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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening (28499 Views)
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UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 4:59pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
Both of them claimed using the 50:50 method i.e 50% for O'level and 50% for UTME. Now, let's see which looks more favourable. For UI, it goes thus: O'LEVEL A1; 6 points, B2; 5 points, B3; 4 points, C4; 3 points, C5; 2 points and C6; 1 point. Then, you'll calculate the total points for your 5 jamb combinations in your used O'level result and divide it by 30, then multiply it by 50 i.e 5 subjects/30*50. JAMB After that, you'll divide your jamb score by 8. RESULT Add the two results you got above i.e for O'level and Jamb together. The result is your weighted score. Looks nice, right? Now to Unilag, it goes thus: O'LEVEL A1; 10 points, B2; 9 points, B3; 8 points, C4; 7 points, C5; 6 points and C6; 5 points. All you have to do is to calculate the points for your 5 jamb subjects combination. No multiplication or division needed. JAMB You'll then divide your Jamb score by 8. RESULT Add the two results above i.e for O'level and Jamb together. You then will have your screening result. +++++++++++++++ Now, let's assume i have 5 B2s as my O'level result and a Jamb score of 320. Using UI's method, i'll have; 5*5=25/30=0.83333*50=41.6665 - O'level 320/8=40 - Jamb so, 41.6665+40=81.6665. Using Unilag's method, i'll have; 5*9=45 - O'level 320/8=40 - Jamb so, 45+40=85. Looking at the two methods, that of Unilag seems higher. Now let's look at the cutoff marks. Let's assume i choose medicine. CUTOFF MARKS For Unilag, the cutoff for medicine is 79.38%, the difference between my score and the cutoff mark is 85-79.38=5.62%. For UI, the cutoff for medicine is 76.75%, the difference between my score and the cutoff mark is 81.6665-76.75=4.9165%. Now the difference seems near. The difference between my 2 differences is 5.62-4.9165=0.7035 which is almost nothing. Conclusively, as long as the method is the 50:50 method, it all comes down to the same thing. One may think one method is more strict but when you analyse it, you'll see that the two methods are almost the same. I hereby rest my case. Thanks for reading this article. What do you think about it? Do you think i'm right or wrong? Writer: UIvents Source:https://uivents./2016/10/16/comparing-uis-method-of-screening-to-that-of-unilag-4/ 19 Likes 1 Share |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 5:07pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
Lalasticlala, fynestboi, see analysis. |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by dec0four: 5:09pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
This one will fall pple's hand |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 5:12pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
dec0four: why do you say so? 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by richieadams(m): 5:42pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
hmmmmmm |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Shabib(m): 6:33pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
richieadams:why 'hmmm'ing? |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 7:55pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
you get time and strength anyway nice illustration. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by 1afrika: 9:44pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
Op, Kindly analyse this practical case C6 in the 5 relevant subjects and 310 UTME score and draw your inferences. Assuming she's an aspirant of 1.psychology. 2. Computer science 3. Economics or 4. Political science What are her fates in both schools? You can pick any 2 of the courses above for your analysis. Thanks |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 6:17am On Oct 17, 2016 |
1afrika:Check out http://uivents. before 8pm today. It will be there. |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 6:20am On Oct 17, 2016 |
1KINGKYLE: That's my work. Thanks anyway. Don't forget to check out the blog. 2 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 6:29am On Oct 17, 2016 |
What is unilag engineering cut of mark? |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 6:31am On Oct 17, 2016 |
solite3: what engineering? 1 Like |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 6:54am On Oct 17, 2016 |
UIvents:Awright 1 Like |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 6:57am On Oct 17, 2016 |
UIvents:chemical |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by 1afrika: 8:32am On Oct 17, 2016 |
UIvents: For I saw ur analysis here and made the request here, fairness demands that ur response be posted here too. Not every1 that read ur analysis here will definitely visit your blog. I just wanted you to fault your analysis yourself. A candidate with 5 C6 and 310 will av [/b]63. 75 [b] as aggregate in unilag but [/b]47. 08[b] in UI. A whooping [/b]16. 67[b] difference! In UI, she stands zero chance of admission even with her high utme score and minimum olevel requirements because it was stated clearly that any1 with aggregate lower than 50 will not be admitted. Note the following op * 50/50 means equal. Squaring corresponding points between utme and o'level points must b 1. *The minimum eligible utme score, 200, is half of the highest obtainable score, 400 and for olevel grades, lowest grade point, C6 MUST also be half of A1 point which is what unilag did. An aspirant with minimum eligible criteria in either utme or olevel must av equal points e.g 5 C6 in UI is 8. 3 while 200 is 25points, but both 5 C6 nd 200 are 25points in unilag which is d true 50/50. Comparing these two systems, utme points will always be equal for both schools but olevel points can't, save for 5 A1 which is the obtainable point. 