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Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? - TV/Movies - Nairaland

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Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by IceAngel2(f): 10:57pm On Sep 12, 2009
Despite the huge patronage of of DSTV/NMET by Nigerians, this South African television company seem to be shunning Nigeria in terms of promotions. Have you noticed whenever that there is a customer scheme promo its always for the South African audience? believe it or not Nigeria is a huge market for this South African company, so what the F,  is going on? its almost like they simply provide their service, take our money and completely shun us afterwards. Am i being paranoid or are Nigerians simply unaware of this seemingly under-the-raider-arrogance of a foriegn investor who is obviously attaining great success in the Nigeria economy?

what do you'll think?
Re: Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by STORM2(f): 1:45am On Sep 13, 2009
Its not paranoia at all. I've never really liked south africa. They seem to feel they're superior to us for some reason. The truth is i don't blame them cos nigeria has given them every reason to walk on us. In da past south africa would have been honoured to wipe nigeria's ass but with the present state of things in our beloved country i can't really blame anyone for their lack of respect for us. I mean, seriously whats to respect? They've got DSTV and we've got what? NTA? They've moved on, and we're still in da stone age!
Re: Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by IceAngel2(f): 11:35am On Sep 13, 2009
Ok goood. stone age! u said it all - can somone mail this to our ministers of what communication,
Re: Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by Ochukss(m): 11:38am On Sep 13, 2009
I dont blame dstu.dey have d best content in nigeria.when hitv came i taught dey would musle dem out,but hitv is worse.
Re: Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by IceAngel2(f): 11:59am On Sep 13, 2009
@ Chuckss, u know talk about HITV u are so correct. i somtimes wonder if we Nigerians have no sense of entertainment! but we seem to know good stuffs and get hooked on it easily but when it comes to creating good entertainment we make a complete mess of it. in this day and time u'll wonder why our local stations are hell bent on being so stereotyped and remain clueless!!!
Re: Dstv Anti-Nigerian Promotions: Real Or Paranoid? by STORM2(f): 4:32am On Sep 15, 2009
@ ice angel, our ministers of communication? Come on, we both know they're probably more clueless than a five year old when it comes to these issues lol.

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