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A Husband Like Abraham - Family - Nairaland

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A Husband Like Abraham by teejay137(f): 3:40pm On Oct 14, 2016

The Bible teaches that wives should be humble and submissive to their own husbands and in teaching this principle, women are often told to follow Sarah's example. We are told that Sarah called her husband, Abraham ‘lord’.
Marriage counsellors teach it, many officiating ministers at weddings preach it and everyone who dispenses this advice always feels good after doing so.

So I decided to find out exactly why Sarah called her husband LORD. I picked up a copy of the KJV of the Bible, after all, where best to look than the Text-book, right?

We first meet Abraham hanging somewhere below Terah on the family tree and not too long after, we discover Abram, as he was known then, had no child. Initially, we are not sure who to blame but eventually we are told it is Sarah’s problem and this is confirmed several chapters later, when an Egyptian handmaid gives Abraham a son.
Now imagine a typical Nigerian family with this issue of childlessness;
The mother in law and her daughters and possibly all else will give Sarah hell and even if Abraham tries to, he can’t insulate her from their venom. Sooner than later, he loses his patience and starts to try outside ( they do that even when they have kids but they are all girls).
Anyways, whichever way you look at it, no guy is gonna wait around till his wife is Ninety-nine years old to have a child, God’s promise or not, Right? It is only reasonable to do something nah.

But what did Abraham do?
He prayed and beseeched God daily, we have no records of him turning on Sarah or blaming her. How about when she finally decided he could have a go at Haggai? Better woman, right? Sarah had to practically pull down Abraham’s dross and turn referee before he capitulated.
Nine months later? Boom, Ishmael!

And just when all seemed well with the world, Sarah came again with her yeye jealousy and demanded Abraham should send Haggai and poor Ishmael away because Haggai had eyed her.
Haba, aunty Sarah!

Did Abraham give Sarah an ultimatum to ‘take it or leave it?’
No!!!!! The thing pain am wella but he rose at dawn and gave them some water and bread and sent them away. He never even sent a servant to check up on them, na wa oooo.

All we are told is …..”and Abraham hearkened to the voice of Sarai.
If na you nko, my sister, wont you add ‘Master’ join to the Lord?
Mgbo, Uncle, how many times do you hearken to the voice of madam that you want to be Lord

Ok, how about when the three angels came a-calling?
Abraham ran into the tent and told Sarah; ‘oh girl, we have guests, oya put pot for fire’.
But he didn’t return to the strangers for chit-chat. He ran into the field, got a goat or so and gave a servant to kill and dress. It was also Abraham who brought the food and drinks and served their guests.
Sarah’s lord and master of all he surveyed, scrambling upandan to serve guests while Sarah reclined on her hammock in the tent.

So i ask myself What made Abraham his wife’s LORD?

I discovered Abraham was PROVIDER:
He was industrious; he had cattle, sheep, goats and servants, not a few. He provided all Sarah needed and desired. She was a beauty to behold and everywhere they went, kings desired her.

Abraham was PRAYER-HEAD:
He took all their cares and worries to God and held vigils over sacrifices. He prayed until something happened.

He fought and won battles and ensured every member of his household was safe from harm.

Abraham was PARTNER
He never left Sarah to do anything alone and never ever told her that he was called alone and blessed alone, or that he was doing her a favour by marrying her and tolerating her barrenness. He never told her she was created only for his pleasure and had to live her life pleasing him.

So bros; are you a husband like Abraham?
(c) TeejayDogoh

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Re: A Husband Like Abraham by Nobody: 7:43pm On Oct 14, 2016
Nice one.

May I clarify something though: regarding the biblical injunction for wives to submit, the only exception is where the husband requires her to submit to something contrary to the word of God/that God wouldn't support, given that the injunction is for her to submit AS UNTO THE LORD). In view of this, whether or not he joins her in serving visitors, or is not industrious, etc, she must submit to him.

Admittedly, the requirement to submit is steep, but that is the more reason why a woman shouldn't marry a man whom she can't submit to, else she might cause problems in her home.You can't respect him enough to trust him to lead you? Don't marry him, unless he is comfortable with you as the head. You generally don't trust his decisions? Don't marry him, unless he is willing to let you have the casting vote as far as decisions are concerned. Anything else, her married life might mimic a tug of war.

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