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Three Reasons Why Your Job Offer Was Turned Down - Career - Nairaland

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Three Reasons Why Your Job Offer Was Turned Down by WorkLife: 12:05pm On Oct 25, 2017
Too often it is taken for granted that any worker offered a job in an establishment should be grateful.
In societies with a high rate of unemployment and too few jobs, prospective employees are only too eager to accept what comes their way. Sometimes this includes putting up with obnoxious behavior from their employers in the process.
However for a select few, they have chosen to deviate from the norm, preferring to turn down job offers because of a negative perception about their prospective employer.
For example, Claire who changed her mind about working for publishing company on the day of her interview. She said, “There were about five persons including myself waiting to be called in for the interview. While I waited, I read a newspaper. The HR manager walked past, stopped in his tracks and came to me. To my shock, he berated me for reading a newspaper; asking it if it was the appropriate time for such.
“To say I was taken aback is just putting it mildly. After I got over the shock, I gave him a piece of my mind. I expressed my disappointment at the company’s corporate culture and told him I had no interest whatsoever in working for such an employer. He was taken aback; he did not expect such a response.
“In my opinion, the job was not worth the hassle. When I was done with him, I left without going through the interview process. Till date, I sometimes wonder the fate of the ‘lucky’ candidates who eventually got to work for that company.”
As human resource policies change and evolve so also are the expectations of the modern workforce; most especially the talented and skilled. Beyond the size of the paycheck, they also look out for other benefits such as
Professional Development: Are there opportunities for profes• sional development and career growth? Company sponsored workshops, trainings and seminars? Some even pay for professional examinations for their employees. No talented worker wants a stagnated career. If your company does not allow for professional development, chances are your star employees won’t be staying long.
• Flexible work hours: The amount of time spent in traffic commuting to and from work is of big concern to prospective employees. Offering them a day or two when they can work from home is a great incentive. It shows the employer is not just interested in workers clocking in and out but in actual results.
• Corporate Culture: What sort of corporate culture does the company have? Is professional respectful, encouraging and nurturing? Or is it intrusive, divisive, vindictive and derogatory? Talented workers thrive and grow in environments where organizations encourage self-expression and healthy communication. A contrary corporate culture will stifle all forms of genuine communication but will instead promote the growth of yes-men.

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