5 A1, 5B2, 5 B3, 5C4, 5 C5 and 5C6 are 50, 45, 40, 35, 30 and 25 respectively in unilag while 50, 41. 6, 33. 3, 25, 16. 6 and 8. 3 respectively in UI. The true ratio in UI's system is 66. 6/33. 3 o'level/ utme EXCEPT if C4 was the mininum grade requirement which isn't by any law or advertised during screening registration. [/b]check[b] O'level/utme= 25/8. 3 The mininum point is used to make comparison. For any ratio used, highest point comparison will give 1. Both highest and lowest point comparsion must b the same which is d case in unilag: 50/50 and 25/25 , a true 50/50! I sincerely hope you understand and do the needful by modifying your post, both here and on your blog, b4 creating a false impression in some people. Thanks. Peace. 30 Likes 1 Share |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Elxandre(m): 10:04am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Exactly bro. What UI did was an illegality, but in Nigeria you just have to move on and forget lest you get branded by non-analytical minds as a "sore loser" and hopeless pessimist. How dare you discriminate against C6 so badly like it's a fail grade! Calculate it sensibly and set extremely high cut offs if you wish. That's common sense. Isn't C6 in the actual sense 50%, why is UI now claiming it being 16.67%? That makes zero sense, but we are in Nigeria, where hard work gets binned everytime with asinine policies. Cc 1Afrika 17 Likes 1 Share |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by UIvents(m): 10:41am On Oct 17, 2016 |
1afrika: Sir/bro, i knew UI's 50:50 isn't a true one before typing that, what i was trying to say is that for A1 & B2, it'll still be near. Thanks anyways, i accept your opinion wholeheartedly. |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by babyfaceafrica: 11:11am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Hmmmm...UI just scam people..chai |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by freya8(f): 11:12am On Oct 17, 2016 |
they should've just left putme instead of all these crap 1 Like |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by carlosta: 11:13am On Oct 17, 2016 |
What a country! Admission process changes every damn year. Who knows what it will be next year maybe they'll use school leaving certificate. I pity folks that applied for UI thinking it would still be the post jamb way. I'm glad I got lucky during my time. I rep UI |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 11:17am On Oct 17, 2016 |
. |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Rilwayne001: 11:20am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Is it their fault? No. It's the fault of the illiterate president and the retarded minister of Education. Apparently this system won't work because of those olevel results were gotten from special centers. Most of those who claimed to have A' have nothing to show that they are indeed quality for it. But with this new policy of no post ume, they have an upper hand than those who worked hard to earn their complete results. And the funniest thing is that, by this time next year, hundreds of this new intake will be withdrawn for failing to meet departmental/faculty gp cut off, why because they are not qualified to be there in the first place. With the irregularities in Olevel exams and Jamb, this new system is dead on arrival. Post ume remains the best option until the Jamb/olevel rot are cleaned for good. 4 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by chinchum(m): 11:26am On Oct 17, 2016 |
UI method of grading WASSCE is not properly skewed at the mid -percentile. It defies good logic. However, candidates with distinctions are just about the only ones guaranteed of admission. 2 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by Nobody: 11:26am On Oct 17, 2016 |
My friend the difference isn't close at all. For top schools and top courses like medicine, you could have about 20-50perons within a range of 1mark. And I believe since its on merit, the higher your score, the brighter your chances of gaining admission. I still wish all admission seekers the best 2 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by superfelix: 11:27am On Oct 17, 2016 |
nah! ui grading seems unfair, a aspirant using neco is bound to fail here cuz of c parallel..and 5 c6=B2. mehn. 2 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by JohnEazy(m): 11:38am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Noted |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by emmyw(m): 11:38am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Ui Is The Best 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by abumeinben(m): 11:43am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Now the difference seems near. The difference between my 2 differences is 5.62-4.9165=0.7035 which is almost nothing. So after all your wonderfully research then analyses, you ruined all by saying a whole 0.7035 is almost nothing. This OP never see or you probably not in higher institution yet. If you are, you'll know how big 0.1 is to knock you below 2.1 7 Likes |
Re: UI Vs UNILAG's Method Of Screening by 1afrika: 11:49am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Elxandre: Well said bro. The whole grading system is hypocrisy. A1 grade isn't 100marks yet attracts maximum points but no one has ever had 400 in jamb exams over d years yet only aspirants with 400 can score the maximum points in utme. Y grading exams with different result presentation alike? The scoring system will b fair if * candidates' utme scores in their utme subjects can b graded just like o'level: A1-C6 nd the four utme subjects graded. At least, a credit pass in d 5th o'level relevant subject will just b a must. With d above, having 50 max points in both o'level nd utme will b synonymous. As it's, our admission processes is a "poo" that needs urgent overhaul. Peace. 2 Likes |
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