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Tips And Strategies To Pass TOEFL Ibt by MyIntlExams: 12:28pm On Sep 19, 2017 |
Knowing general test-taking strategies for the TOEFL and tips specific to TOEFL iBT will help you on test day. To maximize your TOEFL score, be ready for test conditions and be well-rehearsed Practice makes permanence! If you set aside time in a quiet place to take some practice exams, you'll be ready for the rigors of sitting in a chair and focusing on the TOEFL test material. The TOEFL iBT takes about 4-and-a-half hours. It's a good idea to dress in layers and bring a sweater or sweatshirt because the temperature in the testing room may be warmer or colder than you anticipated. You want to be able to show everything you know on the test. English-language tests can be hard enough on their own—you don't need to be dealing with hot or cold temperatures during the test too. Become familiar with the directions and questions before the TOEFL test. Each of the test sections has a time limit, and you want to make the most of the time you are given. Use a portion of your preparation to become familiar with the directions for each section and how the questions are set up. Then you can use all your time in answering the questions instead of reviewing the directions. Some of the strategies are as follows: Note taking Just like in a college classroom, you will be allowed to take notes on what you hear and read during the test and then use your notes when answering the questions. Writing On the TOEFL iBT, the Writing test is 50 minutes and consists of two tasks. For one task, you write independently for 30 minutes to support an opinion on a topic. For the other task, you write for 20 minutes in response to things you hear and read. You need to be able to type on a keyboard to enter your written responses. Listening During the Listening test, which runs from 60 to 90 minutes, you answer sets of 5 or 6 questions that are based on lectures and conversations, each of which lasts from three to five minutes. You will hear more than one native English accent. Speaking During the Speaking test, you will spend 20 minutes responding to six tasks. With each task, you will have a short time to organize your thoughts before responding. Two tasks will require you to talk about a familiar topic. Four other tasks will be "integrated," asking you to speak in response to things you have heard and read. Reading You will receive a glossary that will define certain keywords in the Reading test. The test lasts for 60 to 100 minutes. You will be presented with three, four, or five passages from academic books and will answer 12 to 14 questions that are based on each of the passages. Make your TOEFL preparation pay off Make the most of the time you have to prepare for your TOEFL test. Whether you take the Paper-based Test or the TOEFL iBT, careful and thoughtful preparation will be reflected in the TOEFL score you receive. Make the most of your opportunity and show your chosen college how well you can use and understand the English language. Below tips will help you master TOEFL faster: Give yourself time: Since each portion of the TOEFL examination requires in-depth knowledge of the English language, effective test preparation should span several months, according to Kaplan Test Prep representatives. There are many preparatory courses, companies, and books to choose from, but no matter which route you select, make sure to take some timed practice tests over the course of your studies. Since the four-part test takes about three-and-a-half hours, mimicking the process before you take the real test can help boost your stamina, according to Kaplan Test Prep. Make it fun: Preparing for the TOEFL doesn't have to only include class sessions and preparatory books. English cartoons and movies are just as helpful—if not more so—than materials specifically geared to test prep. Tuning in to the Cartoon Network for shows like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Laboratory for a while may help prepare for the listening component of the TOEFL. It was also recommended by some scholars that listening to radio news and shows, too, which don't allow for students to become visually distracted also help. If you have access to subtitled films, they can also help the study process. Give yourself a safety net: No matter how much you prepare, some things still may come as a surprise when you first take the TOEFL. Earphones, for instance, can vary between testing centers, and it's hard to know how noisy your test room will be. TOEFL centers are available in Abuja, Warri, Enugu, Ibadan, Jos, Kaduna, Lagos, Owerri, Asaba and Port Harcourt (Rivers). You can talk to any of our instructors for further guidance. So feel free to talk to us on 08090600800, 09070600800 and 09060001600 for your TOEFL registration and lectures or visit, click on REGISTER, and get FREE study materials + Magoosh Online Test Prep when you register! 1 Like 1 Share |
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