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Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by PastorAIO: 7:07pm On Mar 01, 2010
A respected Islamic scholar will publish a seminal fatwa tomorrow that unequivocally condemns terrorism and warns suicide bombers that they will “go to hell” for their attacks.

Pakistani-born Shaikh Dr Tahir ul-Qadri is launching his fatwa in London as part of a drive to combat the power of jihadist rhetoric on the web and provide English-speaking Muslims with an authoritative theological explanation detailing why terrorism is not permitted.

Although numerous fatwas condemning terrorism have been released by scholars around the world since 9/11, Shaikh Dr Qadri’s 600-page ruling is both significant and unusual because it is one of the few available in English and online.

Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nobody: 7:20pm On Mar 01, 2010
They will never listen cause d juicy rewards promised in d quran&hadith
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by jagunlabi(m): 7:34pm On Mar 01, 2010
That scholar is one big fantasy destroyer, and a fatwa should be placed on his head for such a blasphemy! angry How dare he makes all those luscious virgins vanish into oblivion! sad

Now, islam has lost all it's appeal.No 72 luscious virgins, no islam.I declare islam dead, ladies and gents. wink
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by InesQor(m): 2:01am On Mar 02, 2010
Hahaha running against the grain. . .
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by TrueSeeker(m): 9:35am On Mar 02, 2010
They were aware of it only that they were thinking of spending short time there, and then migrate to paradise.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by alimat2(f): 5:43pm On Mar 02, 2010
May God guide the ignorant ones
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by GODSON2009(m): 6:12pm On Mar 02, 2010
alimat 2:

May God guide the ignorant ones
who are the ignorant ones the man who proclaimed the fatwah?lol
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by alimat2(f): 6:17pm On Mar 02, 2010

who are the ignorant ones the man who proclaimed the fatwah?lol

says u.

d ignorant ones are those the do things to the extreme.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by tunnytox(m): 11:54pm On Mar 02, 2010
how come ppl like this kept quite for so long? those suicide bombers will be enjoying their virgins in HELL by now grin grin grin , irrevasibly brainwashed set of slowpoke
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by DisGuy: 2:15pm On Mar 03, 2010

how come ppl like this kept quite for so long? those suicide bombers will be enjoying their virgins in HELL by now grin grin grin , irrevasibly brainwashed set of slowpoke

the question should be-- how come the media took so long spread the messages of people like this instead of jumping on the bandwagon
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nescoemmy(m): 2:23pm On Mar 03, 2010
i don't see this changing anything,their beliefs are deep rooted and can never be changed by just a book.new means should be devised.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by igboboy1(m): 2:32pm On Mar 03, 2010
okwa ya, who dash morkey banana? if only thats what it takes to stop Islamic terrorism rampaging the world over!!!

, Jihad is an important tenet in that religion,
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by RichyBlacK(m): 2:40pm On Mar 03, 2010
That cleric must beef up his security.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by N101: 3:05pm On Mar 03, 2010
Dis Guy:

the question should be-- how come the media took so long spread the messages of people like this instead of jumping on the bandwagon

Totally agree with you. The media is more interested in the extremists than moderates and fundamentalists (note: not all fundamentalists are extremists!). Maybe it was the 600 pages that got the media's attention, lol.

Listened to an interview with him yesterday, it was very interesting and he articulated his points very well. Would that we could hear the voice of people like him more often.

Would love to hear a head-to-head discussion with him and someone like Abu Hamza grin
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by SamMilla1(m): 3:16pm On Mar 03, 2010
If they want that to be effective, they should remove that promise of virgins from tgheir books.
Then the new generation islamic scholars will listen.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nobody: 3:20pm On Mar 03, 2010
Let's wait and see.  sad
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by DoubleN(m): 3:23pm On Mar 03, 2010
We are watching and praying they listen to him.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by toosoon(m): 3:44pm On Mar 03, 2010
Double N:

We are watching and praying they listen to him.

listen to who? they will send a suicide bomber to visit him cool
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by kvolander: 3:52pm On Mar 03, 2010

i don't see this changing anything,their beliefs are deep rooted and can never be changed by just a book.new means should be devised.

