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Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession - Business - Nairaland

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Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 12:06pm On Oct 27, 2016
Have you been looking for a way to earn money online? have you tried many times and it fail by paying money to the wrong hands and been scammed? Have you lost money on Hyip and many more? Thank God you stumbled on this thread that will definitely help you to recover all that and start a new life. Many at times people spend more than 850 naira ($1.7) in a day on things that doesn't add value to their life simply because they believe 850 naira ($1.7) can never start or return any thing meaningful.. But you are wrong! Mathematically brilliant brains have put 850 naira ($1.7) in a tested and trusted system and they are turning 850 naira ($1.7) into 156,250,000 Million naira ($312,500) (yes! you heard me) in five to six months.. Which business can you do with 850 naira ($1.7) and generate that amount in Six months... Show me that business and I will show you a lizard with a beard.. Stop wasting that 850 naira on things like betting, lotto today.. Invest it and let the mathematical geniuses help you turn it into gold.. There are people who are looking at recession in the face and giving it the middle finger.. Join these people today and let just six months patience turn your 850 naira into Gold.. The amazing thing about this people is that they do the work looking for people to join the programme. You don't need to worry about bringing people. check my signature contact me and I will add you on WhatsApp
Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 12:09pm On Oct 27, 2016
Have you lost your money to hyips and their likes. This is a suitable way to make income. Million Achiever$$$ ==, where u can archive your MILLIONS. MillionsAchievers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° It's a low investment capital business plan. ® >>> It cost just 850 Naira ($1.7 bitcoin) and you need to introduce 5 persons minimum who can pay the same amount..then. your job is completed. CONGRATULATIONS!! And if you can't find five person don't worry we get you covered. We have way of getting you the 5 people as your referrals. Its a first come first serve. (FCFS) For having 5 persons paying 850 Naira ($1.7btc) complete your level one. Only 5 levels available. Level 1: $5 (N2,500 Naira) Level 2: $75 (N37,500 Naira) Level 3: $1,250 (N625,000 Naira) Level 4: $31,250 (N15,625,000 Naira) Last level 5: $312,500 (N156,250,000 Naira) Always remember, it is a lot easier to lease 850 Naira ($1.70 btc).. Than in leasing hundreds to invest in a hyip. Join us let's create wealth.
check my signature contact me and I will add you on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 12:11pm On Oct 27, 2016
Let me know who is following for more updates.
we do seminner often in the group for more informations
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 12:32pm On Oct 27, 2016
If you not willing to risk.. You can't grow in life. Life has no power when you not willing to risk....
They say to LAUGH is to risk appearing a FOOL... To WEEP is to risk appearing SENTIMENTAL...To REACH out for another is to risk INVOLVEMENT... To expose FEELINGS is to risk exposing your TRUE SELF .... To place your IDEAS , your DREAMS before a crowd is to risk their LOSS...To LOVE is to risk not being LOVED in return... To LIVE is to risk DYING .. To HOPE is to risk DESPAIR .. To THRIVE is to risk FAILURE....
But risk must be taking because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing... The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing....is NOTHING... they may avoid suffering and sorrow.. But they cannot learn, build, grow , love and live.... Chained by their certitudes..they're a slave... They've forfeited their FREEDOM.. Only a person who risks is FREE.

Become an achiever today!
#networker. #achiever

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Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 2:40pm On Oct 27, 2016
Millions Achievers is a program created by Mr. Sukhminder Singh(CEO Millions Achievers) and partnered by Hon. Mrs. Benson, President Virtuous Foundation. They brought together a group of enthusiasts who are passionate about the wellbeing of people and creating platforms for financial FREEDOM to make this dream a reality and made Millions Achievers available to everyone in the world.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 3:10pm On Oct 27, 2016
Bill gate said in the year 2002 "The internet will create thousands upon thousands of new millionaires in the next four years, those who do not learn to use it will be left behind, for there will be two people on planet earth: those on the internet and those going out of business".

I guess he's right

check my signature contact me and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 5:56pm On Oct 27, 2016
Networking is what we do everyday and thus may mean different to different people. But all have similar features.

