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Please Advise - Romance - Nairaland

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Please Advise by ballerina18(f): 4:37pm On Apr 12, 2017
There's this friend of mine, she has been dating a guy for 5 months now, the guy doesn't call but wait for her to call and whenever he finally calls, he complains he doesn't have airtime on his phone, forgot her birthday date, but always ask for sex
What do u guys think
Please advise.
Re: Please Advise by SafeDavid(m): 4:43pm On Apr 12, 2017
There's this friend of mine, she has been dating a guy for 5 months now, the guy doesn't call but wait for her to call and whenever he finally calls, he complains he doesn't have airtime on his phone, forgot her birthday date, but always ask for sex
What do u guys think
Please advise.

Don't lie, it's you. grin

He probably isn't the type who calls or he just doesn't like or appreciatye you. Perhaps, he's just plain broke but then that shouldn't stop someone from calling his supposed girlfriend at least a 100 Maura recharge will do that successfully.

On a lighter note, it's your likes who would still complain when he calls too much. You would probably end the relationship or call him a stalker if he doesn't stop calling you.
Re: Please Advise by Davash222(m): 4:50pm On Apr 12, 2017
I know you are the one @OP..so here is my advice.

Maybe you should try and recharge his account and watch his reaction.
Re: Please Advise by kunlexy1759(m): 4:51pm On Apr 12, 2017
Confront him and ask him ur questions. Then u knw what to do.
Re: Please Advise by Lionessza(f): 4:53pm On Apr 12, 2017
There's this friend of mine, she has been dating a guy for 5 months now, the guy doesn't call but wait for her to call and whenever he finally calls, he complains he doesn't have airtime on his phone, forgot her birthday date, but always ask for sex
What do u guys think
Please advise.

Your friend is nothing but a blow up doll for him with human flesh . She should wake the hell up and continue looking elsewhere
Re: Please Advise by sinaj(f): 4:53pm On Apr 12, 2017
Wat kinda yeye reltnshp. is this sad

Don't call him for one week nd see if he will
Re: Please Advise by Nobody: 4:56pm On Apr 12, 2017
There's this friend of mine, she has been dating a guy for 5 months now, the guy doesn't call but wait for her to call and whenever he finally calls, he complains he doesn't have airtime on his phone, forgot her birthday date, but always ask for sex
What do u guys think
Please advise.
Sister it's your cross
If you can't carry it
leave it and stop occupying our cyberspace with stvpid questions.
Re: Please Advise by dacblogger: 5:04pm On Apr 12, 2017
Run for your life,that one is nt relationship...he is only playing games with you

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