a little to learn more of my business. D lady likes me somehow n likes us talking.
Stupid me cannot keep the conversation even if she brings a topic now I am loosing her to this other guy.
I just left her presence now n went to my shop because she keep starring at the boy.
I have tried all I could to be good to women but to no success.
Worst is the girl i date she has refused to come close to me because I am not good in conversation. Also, anytime I meet a girl first thought is sex yet I end up loosing them without the sex.
I have asked my friends how to came so strong but believe me, they unwilling to share, lecture me.
I am dying silently.
Re: Why Do I Always Give Up by chriskosherbal(m): 9:52am On May 11, 2016
Sit down and access your life.
Re: Why Do I Always Give Up by hungryboy(m): 9:58am On May 11, 2016
Oga go make money first,
After you do,
Come here and give us testimony of how girls are bothering you for sex and marriage.
Re: Why Do I Always Give Up by pkang: 8:47pm On May 11, 2016
Oga go make money first,
After you do,
Come here and give us testimony of how girls are bothering you for sex and marriage.

I have seen women who's husband or boyfriends are rich yet they are happy with other happy boys.

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