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Obasanjo Letter To Buhari: You Usurped Our Name - Coalition - Politics - Nairaland

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Obasanjo Letter To Buhari: You Usurped Our Name - Coalition by JamesOkwy(m): 10:01pm On Jan 25, 2018
A group, which describes itself as the true Coalition For Nigeria has accused former President Olusegun Obasanjo of rushing to town with his "Clarion Call" christen "Coalition for Nigeria" without "due diligence to realize that such coalition already exists".

The orgnisation therefore alerted Nigeria of "the re-emergence of a force that had always mitigated against the wellbeing of the country even while masquerading as good intentions", arguing that "the name of that threat is Olusegun Obasanjo, who has an history of regarding Nigeria as his fiefdom from which he and his offspring are entitled to pillage at every turn."

At a press briefing in Abuja on Thursday, the National President of the group, Patriot Sabo Odeh accused the former President of spending eight years as a democratically elected president building strong individuals are today at the "core of undermining institutions and the democratic structures" in the county.

The group regretted that the former President was unable to "focused on building strong institutions and enduring systems as opposed to the strong individuals created by his regime".

According to Patriot Odeh, "Obasanjo's recent stint in the classroom, which has earned him a PhD, has proven beneficial in that he has marginally learnt to summarize his rambling thoughts and stream of consciousness in fewer words. He castigated the present government in his 13-page statement, an improvement on the 18-page attack on former President Goodluck Jonathan.

"His supposedly improved intellect however failed him as he did not succeed in hoodwinking Nigerians as to his true intentions. Far from making interventions that will help stabilize the nation, his true intention, revealed at the end of his statement, is to re-launch himself into politics.

"He desires to walk back his brash decision to quit politics by exploiting the current situations in the land and ride on the wave of populism.

"We realize that some of those peddling Obasanjo's statement as the holy grail are trying to desensitize people to its impropriety by claiming that Nigerians should consider the message and not the messenger. But to us, a people who do not see in Obasanjo a messenger that should be disregarded are set for doom because nothing honourable has ever come out this vessel.

"Even worse than the messenger is the toxic message that was crafted only to satisfy his own agenda of continuing to hold Nigeria in servitude", he observed.

Arguing that ex-president Obasanjo did well to anticipate in his statement that "discerning Nigerians will ask "what does Obasanjo want again?", he however "shied from the truth in the answers he provided when he claimed to have the best interest of Nigeria at heart.

"If he truly does, in the eight years he spent as a democratically elected president, he would have focused on building strong institutions and enduring systems as opposed to the strong individuals created by his regime, who today are at the core of undermining institutions and the democratic structures. What does Obasanjo want again? Coalition for Nigeria says Obasanjo wants to fraudulently recover at a roundabout what he carelessly lost at an intersection.

"Obasanjo's god-self-delusion might have started at the very start of his career in the military but he took it to the limit when against common sense and the provision of the 1999 Constitution attempted to impose himself on Nigerians in his infamous Third Term Bid, which experts rightly interpreted as a shot at life presidency since he would have begun a fresh rule had he succeeded", he noted.

Further taking Obasanjo to the cleaners, the group added that "The failure of his tenure elongation bid left Obasanjo a bitter old man, who has since that time harbored animosity towards all Nigerians – he sees in all of us enemies that must be punished hence his constant interjections once he sees the country slipping out of the traps and pitfalls he had craftily orchestrated before he grudgingly left office in 2007.

"Such life of tantrum and indiscretion led to him writing off former President Goodluck Jonathan – even though Nigerians had become sufficiently tired of Jonathan continuing with Obasanjo's legacy of corruption. It is therefore comical that Obasanjo regards himself as the oracle of Nigerian politics, whose pronouncement dictates the direction of things.

"The dismal outcome that awaits his latest escapade would definitely be a lesson to him in how not to meddle with national affairs when citizens have made up their mind about their destinies.

"Ordinarily we would have disregarded Obasanjo's latest outburst but for a series of other happenstances that suggest that his letter is part of a larger plot to mislead and destabilize the country. In this regard, the former president appears to be the elder statesmen's wing of a malcontent rabble that is determined to return Nigeria back to the days of kleptocracy founded by him.

"Just a few hours before he sent out his cantankerous statement, the street gang called Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) group had sullied the streets with its Red Card campaign. We have wondered if it a mere coincidence that a convener of BBOG, Oby Ezekwesili, was a minister in Obasanjo's cabinet. This is a group that is known to be on the payroll of neocon entities that are committed to destroying Nigeria.

"By his own admission, Obasanjo has been undertaking many foreign trips, which we understand are covers for scheming with foreign interests that are closet enemies of our country. It is not farfetched it turns out that he is the conduit that ships in funds for BBOG and other anti-Nigeria groups.

"We continue to wonder how lower Obasanjo can sink in exacting vengeance against those he thought denied him of a third term in office, which he loosely interprets as all Nigerians. We do not in any way deserve the crisis he is preparing to launch.

"We however agree with Obasanjo that the journey for a new Nigeria starts now but it is a trip that the country will make without him since he has shown in his eight-year tenure that he is a blind man who has no business leading a people talk less of leading them to the promised land.

