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5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! - Romance - Nairaland

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5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by daewoorazer(m): 6:59pm On May 15, 2018
Disclaimer: it requires great skill and mastery. Do not try if you haven’t mastered the art of seduction!

It’s not untrue that you can keep a woman with you for life. Yes, you can make her head over heels for you. I know money is running through your mind right now but unfortunately it doesn’t make my first 3 points. However, shall we begin?

1. Never radiate an iota of jealousy:

Do you wanna kill a woman? Let her speak to her numerous boyfriends in front of you and you act like you don’t care. Have you imagined she talking to a supposed boyfriend and you still get to crack rib-breaking jokes with her. Never check her mobile phone, never ask for her password. She’d forever wonder what kind of a stone cold man you are. If you can forever master this, you have set her mind in a life-lasting quest to forever wonder if you actually love her or not.

2. Don’t send your flirts completely away:

I am not saying you should commit adultery, I’m saying those hot ladies who were into you long time before you met her are valuable to you. Do not send them way, do not block them, permit them to constantly check on you, poke you, flirt with you on social media but never do the mistake of replying. Never!

Oh I forgot, do not password your mobile...Invariably, I’m saying never cheat on her!

3. Never change:

Every man has his prime time, at this stage, he is most handsome in his life, energetic, fit and romantic. Get one of the pictures you took during this time and set that as a threshold to your look/physique in your lifetime. Never go below! Do not grow a pot belly, no it’s not a sign of wealth (I’ve seen barrow-pushers with belly grin ). Hit the gym, if the head on your forehead is vanishing (or you are going bald), gonkn skin. Do not shape what’s not. If you grow grey hair, do not die and look like Baba Suwe. Let the grey hair play around your hair and goatie. Trust me, it looks good on YOUNG men.

4. Never retire your social life

When a woman realizes you are out of trend, she tends to disrespect your personality, she may not tell it to your face though. Let brothers, men flock around you. Be the leader of a pack. Let your friends come for you for goodies, be free, be in control. Most importantly, Never, and again Never give in to any advice your wife gives as regards who should be in your circle of friends and who should not. The day you give in is the day you substitute your boxers for panties.

5. Work hard/Have money:

It’s one thing to work hard, it’s another to think hard along and make greens. The hard workers are selling gala on the streets cheesy (pun intended). If you can’t spoil your wife with goodies until you can ask ‘what else do you wanna buy?’ and she says ‘the car is full, next time!’. You shouldn’t be surprised, a woman will never reply ‘I’m satisfied’ grin.

If you don’t do it, one spender is around the corner to spoil her with goodies.

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Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by ibori1(m): 9:28pm On May 15, 2018
funny you .
b ryt back
Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by daewoorazer(m): 9:30pm On May 15, 2018
funny you

b ryt back

Funny how

Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by Supreme01: 9:57pm On May 15, 2018
perfect point there,
no.1 is wat i lov doing, it call 'selfcontroll' even wen it hot.
I remember trying it wth a gal she said i didnt lov her; i should be jealousy.
Women r d funiest set of creature on earth.
Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by InfernoNig: 10:31pm On May 15, 2018
Story for the gods. You can never satisfy any woman. Even if you are the pope, they will always have one excuse to leave.
Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by Danny110(m): 11:06pm On May 15, 2018
Actually are these tips for foreign girls or Nigerian girls?
Re: 5 Proven Ways To Keep A Woman Forever! by daewoorazer(m): 12:07am On May 16, 2018
Actually are these tips for foreign girls or Nigerian girls?

Do not try this with foreign girls....+ when a foreign girl (Caucasian) loves you, she does for real...a lion share of them

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