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Webmaster Help Me Out - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Webmaster Help Me Out by Nobody: 7:11pm On Jun 03, 2017
Some guy created a blog for my relative, but she complains of the blog not compatible with other browsers... and it's very slow, even with less content.
there's this "403 forbidden" error on the footer of the blog....
she tried reaching the guy ever since then but he is not picking up her calls.
(He used wordpress for creating the blog)

I have a little knowledge, can anyone suggest what I should do, I've use some catche plugins to improve the speed, my only challenge is the "403 forbidden" error at the footer.

I'll really appreciate any contribution from the gurus

.screen shot below

Re: Webmaster Help Me Out by Qriousity(m): 9:23pm On Jun 03, 2017
Some guy created a blog for my relative, but she complains of the blog not compatible with other browsers... and it's very slow, even with less content.
there's this "403 forbidden" error on the footer of the blog....
she tried reaching the guy ever since then but he is not picking up her calls.
(He used wordpress for creating the blog)

I have a little knowledge, can anyone suggest what I should do, I've use some catche plugins to improve the speed, my only challenge is the "403 forbidden" error at the footer.

I'll really appreciate any contribution from the gurus

.screen shot below
whatsapp me 07014195836
Re: Webmaster Help Me Out by brainreset: 7:33am On Jun 07, 2017
Some guy created a blog for my relative, but she complains of the blog not compatible with other browsers... and it's very slow, even with less content.
there's this "403 forbidden" error on the footer of the blog....
she tried reaching the guy ever since then but he is not picking up her calls.
(He used wordpress for creating the blog)

I have a little knowledge, can anyone suggest what I should do, I've use some catche plugins to improve the speed, my only challenge is the "403 forbidden" error at the footer.

I'll really appreciate any contribution from the gurus

.screen shot below
Bro, did you resolve this?
If not, the first thing to do is change the theme to default and disable all plugins.
Instal firebug add-on for Mozilla Firefox and trace the problem.
Re: Webmaster Help Me Out by Nobody: 10:07am On Jun 07, 2017

Bro, did you resolve this?
If not, the first thing to do is change the theme to default and disable all plugins.
Instal firebug add-on for Mozilla Firefox and trace the problem.
Yeah, bro...I've resolved it... I realized it was one of the ad plugins. I have to help her re-design the whole thing... the idiot that handled the job just did rubbish.


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