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The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 - Business - Nairaland

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The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by Spectraz: 6:41am On Nov 01, 2016
I am going to teach you how to become rich before the end of 2016 or let’s say; get rich before the first 3 months of 2017. This is not a get rich quick scheme, I am not teaching you about a secret button to just press and money will start rolling into your account. If you need that, the babalawo in your village can help.

I am going to teach you a simple formula that when applied into your everyday financial life (how you manage the money that comes in and leaves your pocket) you will be one of the richest citizens of this great country very soon. That is only going to be possible only if you have two things in place.

1. You have something doing that earns you money, no matter how small.

2. If you read this article from the beginning and right through to the end and put the formula into practice.

The formula contained in this post is going to blow your mind. It actually blew me off my seat the very first day I learned about it. I now realized why so many Nigerians are just living in poverty no matter how hard we try to climb out of that sink hole.

Some Financial Terms You Need To Know

I will start by exposing you to some financial terms that will help break this post down for easy and better understanding.

This is simply defined as the income coming into your pocket. Its source can be through your salary, investment or whatever that can put money into your pocket and make it yours.

This refers to the money being spent. This is your money that is leaving your pocket into another person’s pocket. The money you spend in buying things, paying for things and services rendered to you. The output.

An asset refers to anything that you purchased with your cash flow and putting that thing into good use the thing turned out yielding money for you. In order words, an asset is an expense turned cash flow. A house can be an asset to you if you bought or built it and then you rented it out. By so doing it is generating money for you on monthly basis.

A liability tried to be almost like an asset but missed it way because instead of yielding money for you just like an asset will do, a liability makes you spend. Examples of a liability is a car, the house you bought to live in can be a liability to you if it is a mortgage and you have to pay your bank for it. your smartphone and so many other things that sucks up the cash inside your pocket without putting any back inside.

let me bring to your knowledge the 3 financial categories of human beings.

1. The poor
2. The Middle Class
3. The Rich

Here is how these individuals got to find themselves in their various financial stratum. This is the reason why in a typical society populated by human beings, the poor will continue to remain poor no matter how hard they try, pray and wish to leave that stratum. The middle class will continue moving forward and backward without making any meaningful difference in his financial status while the rich will continue getting richer.

The poor:
When referring to the poor here, I am not referring to the destitute. I am referring to those individuals that live from paycheck to paycheck. So many of us can actually relate to this group.

On payday, the poor earn a specific amount of money which is small when compared to the other individuals hanging out from the other strata. They spend this little money they’ve earned buying stuff, stuff here is a financial term which refers to those things that you don’t actually need to survive. The poor spend their little cash flow on this stuff because they are cheap and less expensive. Before the salary alert beeps on a poor man’s payday, he has already planned out numerous stuff he is going to spend it on leaving little or nothing to live on or save.

Poor people fail to educate themselves on assets and liabilities. They go about buying stuff on the ground and justification that they are cheap and inexpensive.
But over the years, the stuff is the only thing they can show they ever had. Their cashflow really never produces any means for another cash flow.

The middle Class:
These set of individuals appear rich, they are the ones that people mistake to be rich but they are actually living by the moment. They remain in this stratum, moving forward and backward because of the things they buy, they cage themselves inside the things they buy because they buy liabilities.

Their cash flow is higher than the poor man’s cash flow and they don’t spend their money on petty stuff instead they lavish it on expensive things like, houses, cars and all other things you can think of that will only allow them to look rich but doesn’t in any way bring in cash back into their pockets.

You can find this type of people among the Doctors, lawyers and so on. They educate themselves so as to exchange their knowledge for people’s money. Their life is just running round an imaginary circle of work. They work for hours, earn a fat check by the end of the month and spend it on expensive things. They rarely see the time to rest or do some other things in life because any hour spent away from work is money been missed.

The Rich:
People often get the definition of a rich man wrong. People think a rich man is the one that drives the hottest cars, or lives in the biggest and head spinning mansions. But a rich man is actually the man that possess the knowledge to make his cashflow work for him. He is the one that sees business opportunities, he is the one that sees everything around him and tries to figure out how he can put his money around to make him more money.

How To Get Rich Quick Before The End of 2016

To become rich is not by luck, it is not a misery it is just a formula. One of the reasons people have remained in their poor state is that they’ve not educated themselves or they are not applying the formula for creating wealth.

If you want to become rich, acquire assets that produce cash flows for you, reinvent the wheel by using the money from the cash flow to acquire another asset to produce another means of cash flow.

A few examples of assets include Stocks, bonds, real estate and education.

The rich spend their money purchasing these cash generating assets. Especially those assets that generate passive income.

Warren Buffett is among the top 3 richest men in the whole world and his first business started when he bought a pin ball machine and placed it in a barber’s shop. This machine generated money for him even when he is not around, sleeping or away from the town.