The best way to solve a problem is aiming the root cause. This particular message should be preached to the muslims kids in the interior villages (before they become invoked) instead of turning them to almajiris.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by nehemaih: 4:18pm On Mar 03, 2010
Are we forgetting that one of thier criterias to achieve heaven is killing lifes? they cant fof sake such priority.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by ronkeenuf(f): 4:40pm On Mar 03, 2010
Sam Milla:

If they want that to be effective, they should remove that promise of virgins from tgheir books.
Then the new generation islamic scholars will listen.

There is nothing wrong with the content of the Book, it is perfect and FYI, there is no promise of 72 virgins to 1 man in the Book. Those that make a noise of the 72 virgins reward didn't get it from the Book so there is no changing it from the Book.

Are we forgetting that one of thier criterias to achieve heaven is killing lifes? they cant fof sake such priority.
That's not true, life is sacred in Islam, even taking your own life has grievous penalty.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by alimat2(f): 4:52pm On Mar 03, 2010
The chanting of 72 virgins or whatever. Almost everybody on religion section are shouting about 72 virgins and nobody  has ever prove that with a verse in the Holy Quran.If u fink u hav a prove u can post the verse for all to c

God has promised every rumour monger his wrath, so any body that feels lik shouting 72 virgins should continue till d last breath.

Ignorance will lead many people to the pit of hell.

Islam does not support  violence without oppression anybody that is creating violence without meaningful reason is doing that at his own risk. A gud  muslims will find it difficult to kill housefly letalone human"s.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by kumbocity: 5:05pm On Mar 03, 2010
okwa ya, who dash morkey banana? if only thats what it takes to stop Islamic terrorism rampaging the world over!!!

, Jihad is an important tenet in that religion,

Well, dere is a different btw jihad and terrorism ps note also dat killing 1seif is haram (sinful) in islamical no matter ur reasons. Don't say what u don't know.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by wurom: 5:27pm On Mar 03, 2010
will they listen?i dey sorry for d man life.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by GODSON2009(m): 5:39pm On Mar 03, 2010
alimat 2:

The chanting of 72 virgins or whatever. Almost everybody on religion section are shouting about 72 virgins and nobody has ever prove that with a verse in the Holy Quran.If u fink u hav a prove u can post the verse for all to c

God has promised every rumour monger his wrath, so any body that feels lik shouting 72 virgins should continue till d last breath.
it doesnt have to be in the quran it is in the hadiths or are you saying you dont believe in any hadiths?
alimat 2:

Ignorance will lead many people to the pit of hell.

Islam does not support violence without oppression anybody that is creating violence without meaningful reason is doing that at his own risk. A gud muslims will find it difficult to kill housefly letalone human"s.
islam supports violence,this is highlighted by the MEDINAN version of mohammad enjoining his followers to slay the unbelievers whereever they find them have you heard of abrogation??the abrogated verses,
islam does not support suicide but it supports martydom which is the correct name for what the mujahideen's are doing, "suicide bombing" is a phrase coined by western media.
muslims from the beginning of time have spread their religion through blood shed the only peaceful time in the whole history of your religion was the meccan time when islam was weak and without power,as soon as they got to medina and mohammad achieved power.it has been ruled by bloodshed up untill today
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by PurestBoy(m): 5:45pm On Mar 03, 2010
72virgins to one mooslim!! no wonder we have less virgin girls on earth
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by helperzz(m): 6:07pm On Mar 03, 2010
i am just surprised that most people just give comments based on hearsay and unfounded rumours.Education is not just about reading and writing it also involve freedom from shackles of ignorance.I just writing 72 virgins without anyone making reference to a reliable source he/she got it from.Al qaeda does not exist,jewish MOSSAD exists.You can as well try to investigate the root of suicide bombing,jews were the first to start suicide bombing.If you are too confident of your christianity stand on peace you might want to check out the <a href="http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades?wasRedirected=true">CHRISTIAN CRUSADE</a> and examine it yourself.And the hidden origin of christianity <a href="http://www.rebelnews.org/opinion/religion/181655-nietzsche-and-the-origins-of-christianity">Origins of Christianity</a> here.You will find out that the term jihad which means holy war is not peculiar to Islam alone.the jews and the christian sect cannot deny that their religion were spread with sword in the name of JESUS.if those crusaders have not used sword in spreading the gospel you might as well be at a shrine now.And if you are not convinced you might check out <a href="jesusneverexisted.com/papal-princes.htm">history of CHRISTIAN pope</a> to see for yourself what your pastor will never reveal to you!!! For reasons best known to them.Eight IGNORANCE do research.
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nobody: 6:19pm On Mar 03, 2010
alimat 2:

