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"Please Correct The Errors On This Form" Adsense Error Any Solution - Webmasters - Nairaland

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"Please Correct The Errors On This Form" Adsense Error Any Solution by SageTravels: 4:53pm On May 17, 2016
When I enter google AdSense gadget in my blogger it gives me ''Please correct the errors on this form.'' How can I solve this problem

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Re: "Please Correct The Errors On This Form" Adsense Error Any Solution by lilmerhnuel(m): 7:44am On Aug 07, 2020
Please correct the error on this form - Cant set google adsense (fixed)
Hello, google brought you here because its the best recommended for you. Kindly bookmark this website now 9jaedublog.com.ng

Are you a blogger or website owner using blogger platform trying to set up your google adsense associated with your blog and getting frustrated with error messages as “Please correct the errors on this form” or “could not save earning settings” or “google adsense cant show on classic themes” 9jaedublog is here to help you set-up and diagnosed your blogger website.

Try trouble shooting your website and your browser, use google chrome incognito tab or clear your browser history and data then load your website again. Try also on other devices and PC to check if its displaying ads.

Try the new blogger, cause probably the old version of blogger is stopping you from doing that, use PC and mobile to check also but in the new version of blogger.

Check also if the account logged in on your blogger dashboard is the account associated to your google adsense account you are using on your blog, you can have up to 3 google accounts to one blog and one of them is the main account for adsense, so if you are not logged in, you will get some errors with blogger.

Cant Show ads between your posts
Sign in to Blogger. In the top left, choose the blog where you want to show ads.
From the menu on the left, click Layout.
Based on your template:
In "Blog Posts," under "Page Body," click Edit.
In "Blog Posts," under "Main," click Edit.
Check the box next to "Show Ads Between Posts."
Choose the ad format, colors, and how often you want the ads to show up.
Click Save. If you are getting the error message at this step just try reverting to the new blogger or go back to the earnings page and turn off the ads to no and come back to set show ads in blog post and save to see, if it didn't save don't worry. Just continue with the tuto....Continue reading

source: https://www.9jaedublog.com.ng/2020/08/please-correct-error-on-this-form-cant.html

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Re: "Please Correct The Errors On This Form" Adsense Error Any Solution by seoinnepal: 2:26pm On Dec 12, 2020
This is the required fix for the form error. You can enable from gadget for used gadget which is disabled in theme layout.
Source: https://www.seodigitalnepal.com/blogger-adsense-fix/

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