The rich has the ability to discover business opportunities that they can invest their cash flows inside. To be able to discover this cash generating opportunities your head need to be clear and your ears open to hear them because they are everywhere.

Ones you find them, you must be able to choose the one that fits you best and take actions immediately. These opportunities are out there you just need to find them and then be opportunistic enough to take actions.

Finally, avoid the temptation of been a poor man who spends his cash flow by buying stuff or the middle-class man who buys liabilities to appear rich but in reality, he is just dangling to and fro the financial pendulum.

Instead, be the Rich man who spends his cash flows acquiring assets and re-inventing the wheel by acquiring more assets. To be able to do this, you have to make sure your cash flow produces another cash flow multiple times before you can spend the first cash on reasonable expenses. Spend wisely, don’t buy things you don’t need.

By doing this, you will get rich quickly even if not before the end of this year, but you will be on your path to wealth

From this point, there are just 3 things I want you to do. I will not tell you to click on the link to my blog so that I get more traffic, that is not my concern, I get a lot of that without NL. But my only aim in sharing this post here is to impact knowledge into our present generation here in Nigeria. With the way things are going in this country, some of us will be very stranded financially soon, hoping and blaming Buhari, why there are so many things you can do to earn money for yourself and live the type of life you want to live.

Nigeria is so blessed, Agriculturally, oily, Education and what have you. Yet we find it hard to put our God giving resources into use. My vision is to see an economically stable Nigeria tomorrow where the citizens are all successful entrepreneurs, making excess money from their various Businesses. Poverty will be no more. That is the only goal I strive so hard to achieve with my blog, http://wealthybrains.com

The ball is in your court to make Nigeria better, I can keep churning out posts for you to read, post it here on NL and you accidentally bump into them and find it interesting to read. But I can't force you to take action.

Rise up bro, it is time to play your own part in making Nigeria better. Forget Yahoo Yahoo, forget Bet9ja, even if you make a lot of money from it please try to develop the common sense of mind to invest it into a Business and not spend it on women and cars.

Do justice to this post by dropping your thoughts on the the Nl comment box, then if you can, go over to my blog and share this post or anyone you find interesting there, share it with your social media buddies and then go into the world and put what you’ve just learned from this post into practice.

Source: http://wealthybrains.com/how-to-get-rich-quick-before
Re: The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by skidosky1(m): 6:50am On Nov 01, 2016
nice one............. seriously need things like dis
Re: The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by damose12(m): 7:01am On Nov 01, 2016
Good one bro. This is a secret to becoming rich which many don't know. Thanks for sharing
Re: The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by Jaxx123: 2:35pm On May 25, 2021
The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by Spectraz: 6:41am On Nov 01, 2016
I am going to teach you how to become rich before the end of 2016 or let’s say; get rich before the first 3 months of 2017. This is not a get rich quick scheme, I am not teaching you about a secret button to just press and money will start rolling into your account. If you need that, the babalawo in your village can help.

I am going to teach you a simple formula that when applied into your everyday financial life (how you manage the money that comes in and leaves your pocket) you will be one of the richest citizens of this great country very soon. That is only going to be possible only if you have two things in place.

1. You have something doing that earns you money, no matter how small.

2. If you read this article from the beginning and right through to the end and put the formula into practice.

The formula contained in this post is going to blow your mind. It actually blew me off my seat the very first day I learned about it. I now realized why so many Nigerians are just living in poverty no matter how hard we try to climb out of that sink hole.

Some Financial Terms You Need To Know

I will start by exposing you to some financial terms that will help break this post down for easy and better understanding.

Cashflow –
This is simply defined as the income coming into your pocket. Its source can be through your salary, investment or whatever that can put money into your pocket and make it yours.

Expenses –
This refers to the money being spent. This is your money that is leaving your pocket into another person’s pocket. The money you spend in buying things, paying for things and services rendered to you. The output.

Asset –
An asset refers to anything that you purchased with your cash flow and putting that thing into good use the thing turned out yielding money for you. In order words, an asset is an expense turned cash flow. A house can be an asset to you if you bought or built it and then you rented it out. By so doing it is generating money for you on monthly basis.

Liability –
A liability tried to be almost like an asset but missed it way because instead of yielding money for you just like an asset will do, a liability makes you spend. Examples of a liability is a car, the house you bought to live in can be a liability to you if it is a mortgage and you have to pay your bank for it. your smartphone and so many other things that sucks up the cash inside your pocket without putting any back inside.

let me bring to your knowledge the 3 financial categories of human beings.

1. The poor
2. The Middle Class
3. The Rich

Here is how these individuals got to find themselves in their various financial stratum. This is the reason why in a typical society populated by human beings, the poor will continue to remain poor no matter how hard they try, pray and wish to leave that stratum. The middle class will continue moving forward and backward without making any meaningful difference in his financial status while the rich will continue getting richer.

The poor:
When referring to the poor here, I am not referring to the destitute. I am referring to those individuals that live from paycheck to paycheck. So many of us can actually relate to this group.

