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Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter - Romance - Nairaland

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Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by kinkybabie11(f): 9:02pm On Dec 19, 2017
Good day nairalanders,I have a problem and I need your opinion towards the matter. A friend came to ask me how I feel concerning her relationship. This girl is currently dating a guy and they are very much in love,the guy has marriage plans for this girl but he is a Jehovah witness and she attends Church of God mission.... it is against the doctrine of Jehovah witnesses to marry someone outside and he wants her to join him but she is skeptical.So please, what do you guys think about this matter
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by voyy: 9:56pm On Dec 19, 2017
tell ur friend to forget the guy nd move forward. Jehovah witness member marries each other nd she will just be wadting her time hoping. moreover, d guy can divorce her anytime.
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by Nobody: 10:04pm On Dec 19, 2017
Tell your friend to do what's on her mind.. Or consult someone that has been in her shoes in the past
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by makydebbie(f): 10:12pm On Dec 19, 2017
The mistake this girl will make is being forced to change church because of marriage, with a doctrine she's not comfortable with.

It would've been different if she likes his church, but she doesn't. Something like this, I'll advice her not to go. Unless she is 80% cool with what they do there.


Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by Gofwane(m): 10:15pm On Dec 19, 2017
She should become a member of jehovah witness if she is sure the guy loves her and she loves him as well.

But if she is a fanatical Christian like all these jehova witness, then she should just forget about it because those jehova witness people can murder anyone that tried to stop them from going to that church. Even their own parents!!!!
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by Nobody: 10:16pm On Dec 19, 2017
Good day nairalanders,I have a problem and I need your opinion towards the matter. A friend came to ask me how I feel concerning her relationship. This girl is currently dating a guy and they are very much in love,the guy has marriage plans for this girl but he is a Jehovah witness and she attends Church of God mission.... it is against the doctrine of Jehovah witnesses to marry someone outside and he wants her to join him but she is skeptical.So please, what do you guys think about this matter

They dont allow marriage outside the fold oh. You had better pull her ears now !
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by LessNoise: 10:18pm On Dec 19, 2017
I try not to interfere in relationships even when my opinion is sought coz the solution is right there staring at them they just need a fall guy to bait coz at the end of the day you'd be the reason for whatever outcome and trust me It never ends well and you'd become PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by Inkredible(m): 10:38pm On Dec 19, 2017
Tell them to knack first. Then they will decide if to still go ahead with the marriage plans or not.

Sometimes, konji dey make people make hasty decisions.

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Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by habsydiamond(m): 10:46pm On Dec 19, 2017
U no need advice ooo....church don separate them already.....Na make dem dey go separate ways remain..
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by invinzible1: 5:37pm On Dec 04, 2019
Good day nairalanders,I have a problem and I need your opinion towards the matter. A friend came to ask me how I feel concerning her relationship. This girl is currently dating a guy and they are very much in love,the guy has marriage plans for this girl but he is a Jehovah witness and she attends Church of God mission.... it is against the doctrine of Jehovah witnesses to marry someone outside and he wants her to join him but she is skeptical.So please, what do you guys think about this matter
Check your pm
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by johnkey: 10:17pm On Feb 04, 2021
Good day nairalanders,I have a problem and I need your opinion towards the matter. A friend came to ask me how I feel concerning her relationship. This girl is currently dating a guy and they are very much in love,the guy has marriage plans for this girl but he is a Jehovah witness and she attends Church of God mission.... it is against the doctrine of Jehovah witnesses to marry someone outside and he wants her to join him but she is skeptical.So please, what do you guys think about this matter
OP can we 69 all night long?
Re: Please,i Need Your Opinion Concerning This Matter by Nazgul: 7:57pm On Feb 05, 2021
First you should know that we are all chirstians not cultist, so I see no reason why we should bring unnecessary division in the body of Christ because of denomination.

If she truly loves him, let her go ahead with the marriage and join him in his church, with time she can invite him to hers, it's the same Jesus we are all worshiping so no need for unnecessary arguments over where to worship.

It's foolish to call yourself a child of God then end a relationship with a fellow Christian simply because he isn't from your denomination.

To me, this isn't an issue. I started as a Presbyterian from birth, and today I can't even count the number of churches I've attended from then till now. Most Sundays I'll just look for the nearest one and attend. It's the same God we're all serving, no need to start turning it into a cult like issue, saying it's this church or nothing, that's cultism not Christianity.

So tell her to discuss it with the guy, if he can join her in her church, fine. If he can allow her continue with her own church after they get married, fine. If she joins him and becomes a witness, fine. They should reach a common ground.

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