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Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves - Politics (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves (23289 Views)

11 Million "Poor And Vulnerable" List. Zamfara Leads, South-East Lowest / Nigeria Leads Africa In Poor Water Supply To Citizens / Nigeria’s Foreign Reserves Hit $47 Billion - Surpass That Of South Africa by $4b (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by three: 9:20am On May 09, 2018

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 9:20am On May 09, 2018
I bet most of the previous commenters have no clue on what they just read if they ever read it in the first place.

At least with this, we wouldn't see any sudden naira fall.


Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:20am On May 09, 2018
We are going backwards than south Africa.
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:21am On May 09, 2018
Sai Bubu till 2023
Foreign Exchange Reserves are assets held by a central government or other monetary authority, usually in various reserve currencies. ... The main purpose of holding foreign exchange reserves is to make international payments and hedge against exchange rate risks.

APC dimwit spotted
They don't read , they just wait for any headline that they assume says something positive about this government and immediately they type Sai baba
Or bubu till 2023

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:21am On May 09, 2018
Na foreign reserves we go chop? How about our GDP, National income, Per capita income, GDP to Debt ratio, Human Capita Index, Ease of doing business, Cost of living vs Standard of living?

The aforementioned have more to do with the wellbeing of the citizenry than reserves that will be looted eventually. Our infrastructure base is still very poor. This makes doing business or investing in Nigeria a Herculean task. Our overconcentration on oil is another doomsday waiting to come.

Instead of banditing non effective figures around, we need to seriously diversify the economy and put together legislations that would make our economy great again, as it was in the 60s and 70s. This govt is a failure and it is quite unfortunate.

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:22am On May 09, 2018
PDP patiently waiting to share the money as usual.

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Drsheddy(m): 9:22am On May 09, 2018
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by michoim(m): 9:22am On May 09, 2018
Great works APC!


Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by HarryDuce(m): 9:22am On May 09, 2018
Of what importance is the lead?
Nigeria leads, so?
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by oluwasegun007(m): 9:23am On May 09, 2018
Why can't they just empty this reserve and improve this country.
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by semyman: 9:23am On May 09, 2018
And so?
Mumus show yourself as disappointment is loading for you

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by twilliamx(m): 9:24am On May 09, 2018
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by martineverest(m): 9:24am On May 09, 2018

Crude Oil price influence no ni.

So when will the ordinary man on the streets start benefiting from the Rise of Crude oil price and increase in external reserves?
as if south Africa no get gold


Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Basseybruce: 9:24am On May 09, 2018
Good Morning Sir/ma, pls, how does this contributes positively to the life of a poor man walking on the street Pls, I have been trying to figure out what the hell THEY are talking about. Inflation keep soaring high, states govt can't meet up with their statutory obligation among others, & yet the external reserves keep increasing? OMG! PLS KEEP US TILL 2019, I BEG THEE! Listening to Diallo by Wclef...
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Jones4190(m): 9:25am On May 09, 2018
"The CBN Governor is not APC Appointee but the gentleman is doing well. Ask him whether the President or his Vice has ever requested for cash from CBN. We don't do that.

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 9:25am On May 09, 2018
I am sure you have no clue what foreign reserves are .
FYI Nigeria has more foreign reserves that the US .

So what?

Wow, i never knew $47 billion + (Nigeria) is more than $125 billion + (America) foreign reserve o.

Keep fooling ignorant and lazy fellows with wrong info.

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:25am On May 09, 2018
I am sure you have no clue what foreign reserves are .
FYI Nigeria has more foreign reserves that the US .

So what?

Bros , you are a big liar, google is your friend ,if you are ignorant, US is $125+ billion

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by israelmao(m): 9:26am On May 09, 2018
Looters' reserve.Robotic government.
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by postmann: 9:26am On May 09, 2018
That's as it should be. We're richer. And the moment we shift the comparison paradigm away from South Africa -- a country less than half the population of Nigeria with lesser human and material resources -- the better for us.

We should take our comparison higher up to the likes of Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and the likes. Not with a post-apatheid south africa that is still learning the ropes of self rule.


Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 9:26am On May 09, 2018

APC dimwit spotted
They don't read , they just wait for any headline that they assume says something positive about this government and immediately they type Sai baba
Or bubu till 2023

And you read yet typed such a response?


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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by thunderbabs: 9:27am On May 09, 2018
Una no geh sense for dz country.

If you ve travelled out of Nigeria b4, not libya oo. You will realize our leaders be ode.

Foreign reserve of $100billion, no development. Where is d sense in dt?
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 9:27am On May 09, 2018
Really yes !!

What exactly is it a measure of can you tell is in not more than 10 words?

Is it a measure of the health of an economy or the well being of its people?

Otherwise you would not talk about one country leading another.

I hope you dont lie for a living?

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:29am On May 09, 2018
I am sure you have no clue what foreign reserves are .
FYI Nigeria has more foreign reserves that the US .

So what?

really, how old are you toddler?

I think you need to go and study your books first than writing rvbbish on nairaland!!

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Lifestone(m): 9:29am On May 09, 2018
I am sure you have no clue what foreign reserves are .
FYI Nigeria has more foreign reserves that the US .

So what?
Nigeria's foreign reserve higher than that of US? You lied, verify your fact please and don't confuse people here.
Aside what baffles me most is how easy Nigerians wave off positive things about this country and screams the negative aspect of our life.
Somehow, no matter how much you hate this country you are a Nigerian

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 9:29am On May 09, 2018

Bros , you are a big liar, google is your friend ,if you are ignorant
Big liar? You talk like a child, a 6 year old child. Grow up and try to contribute like an adult with some cranial content

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Nobody: 9:29am On May 09, 2018

And you read yet typed such a response?


You really had to embarrass yourself further by responding didn't you ?

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by saaron(m): 9:30am On May 09, 2018
Nigeria also leads South Africa in poverty and terrorism.
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by lokonzo78: 9:30am On May 09, 2018
I am sure you have no clue what foreign reserves are .
FYI Nigeria has more foreign reserves that the US .

So what?
Nigeria does not have more foreign reserve than the US. You are wrong, US foreign reserve Tripple that of Nigeria. Say what you know and have a prove of and stop misleading people.

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by OhiOfIhima: 9:30am On May 09, 2018
And so?
Buba is working tongue

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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Debazent1: 9:31am On May 09, 2018
More of that,even with bad economy and bad leadership,let show this people we are giant of africa


Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by OhiOfIhima: 9:32am On May 09, 2018
Nigeria also leads South Africa in poverty and terrorism.
Cant you see the light of the day... Negativity no kill you undecided

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