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Specialized Property And Facility Managers I - Properties - Nairaland

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Specialized Property And Facility Managers I by Mickysele: 3:12pm On Sep 09, 2017

Misinformation and counterfeit products present the greatest challenges to business. We battle this challenge by communicating with our clients on the project-and retail level, just as we do with architects and consultants, and we update them from time-to-time on new products we are about to launch in the market. We also combat counterfeit products by only having one point of sale at our showroom in Victoria Island, Lagos. The consultants and architects that we have been working with for the past decade are well aware of our role in representing these brands, and therefore guide customers accordingly. We wish to become the first choice supplier in the bathrooms and wellness business in Nigeria. To achieve this strategy we are investing in people and increasing our visibility through various print and other media efforts along with participation in industry relevant trade fairs and exhibitions. We are also concentrating on Nigeria's ever increasing middle class by offering them value for money products. All the products we sell come with minimum guarantees ranging from five to 50 years against manufactures defects. Expansion will not compromise our quality, because that is the foundation of the company.
Misinformation and counterfeit products present the greatest challenges to business. We battle this challenge by communicating with our clients on the project-and retail level, just as we do with architects and consultants, and we update them from time-to-time on new products we are about to launch in the market. We also combat counterfeit products by only having one point of sale at our showroom in Victoria Island, Lagos. The consultants and architects that we have been working with for the past decade are well aware of our role in representing these brands, and therefore guide customers accordingly. We wish to become the first choice supplier in the bathrooms and wellness business in Nigeria. To achieve this strategy we are investing in people and increasing our visibility through various print and other media efforts along with participation in industry relevant trade fairs and exhibitions. We are also concentrating on Nigeria's ever increasing middle class by offering them value for money products. All the products we sell come with minimum guarantees ranging from five to 50 years against manufactures defects. Expansion will not compromise our quality, because that is the foundation of the company.
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Connie Guilfoyle
Managing Director
VACC Technical
We are making VACC more efficient, and investing heavily in software and systems that allow us to operate as a building services contracting company that provides quality products and services. People on site are starting to order from tablets and smart phones, and we have to get to the point where we control and document everything, without all the paperwork. We need to invest in our operations, and then continually train our people, and be as adaptable as possible to whatever the environment throws at us. For that, training is key, because every time we up the training, our employees require less supervision, and supervision is the overhead. This means focusing on training local talent, because hiring expatriates is costly for VACC. Another manifestation of this is our ETIWA Vocational Training which receives direction and support from Enterprise Ireland for the creation of venture partnerships between Chevron Training Ireland and the El-Alan Group of companies.
We are making VACC more efficient, and investing heavily in software and systems that allow us to operate as a building services contracting company that provides quality products and services. People on site are starting to order from tablets and smart phones, and we have to get to the point where we control and document everything, without all the paperwork. We need to invest in our operations, and then continually train our people, and be as adaptable as possible to whatever the environment throws at us. For that, training is key, because every time we up the training, our employees require less supervision, and supervision is the overhead. This means focusing on training local talent, because hiring expatriates is costly for VACC. Another manifestation of this is our ETIWA Vocational Training which receives direction and support from Enterprise Ireland for the creation of venture partnerships between Chevron Training Ireland and the El-Alan Group of companies.
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Project Manager
El - Alan
The problem in Nigeria is that many developers see themselves as facilities management companies and are keen to provide the service in-house. Yet if you are not careful and do not understand facilities management, you can get your fingers burned. The potential lies in the fact that Nigeria has always been seen as a culture that does not give prominence to maintenance issues. Now, people are realizing that they are spending billions of dollars on constructing a building that, if not maintained correctly, will deteriorate, rendering leasing impossible. We want to be the preferred vendor, ensuring that clients do not put out a tender but approach us as the preferred maintenance or FM company. Our strategy to get there is to support training and up-skilling, and also marketing and branding, so that people become aware of Provast. Although we are sometimes perceived as expensive, we do offer good quality work service and our staff is extremely well qualified and trained.
The problem in Nigeria is that many developers see themselves as facilities management companies and are keen to provide the service in-house. Yet if you are not careful and do not understand facilities management, you can get your fingers burned. The potential lies in the fact that Nigeria has always been seen as a culture that does not give prominence to maintenance issues. Now, people are realizing that they are spending billions of dollars on constructing a building that, if not maintained correctly, will deteriorate, rendering leasing impossible. We want to be the preferred vendor, ensuring that clients do not put out a tender but approach us as the preferred maintenance or FM company. Our strategy to get there is to support training and up-skilling, and also marketing and branding, so that people become aware of Provast. Although we are sometimes perceived as expensive, we do offer good quality work service and our staff is extremely well qualified and trained.


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