Concept of networking.
According to the business dictionary, networking is " creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefits". Networking is based on the question of "HOW DO I HELP?" rather than " WHAT DO I GET?"
The basic feature of a network includes
1. It must be a group
2. It must be active
3. There should be regular communication
4. There must be mutual benefits/understanding
5. There is always mutual support. These are the basic factors that make a network business to be sustainable.
Why is network business so criticized despite being the most lucrative? The reasons for these includes
1. Ignorance of how the system works.
2. Individuals or organization hardly explain their methods to prospects
3. High risk and exaggerated compensation plans
4. The need for regular referral and depending on the exploits of your downlines etc.

What makes networking business to crash?
1. Ignorance: a situation where a participant hardly understand what he or she is doing may lead to discouragements and abandoning such project
2. Greed or selfishness: a situation where someone wants to succeed alone not minding what happens to members of the network. You succeed only when others do and others succeed when you do as well. So everyone must be carried along.
3. Get rich quick syndrom: This may lead to impatience and anxiety which usually lead to greed.
4. Impatience and anxiety: these may result from get rich Syndrome and may lead to greed
5. Ineffective communication is a situation where participants hardly understand your message and lead to ignorance on how the system works.
6. Suspicion. When a participant is not so sure about the legitimacy of networking program he or she may be discouraged. This usually occur in a society that have experienced so many fraudulent

we have a strategy to get you your 5 referral. Nothing is stopping you from joining the train

check my signature contact me and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 6:51pm On Oct 27, 2016
Like we all know networking is what we do everyday. In different aspect of our lives. Just imagine how businesses could grow without a network. How could a politician be successful without a network?
Can there be a pastor or an imam without a network of adherents?
Can there be a family without a network?
There is even no society at all without a network.
So at this point let us take our time and reflect. Is it worth to be in a network?. If your answer is yes, always answer the question of HOW CAN I HELP?" not " What do I get?" because what you get in any network depends on how you help those above and below you.

check my signature contact me and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 8:39pm On Oct 27, 2016
This evening I will be given info on how to open a Bitcoin wallet account so stay online
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 9:52pm On Oct 27, 2016
i sight you bro. we are always ready to serve you better
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 9:53pm On Oct 27, 2016
I'm a member, this is nothing but the truth.

Join the train today!
I sight you bro. we are always ready to serve you better
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 10:49pm On Oct 27, 2016
Bitcoin is an ecurrency which was lunched in 2008
Right now its on the track of replacing the dollar.
To believe more on what am telling you Goo gle or You Tube Bitcoin Block chain.
There are two types of currencies
The paper money you know and The digital currency e.g Bitcoin
In one way or the other u must have heard about Bitcoin before
In the year 2013 1BTC=13$ today 1BTC=638$

That is how fast it grows due to high demands

Believe it or not Bitcoin is the future.
more informations going to be posted. comment if you are following.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 7:30am On Oct 28, 2016

Note: There are a lot of btc wallets but for the purpose of our programme, we make use of block chain wallet* because it is very easy to operate and monitor it's operations...

Now to the steps:

1) Download Google Chrome.
Block chain wallet works fine on Google
Chrome browser
2) You must have an email address
3) Go to block chain dot info(remove the space between)
4) Click wallet
5) Click create new wallet
6) Follow the procedures
You will be sent a mail
7) Go to your email and confirm by clicking the link sent
cool Then login with your details

Hurray!!! You now have a btc wallet

9) After successful login, you will see send and receive
10) Click receive
You will see a long alphanumeric character, that you were told to copy
copy it
like this (JYYaE6TkQsMGBj8QT2QmM9sKfufFtCFPBt)
11) Go to your Notepad or anywhere safe & paste it there and save it so you can use it at anytime.
12) That number copied is your wallet address
and U will be using it to collect and receive Bitcoin

Pls note your wallet address is like your bank account no on blockchain, it is different from your wallet ID.

Your wallet ID can be likened to your ATM pin which u use in gaining access to your account.

