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Tips On Making Wedding Invitations Worthwhile - Family - Nairaland

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Tips On Making Wedding Invitations Worthwhile by kiakiaprint: 10:14am On Nov 07, 2017
It is every individual’s dream or fantasy to walk down the aisle on that glorious wedding day. Imagine yourself as the bride in your flowery white robes, glistening with pride as you finally get to say “I do” to the man that swept you off your feet or perhaps you are the man, besotted by the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, wedding ceremonies are always a happy ceremony to be part of.

Before your big day, some things must be in place. Perhaps it’s the cuisine, the guests, the accommodation and the minor details people get worked over, wedding invitations have a part to play and must not be toyed with. Apart from announcing the day itself, you can make your wedding an event people want to be part of by sending classy looking invitation cards. Make people mark that date on their diaries and reminders. We have come up with 4 tips to make your wedding invitations stand out.

Basic information

You wouldn’t want a wedding in which the groom is missing. Many weddings have been thrown into crisis as a result of this but obviously, the groom should know the venue of the wedding except he is having cold feet. That was in a lighter mood though we wouldn’t want your groom to go missing, a perfect invitation card could be a perfect ally to prevent that.

Perhaps there might be lack of adequate information that makes family members or well-wishers get lost trying to find the place for the solemnization. Basic details such as names of the couple, date, time and venue are very important in any wedding invitation and shouldn’t be treated with levity.


The essence of this must have is that it offers a brilliant edge to your wedding cards. Handwritten or printed classy looking fonts, not your ordinary off the shelf fonts help to make the invitations look enticing. Would you rather appreciate a bland looking wedding invitation than a well-crafted alternative that makes you want to get married or re-marry if you are already in the bliss of matrimony. ?

Touch of the couple

Adding a little bit of creativity to your wedding invitation makes you the talk of the town for a long time. Why don’t you go differently when people are doing the same?. Make your day memorable with a personalized message that showcases your love. It may not have to be at the front of the invitation, maybe at the back that both of you have composed to tell people of your magical love story. It could be the first words you said to each other. It could be even your vows. Step out to make a lasting impression.

Kiakiaprint is a leading Lagos based printing press that prints exquisite wedding invitations , food and drink menus and Save The Date cards .

Read more here: http://blog.kiakiaprint.com/2017/10/19/tips-on-making-wedding-invitations-worthwhile/

Cc: lalasticlala

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