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2019 Lagos State Govt Recruitment For Basic Secondary And Nursery School Teacher - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / 2019 Lagos State Govt Recruitment For Basic Secondary And Nursery School Teacher (937 Views)

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2019 Lagos State Govt Recruitment For Basic Secondary And Nursery School Teacher by Ebukax(f): 12:25am On May 17, 2018
2019 Lagos state Govt Recruitment for Basic secondary and Nursery school Teachers Apply If you are truly interested or looking forward to getting a job as a paid teacher then read on,
If you truly have all it takes for a teaching job then you are very lucky to be here because you will be getting yourself a recruative Lagos state government teaching job in no time
Then keep scrolling this guidelines so that you will know how to register for the latest Lagos State teaching job opportunities.
Teaching jobs you will find here are for government and private schools in Lagos State only, So If you would love to work in any government or private Schools, Basic or high schools in Lagos State, then you have to keep Scrolling as usual.

Easy Ways to apply for Lagos state Govt Teaching Jobs

You can now read the below guidelines on how to see how you can effectively efficiently fill and submit the teaching Job vacancy application form in any Lagos state Schools.

First and foremost I will show you exactly easy ways to start by showing you some of the subject’s you will need to apply for in Lagos State schools, see them below

English language Instructor

Mathematics Instructor
Chemistry Instructor
Biology Instructor
Government Instructor
Commence Instructor
Physic Instructor
Literature Instructor
Economics Instructor
Accounting Instructor
Geography Instructor
Computer science Instructor
Woodwork Instructor
CRS Instructor
Basic Education Instructor
Home economics Teacher
Phonetic Instructor
French Instructor
Yoruba Language Instructor
Islamic Instructor
Business education Instructor
Christian religious studies Instructor

Check Also NPOWER applicants posting lists available now

What are the Necessary Requirements for the teaching Jobs in Lagos State 2018

I will articulate you on some of the general requirements for teaching jobs in Lagos State. If you meet any of the following requirements, you will surely get yourself a teaching job.

Kindly note that the requirements below may differ from schools to schools. However, you will still be needing at most four out of the whole requirements mentioned
Candidates must have at most five credit in 0level (English language and mathematics are a most). Applicants must have good communication skills You must be willing to adapt to the school management rules and regulations As a Teacher, you are not allowed to brutalize any school child due to act of hate Some schools requires it’s applicants to have a certified degree in any teaching subjects. This means that, you may be needing college of education certificate or it’s university equivalent. A computer literacy will be an added Advantage. However, it’s a must for anyone applying as a computer science Teacher. You must have a valid means of identification like National voters card, NIMS card, Driving licence or international passport etc

Should incase you truly needed a teaching job, you can either apply through the school website or through a manual submission. If you are submitting your application manually, then you need to either send your curriculum Vitea to the school Principal, vice principal Headmaster or headmistress office.
Secondly you can send an e-mail to the schools official careers e-mail. Always visit Yahoomail.com or google email at Gmail.com to check your job application status. See how to apply here https://www.abiapost.com/2018/05/16/2019-lagos-state-govt-recruitment-basic-secondary-nursery-school-teachers-apply/

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