That is all. You now have a Bitcoin account

check my signature contact me on my email or phone number and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 10:35am On Oct 28, 2016
Another seminar will be conducted by admin by 11:00am. Try to be part of it and benefit from the wonderful platform way to millionaire.

check my signature contact me on my email or
phone number and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by omooloye: 12:16pm On Oct 28, 2016
Just registered on the platform a few minutes ago and am good to move to level 1 with five down lines. Levels don dey change!!!!! Don't dull join the Millions Achievers today.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 12:27pm On Oct 28, 2016
Just registered on the platform a few minutes ago and am good to move to level 1 with five down lines. Levels don dey change!!!!! Don't dull join the Millions Achievers today.
welcome on board bro. Aspiring young millionaire
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 1:19pm On Oct 28, 2016
This platform is all about an entrepreneurial low capital investment business platform that helps in raising funds to achieve & execute  various projects that matter to you.

A platform where you just pay little (850naira or $1.7) to be a beneficiary of the platform. And you end up having (156,250,000 naira) $312,500 in your account

Millions achievers  is an advertising company that promotes  ADs geared towards building traffic on the website. 

check my signature contact me on my email or
phone number and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 1:33pm On Oct 28, 2016
This platform is all about an entrepreneurial low capital investment business platform that helps in raising funds to achieve & execute  various projects that matter to you.

A platform where you just pay little (850naira or $1.7) to be a beneficiary of the platform. 

And you walk into millions in few months achieving ($312,500) =N156,250,000 naira

Millionsachievers  is an advertising company that promotes  ADs geared towards building traffic on the website. 

check my signature contact me on my email or
phone number and I will add you
on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers
here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by neoG(f): 1:35pm On Oct 28, 2016
Check my signature and click the whatsapp link there. Join the group and you will thank me like as if you are doing it to Obama. Get to know everything you need to know about bitcoin and how to earn more of it conveniently. Joke apart i am a living witness. Welcome to the world of financial freedom. Bitcoin rocks.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 9:40pm On Oct 28, 2016
Check my signature and click the whatsapp link there. Join the group and you will thank me like as if you are doing it to Obama. Get to know everything you need to know about bitcoin and how to earn more of it conveniently. Joke apart i am a living witness. Welcome to the world of financial freedom. Bitcoin rocks.
you are welcome. we deliver as said
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by Sege2001: 11:27pm On Oct 28, 2016
I finally registered. Now good to go. The best platform so far, join d train and dont be left out. The millions will be rolling now
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 7:27am On Oct 29, 2016
A seminar will be conducted by 9am this morning. so be part of it.

check my signature contact me on my email or phone number and I will add you on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 7:28am On Oct 29, 2016
I finally registered. Now good to go. The best platform so far, join d train and dont be left out. The millions will be rolling now
on point
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 8:35am On Oct 29, 2016
Earnings from a Level 2 member

Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 1:10pm On Oct 29, 2016
There is going to be another seminar in the group by 2:00pm today. Try to be part of it by joining the group.

check my signature contact me on my email or
phone number and I will add you on WhatsApp
Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 9:04pm On Oct 29, 2016
People are joining the team fast now.

There is going to be another seminar in the group by 9:30pm today. Try to be part of it by joining the group.

check my signature contact me on my email or phone number and I will add you on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 8:06am On Oct 30, 2016
Good morning great mind. There is going to be another seminar in the group by 9:00am today. Try to be part of it by joining the group.

check my signature contact me on my email or phone number and I will add you on WhatsApp Please do not drop your numbers here. Beware of scammers.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by omooloye: 8:55pm On Oct 30, 2016
Hello All, good evening. I registered on Millions Achiever yesterday and in less than 24hrs, the Admin has provided me with 5 downlines as peomised and am automatically moved to stage 2 in the platform. Give it a try and you will be convinced. This is a platform for making passive income in this time of recession.
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by fastlane84: 9:46pm On Oct 30, 2016
Greetings Ndlers.... No to much talk. While others are doubting some peeps are making kool doe.....

Sent an email to
creativelandingpages at gmail.com

With subject. * SOFT WORK*

Or pm what's app ...

o eight o. Three five three five eigth three six 4 you will be glad u did.....
Re: Happy To Finally Find A Way Out Of Recession by ultimatesafety(m): 7:32am On Oct 31, 2016
Greetings Ndlers.... No to much talk. While others are doubting some peeps are making kool doe.....

Sent an email to
creativelandingpages at gmail.com

With subject. * SOFT WORK*

Or pm what's app ...

o eight o. Three five three five eigth three six 4 you will be glad u did.....
please stop spamming here with your message. create your own thread

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