"He created the template that made the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) into a witch hunt machine, which President Buhari's administration is working hard to reposition as an institution that fights crime with due process.

"His lies were exposed when he reminded us that he quit active politics and even tore his PDP membership card but yet he wants to lead Coalition for Nigeria (CN). This is criminally dubious to say the least. Obasanjo does not belong to the league of true Patriotic Nigerians but has rather repeatedly proven himself to be a mere psychopath who thinks all his predecessor must do his biddings. The world has run out of patience with demagogues and Nigerians want none of Obasanjo's megalomaniac disposition.

"We, the Coalition for Nigeria, agree that there is need to move from our current state of affairs in Nigeria but those that will lead us do not belong to Obasanjo's circle and certainly not Obasanjo himself. We see President Buhari as having fulfilled his place and mission in history, which is to disrupt and overturn the status quo such that his successors, when the time comes, will build on his works to give us the Nigeria of our vision.

"If the Obasanjo government was half as sincere as the present administration, the troubles of today would have not cropped up in the first place. It is most insulting that the same man is today bragging about assembling teams of experts when his terms in office were spent in partitioning the country and allocating huge chunks to his cronies including initiating privatization programmes that simply gifted the country to a mafia", the Coalition maintained.

For them, "the hidden call for street protests and civil disobedience in Obasanjo's statement is not lost on us. Protests are needed against the vampiric leaders that have refused to allow the country work and Obasanjo is among such people so we urge that he should be careful what he is wishing and calling for because while we want his likes to let the polity be we have no intention of descending into violence to achieve this.

"Peaceful engagement remains our choice approach so we urge Nigerians not to allow themselves to be misled into taking actions that would jeopardize our democratic institutions.

"Unlike Obasanjo and his BBOG foot soldiers, who rushed to the streets without the benefit of information and focused deliberations, the Coalition for Nigeria has continued to fine tune its strategies for engaging Nigerians and will intimate Nigerians of its plans at the right time.

"This plan will be geared towards Nigerians genuinely recovering the country from political vampires that were first empowered under the government of Obasanjo. They have been doing everything to retain the criminal influence and wealth they have gathered under him and will stop at nothing to cripple the country if they do not have their way in national matters.

"We nonetheless have our positions on certain issues that the likes of Obasanjo have exploited. On the clashes between farmers and herdsmen, our position is that the federal government immediately investigate the roles of all stakeholders in the crisis including governors that have been accused of arming ethnic militias and associations that have held press briefings to justify reprisal attacks.

"We however submit that the government looks beyond ethnic, religious and political undertone of the crisis to address issues like cultural attachment, climate change, and the possible connection with international terrorism if any. Our demand for immediate action on this crisis is premised on the risk of politicians further using the farmers/herders' crisis to commit mischief ahead of the 2019 General Elections", the group demanded.

The Coalition for Nigeria further tasked the government to broaden its search for solutions to Nigeria's myriad problem "given the ignoble roles being played by saboteurs who pretend to be activists.

"A lot of the problems the country faces are hatched abroad and executed by these so call activists who would rather sell their country down the river for a mess of pottage. The government must identify the international financing of such groups and disrupt same in the interest of the majority of innocent citizens whose lives would be jeopardized if these fifth columnists are allowed to have their way.

"We therefore wish to alert law enforcement agencies to the plots by criminal elements to unleash violence on the streets of our cities using violent protests as the catalysts to provoke security personnel into clashing with them.

"May we point out that the first phase of the protests failed to gain traction as Nigerians refused to be used by the commercial activists paid to staged such event. Obasanjo's statement was mean to be a morale booster for these groups and now that the statement too has spectacularly failed to provoke the kind of unrest they have in mind they are likely to move into another facet that involves causing confusion during one of their outing, shoot at their own members and blame security agencies for injuring or killing them.

"Some of the leaders of this protest movement have held meetings with those used for staging the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa with a view to replicating the strategy of provoking security operatives to clamp down on violent protesters and then invite the intervention of the international community.

"Since Obasanjo has declared himself the defacto leader of this destabilization movement, which is not to be confused with the authentic Coalition for Nigeria, we hereby put him on notice that the patriotic citizens of this nation shall hold him accountable for any resulting breach of the peace arising from the activities of his followers.

"He completed his tenure without meddling from anyone and we expect that he will allow Nigeria to run smoothly without him poisoning our land with his unguarded statements" the coalition concluded.

Source: StreetReporters.ng

Re: Obasanjo Letter To Buhari: You Usurped Our Name - Coalition by TheFreeOne: 10:34pm On Jan 25, 2018
This parottic ode should save us his epistlic ramblings.

Dr Obasanjo we know but who you be? If you are aggrieved obj usurped your name kindly sue him or whatever cos this your coded hatchet job for Buboo won't change the fact that he's a super failure. An insult to failures I should say.

Nigerians didn't support OBJ press statement because he's a saint but what he said is undiluted truth that even chronic buhari supporters can't deny.

And no matter how this government tries to clampdown on concerned Nigerians on the state of the nation they will fail. Anyway failure ain't new to this government cheesy

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