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Corporate Affairs Commission Employs Enforcement Agents? - Business - Nairaland

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Corporate Affairs Commission Employs Enforcement Agents? by hooohaaa: 11:12am On Oct 05, 2017
Some business owners in Kaduna are in a dilemma on how to respond to the new ENFORCEMENT AGENTS supposedly employed by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). After personally encountering one of such agent (company?) as a business owner, these are what I found out.

1. According to them CAC outsourced the collection of ANNUAL RETURNS and checking whether relevant businesses have their registration numbers displayed on their sign boards
2. They collect cash
3. According to them their Lawyers will fill the relevant forms for the business owner and the owner collects the CAC approval receipt at a later date. (the collection is not comfirmed)
4. According to them, failure to pay could lead to a court action against the business owner.

Please guys, my questions are?

1. Is this qenuine?
2. Is CAC not required to collect all revenue due it through the REMITA (TSA ACCOUNT)?
3. Is this happening in other states?

A trip to CAC Office. The person in charge of annual returns for Businesses has no idea of such arrangement. Infact, he strongly warned against paying cash for any CAC Payments.

My obervations.

1. CAC has not been forceful in collecting annual returns from businesses, so most businesses hardly make their returns and the payments which go with them.
2. CAC is only required by law to delist companies (after informing them) if they do not make their annual returns. There is no mention of court action or enforcement. Maybe lawyers in the house can correct me if I'm wrong here.

So guys what do you think?
Re: Corporate Affairs Commission Employs Enforcement Agents? by TiptopD(m): 11:22am On Oct 05, 2017
Where the government is lacking ideas of what to do, that's what you see.
You just gave them idea of what to look at to generate more revenue to squander or better still keep in wait for 2019.
Re: Corporate Affairs Commission Employs Enforcement Agents? by hooohaaa: 12:38pm On Oct 05, 2017
Where the government is lacking ideas of what to do, that's what you see.
You just gave them idea of what to look at to generate more revenue to squander or better still keep in wait for 2019.

I wish you had contributed just a tiny bit to the post, I would have been satisfied.

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