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10 Things Frustrated Women Do To Trap A Man To Marriage (18+) by JaneMafrodite(f): 10:52am On Oct 21, 2017
In this part of the world, people
expect you to be married at a
certain age and when you’re not,
they begin to mount pressure on

Family, friends and society will so
mount pressure on you, making
you feel like your life is incomplete
without a man by your side.

Society says you are incomplete if
you’re not married and you
sometimes wonder if getting
married is the highest achievement
a woman can get.

In a desperate bid to please family
and fit into society, a lot of
desperate ladies would do
anything just to answer Mrs.
somebody, whether good or bad.


Here are some things Nigerian
women do to get a husband.


1. Becoming a worker in church:
When some ladies have searched
and can’t find a man to marry, they
become committed members in
church, with the hope that one of
the brothers will notice them. Most
of the time, they join the choir or
ushering department where they
will be easily spotted by the
brothers in church.


2. Attending every programme for
singles :
Where can you best find a life
partner than among other single
people? Some ladies, once they
hear there is a programme for
singles anywhere, they must make
sure they attend. Who knows, they
might just find their future
husband there.
READ ALSO: 5 things women do to
lure men into marriage


3. Taking his photo or other
personal belongings to prayer
house :
Some ladies take the personal
belongings of their partners to
prayer houses, powerful prophets
and prophetesses. It could be his
photograph, hair, underwear or
even sperm, depending on what
the prophetess asks for. The
prayers will make him take you to
the altar in a twinkle of the eye.


4. Going for deliverance:
Some ladies have been deceived
into believing they have a spirit
husband who is preventing them
from getting married. They would
jump from one deliverance pastor
to the other seeking a solution to
bind and cast their spirit husband.


5. Fasting and prayer:
Some ladies will almost kill
themselves with dry fasting just to
get a husband. Sometimes, the
prayers are not to God but to other
deities whom they believe will help
them secure a good husband.


6. Charm or love potion in his food:
Trust ladies to take their possession
by force. We’ve heard tales of ladies
who go to native doctors or
herbalist to get charms that would
make a man do their bidding. Some
opt for a good love potion to put in
his food.
The purpose of the love
potion is to buy over the heart of
whomever it is meant for. It’s sort
of a remote control for love.


7. The pregnancy trap:
Ladies know how to play their
game and would get pregnant
deliberately, especially when they
know you can’t reject them when
they are pregnant. Some ladies
even go to the extent of involving
your parents, especially the ones
that are eager to carry their
grandchildren. This however,
doesn’t work for everyone but it
does for some. It has worked for
some and still working.
READ ALSO: Reasons we cheat on
our husbands - Nigerian women


8. Pretense:
Some ladies will pretend to be
what they are not. You desire a
good girl, they will be good for
you. When they are with you, they
will pretend to be angels. They will
do your bidding, wash your clothes,
clean your house, anything you
want them to do. When you finally
bring marry them, they will show
you their true character and it
might not be what you bargained


9. Proposing to the guy:
Like they say, “If the mountain will
not come to Muhammad, then
Muhammad must go to the
mountain.” Instead waiting
endlessly, some ladies take up the
responsibility of proposing to their
men. After all, we are in the 21st
century and everything is


10. Buying over his family:
These ladies will attend every of
your family functions. They would
lavish your parents and siblings
with gifts. They are always in your
family house cooking and cleaning.


At the end of the day, depending
on how much influence your
parents have on you, you might
just be forced to marry her.
And when all their efforts fail, they
might just settle for the position of
second wife 'steal' someone else’s


Can you blame these women?


Source: www.Naij.com/835129-10-desperate-nigerian-women-a-husband.html#835129
Re: 10 Things Frustrated Women Do To Trap A Man To Marriage (18+) by biggerboyc(m): 10:57am On Oct 21, 2017
Re: 10 Things Frustrated Women Do To Trap A Man To Marriage (18+) by JaneMafrodite(f): 10:57am On Oct 21, 2017
Lalasticlala mynd44
Re: 10 Things Frustrated Women Do To Trap A Man To Marriage (18+) by mayberry1(f): 11:18am On Oct 21, 2017
Oh goodness! Seems like being single is a taboo in this part of the world. I don't get why people push young girls to get married before 30, to me the best time to build your career(and build yourself) is in your 20's, so that when you get married and take a break for childbirth, bouncing back won't be cumbersome.

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