The chanting of 72 virgins or whatever. Almost everybody on religion section are shouting about 72 virgins and nobody  has ever prove that with a verse in the Holy Quran.If u fink u hav a prove u can post the verse for all to c

God has promised every rumour monger his wrath, so any body that feels lik shouting 72 virgins should continue till d last breath.

Ignorance will lead many people to the pit of hell.

Islam does not support  violence without oppression anybody that is creating violence without meaningful reason is doing that at his own risk. A gud  muslims will find it difficult to kill housefly letalone human"s.

Truth hurts.

I fully recall the time I watched "inside Al Qaeda".

Lo and behold, they believe in paradise and that virgins are waiting for them there.

So, what's up with that?


Islam supports violence,

Or is Jihad not part of your precepts? "Holy war",  my foot!

Wife battery is also mandatory in Islam.

Stoning a girl or woman to death for adultery even if she was raped,

Is also part of this evil religion.

And don't forget, female circumcision is in full business in Islam.

Youtube is my witness!
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nobody: 6:24pm On Mar 03, 2010
in a vision i saw some previous islamic heroes (terrorist) . at d moment enjoying their 72 virgins in heaven.d terrorist is sticking n pumpin his dick in one of d virgin's anus,d other virgin is kissing him,the third is smooching his bom bom and playing with his testicles.the 72 virgins r rotating d job for 4 people a day.little do u know dat d guy (terrorist) is having d time of his life grin grin grin grin grin grin while d rest virgins r tyding up his bedroom 4 d next round grin grin grin grin eagerly waiting grin grin grin grin.in d same vision i saw osama bin laden,he told me 2 tell dose terrorist dat dey should continue their exploits.hot,sexy virgins r expecting them in heaven grin grin grin grin ;Dhe also said d number of people u murder will determine d virgins u get.4 example if u murder 10 people u'll get 72 times 10,which is 720 cool cool cool
Re: Islamic Scholar Says Suicide Bombers Will 'go To Hell' by Nobody: 6:35pm On Mar 03, 2010

i am just surprised that most people just give comments based on hearsay and unfounded rumours.Education is not just about reading and writing it also involve freedom from shackles of ignorance.I just writing 72 virgins without anyone making reference to a reliable source he/she got it from.Al qaeda does not exist,jewish MOSSAD exists.You can as well try to investigate the root of suicide bombing,jews were the first to start suicide bombing.If you are too confident of your christianity stand on peace you might want to check out the <a href="http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades?wasRedirected=true">CHRISTIAN CRUSADE</a> and examine it yourself.And the hidden origin of christianity <a href="http://www.rebelnews.org/opinion/religion/181655-nietzsche-and-the-origins-of-christianity">Origins of Christianity</a> here.You will find out that the term jihad which means holy war is not peculiar to Islam alone.the jews and the christian sect cannot deny that their religion were spread with sword in the name of JESUS.if those crusaders have not used sword in spreading the gospel you might as well be at a shrine now.And if you are not convinced you might check out <a href="jesusneverexisted.com/papal-princes.htm">history of CHRISTIAN pope</a> to see for yourself what your pastor will never reveal to you!!! For reasons best known to them.Eight IGNORANCE do research.

Yes the Crusaders used Christianity as an advantage for their selfish interests.

That was then.

Now that I have studied the Bible in its entire verity,

Nobody can come and tell me to carry knife or swallow bomb to fight for Yaweh, Jehovah God.

When he already said that the battle is not ours but His and His alone.

We humans study history, so as to avoid the mistakes made before.

Makes me wonder if Muslims are humans,

As it is the foolish and misunderstood system of dead Romans you choose to adhere to.

P.S., Fighting for allah, what a weak god! angry

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