On payday, the poor earn a specific amount of money which is small when compared to the other individuals hanging out from the other strata. They spend this little money they’ve earned buying stuff, stuff here is a financial term which refers to those things that you don’t actually need to survive. The poor spend their little cash flow on this stuff because they are cheap and less expensive. Before the salary alert beeps on a poor man’s payday, he has already planned out numerous stuff he is going to spend it on leaving little or nothing to live on or save.

Poor people fail to educate themselves on assets and liabilities. They go about buying stuff on the ground and justification that they are cheap and inexpensive.
But over the years, the stuff is the only thing they can show they ever had. Their cashflow really never produces any means for another cash flow.

The middle Class:
These set of individuals appear rich, they are the ones that people mistake to be rich but they are actually living by the moment. They remain in this stratum, moving forward and backward because of the things they buy, they cage themselves inside the things they buy because they buy liabilities.

Their cash flow is higher than the poor man’s cash flow and they don’t spend their money on petty stuff instead they lavish it on expensive things like, houses, cars and all other things you can think of that will only allow them to look rich but doesn’t in any way bring in cash back into their pockets.

You can find this type of people among the Doctors, lawyers and so on. They educate themselves so as to exchange their knowledge for people’s money. Their life is just running round an imaginary circle of work. They work for hours, earn a fat check by the end of the month and spend it on expensive things. They rarely see the time to rest or do some other things in life because any hour spent away from work is money been missed.

The Rich:
People often get the definition of a rich man wrong. People think a rich man is the one that drives the hottest cars, or lives in the biggest and head spinning mansions. But a rich man is actually the man that possess the knowledge to make his cashflow work for him. He is the one that sees business opportunities, he is the one that sees everything around him and tries to figure out how he can put his money around to make him more money.

How To Get Rich Quick Before The End of 2016

To become rich is not by luck, it is not a misery it is just a formula. One of the reasons people have remained in their poor state is that they’ve not educated themselves or they are not applying the formula for creating wealth.

If you want to become rich, acquire assets that produce cash flows for you, reinvent the wheel by using the money from the cash flow to acquire another asset to produce another means of cash flow.

A few examples of assets include Stocks, bonds, real estate and education.

The rich spend their money purchasing these cash generating assets. Especially those assets that generate passive income.

Warren Buffett is among the top 3 richest men in the whole world and his first business started when he bought a pin ball machine and placed it in a barber’s shop. This machine generated money for him even when he is not around, sleeping or away from the town.

The rich has the ability to discover business opportunities that they can invest their cash flows inside. To be able to discover this cash generating opportunities your head need to be clear and your ears open to hear them because they are everywhere.

Ones you find them, you must be able to choose the one that fits you best and take actions immediately. These opportunities are out there you just need to find them and then be opportunistic enough to take actions.

Finally, avoid the temptation of been a poor man who spends his cash flow by buying stuff or the middle-class man who buys liabilities to appear rich but in reality, he is just dangling to and fro the financial pendulum.

Instead, be the Rich man who spends his cash flows acquiring assets and re-inventing the wheel by acquiring more assets. To be able to do this, you have to make sure your cash flow produces another cash flow multiple times before you can spend the first cash on reasonable expenses. Spend wisely, don’t buy things you don’t need.

By doing this, you will get rich quickly even if not before the end of this year, but you will be on your path to wealth

From this point, there are just 3 things I want you to do. I will not tell you to click on the link to my blog so that I get more traffic, that is not my concern, I get a lot of that without NL. But my only aim in sharing this post here is to impact knowledge into our present generation here in Nigeria. With the way things are going in this country, some of us will be very stranded financially soon, hoping and blaming Buhari, why there are so many things you can do to earn money for yourself and live the type of life you want to live.

Nigeria is so blessed, Agriculturally, oily, Education and what have you. Yet we find it hard to put our God giving resources into use. My vision is to see an economically stable Nigeria tomorrow where the citizens are all successful entrepreneurs, making excess money from their various Businesses. Poverty will be no more. That is the only goal I strive so hard to achieve with my blog, http://wealthybrains.com

The ball is in your court to make Nigeria better, I can keep churning out posts for you to read, post it here on NL and you accidentally bump into them and find it interesting to read. But I can't force you to take action.

Rise up bro, it is time to play your own part in making Nigeria better. Forget Yahoo Yahoo, forget Bet9ja, even if you make a lot of money from it please try to develop the common sense of mind to invest it into a Business and not spend it on women and cars.

Do justice to this post by dropping your thoughts on the the Nl comment box, then if you can, go over to my blog and share this post or anyone you find interesting there, share it with your social media buddies and then go into the world and put what you’ve just learned from this post into practice.
Re: The Secret Formula To Wealth In Nigeria: Get Rich Quick Before The End Of 2016 by Jaxx123: 2:36pm On May 25, 2021


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