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The Three Fingers Squeezing To Cure Premature Ejaculation - Health - Nairaland

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The Three Fingers Squeezing To Cure Premature Ejaculation by markbor: 1:25pm On Feb 05, 2018
Three Fingers Method of seminal retention has been practiced in China for more than five thousand years. It is so easy and simple that anyone can learn it quickly and with considerable effectiveness.

Three Fingers Squeezing involves essentially this:

When the man feels that he gets close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to press the mid-point between the anus and the scrotum with the three longest fingers of the right hand. This seals in the fluids and much energy.

The "Penis Exercise"
Fitness is not just a fad; it is a lifetime behavior that has benefits for both the mind and body. Studies have shown that regular physical activity increases lifespan and leads to a more relaxed and less stressful lifestyle.

Similarly, a healthy and fit penis ensures more active and satisfying sexual experiences.
* Benefits and Advantages of the Penis Exercise:
* Develops strength and stamina for longer lasting sexual activity.
* Increases body awareness.
* Increases the flow of blood to the area thereby providing more
nourishment to tissues.
* Requires no special apparatus or devices.
* Easy to do exercises take only minutes a day to do.
* Exercise schedule can be customized to suit your needs and
* Exercises can be performed in a comfortable and private place
anywhere you choose.
* Results can be seen in a few days time with more significant
results in several weeks time.
* Overcomes embarrassment and develops confidence.
* Develops a healthy outlook towards your personal health and
sexual ability into later years.

We affectionately refer to these exercises as a "penis workout".
WARNING: Don’t let it control you, Learn how to Control Premature Ejaculation with the “Natural” PE Program & Get Strong, Long-Lasting and Natural Erections.

For ADVANCED techniques to finally end your quick ejaculation once and for all, Call/Whatsapp 08023342859 or email irabormark@gmail.com to download the Free report titled “How To Last Longer Tonight”

Re: The Three Fingers Squeezing To Cure Premature Ejaculation by adisabarber(m): 1:38pm On Feb 05, 2018
Men are always looking for how to last longer in bed. Even the ones that can stay 2 hours will still come and concentrate on this thread like say sex na salary work

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Re: The Three Fingers Squeezing To Cure Premature Ejaculation by Countersam(m): 2:06pm On Feb 05, 2018
My dear, i weak. Anything about sex attracts traffic.

Sex wasn't created to be a marathon event.

People that last about 1 minute are striving to stay long enough to drill out oil.

Those that stay longer want to discover wine even after drilling oil.

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