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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! (2278106 Views)
Donald Trump Elected as the 47th President of USA! / American Politics Thread - 2024 Elections -- Trump's Presidency! - NOV. 5!! / American Politics For Republicans And Lovers Of Truth And Reason (2) (3) (4)
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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by GalaticHorde: 7:13am On Apr 15, 2020 |
feedthenation:how does your bar chart make any logic? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by GalaticHorde: 7:16am On Apr 15, 2020 |
budaatum:does anybody read that animal's post? 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 7:22am On Apr 15, 2020 |
feedthenation:You're the one who is not only a joke, you are as ignorant as they come. You are producing a memo from Jan 20th for a virus that had been spreading since 2019 and Chinese and other whistleblowers had been warning about since 2019. So what were the WHO doing until January 20? Oh yeah, they were spreading Chinese propaganda and misleading the whole world with false information. Telling the world that the virus does not transfer among human beings and there was no need for travel restrictions from China thereby deceiving world leaders into allowing Travel from China and that's how the virus was spread everywhere. Even up till February 3, The WHO was still deceiving world leaders that there was no need to ban travel from China. The WHO has proven itself to be nothing but a Chinese puppet that parrots whatever talking point the Chinese communist party gives them. Today, Chinese whistleblowers are still revealing that China is suppressing it's Coronavirus infection and death rates, the media have confirmed this from various sources yet the WHO is still shilling for the Chinese and refusing to even investigate this just like they refused to accept that there was a human epidemic in Wuhan despite several Chinese whistleblowers alerting them to that effect. Only foolish governments will listen to the inept and corrupt WHO at this point. 9 Likes 2 Shares
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by GalaticHorde: 7:25am On Apr 15, 2020 |
garetz:if logic was ever a factor in your thinking, you'd know that the released prisoners won't congregate together like in churches and increase the risk of transmission |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by GalaticHorde: 7:27am On Apr 15, 2020 |
Zuorom:I thought the new York times was fake news? When did tRump start taking instructions from them? 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by GalaticHorde: 7:29am On Apr 15, 2020 |
Zuorom:you forgot to add tRump was busy campaigning across the country! When will tRump accept responsibility? Deflect, deflect deflect! Don't you get tired of playing defense? 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 7:35am On Apr 15, 2020 |
This was the WHO on January 31 after Trump banned travel from China; WHO says countries should keep borders open, trade & people moving despite coronavirus And again on February 3; WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus Feedthenation can you please remind me again how the virus spread all over the world? 9 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Nobody: 7:56am On Apr 15, 2020 |
GalaticHorde:When u arrest the pastors where do u keep them? 6 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 8:34am On Apr 15, 2020 |
Taiwan Released Email Showing They Warned the WHO in December About Virus, they Were Ignored. Taiwan CDC chief Dr. Chen Shih-Zhong criticized The WHO for not using medical professionals’ knowledge to respond to suspicion about the organization ignoring warning coming from Taiwan. Instead the WHO were getting their information from Chinese authorities and disseminating same to the world without investigating the accuracy of it. The WHO admitted receiving the letter but didn't respond to it. 10 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 8:54am On Apr 15, 2020 |
GalaticHorde:So your own logic does not see anything wrong with releasing criminal felons into the streets while arresting Pastors and churchgoers? Felons should not be detained because of coronavirus but Christians and their pastors can be detained irrespective of the coronavirus right? 7 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 9:02am On Apr 15, 2020 |
The WHO since Coronavirus infections were first reported in China; Cc: feedthenation, you can independently verify the dates by yourself. I have already done and they are spot on. 8 Likes 1 Share
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 9:08am On Apr 15, 2020 |
The first time the WHO accepted and declared that the Wuhan virus was a human epidemic was on March 11. Unbelievable right? This is an organization that the whole world relies on for advisories in matters concerning epidemics. Can you just imagine that? Up on till March 11th, the WHO was still telling the whole world that the coronavirus was not a pandemic and world leaders were taking their cue from them to disastrous effects. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Zuorom: 9:20am On Apr 15, 2020 |
GalaticHorde:When will you hold the Democratic party governors accountable for their mismanagement of the coronavirus threats in their states? Are you not tired of playing partisan politics with the coronavirus? 9 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Zuorom: 9:22am On Apr 15, 2020 |
GalaticHorde:The New York times is fake news and Trump doesn't take instructions from them. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by stanech: 11:33am On Apr 15, 2020 |
Lol 9 Likes 3 Shares
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 12:24pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by stanech: 12:32pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by obixcel(m): 2:17pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
stanech:Hahahaha 3 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by obixcel(m): 2:18pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
garetz:Spot on! Bro, President Trump was right in defunding them. 7 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by obixcel(m): 2:24pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
Obama endorses Joe Biden after virtually every other Democrat ![]() ![]() ![]() Obama: I'm endorsing you now, Joe Biden: Who's Joe? ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by stanech: 3:03pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
Lol 4 Likes 2 Shares
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by TheShopKeeper(m): 3:51pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
feedthenation: ...The boss of WHO is an Ethiopian Communist...and we know Trump doesn't like communist...WHO should be held accountable for not providing more information in the early stages... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by TheShopKeeper(m): 3:59pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
feedthenation: ...Another alleged sexual predator endorsed by the DNC we have two sexual predators on the presidential ballot in November...a case of who of the two is the better sexual predator... 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by TheShopKeeper(m): 4:30pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
...Now a bandana is acceptable as a piece of the USDOJ... 1 Like
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by TheShopKeeper(m): 4:49pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
...Kellyanne thought the 19 in covid-19 meant it was the 19th strain of the virus...shows the level of understanding of people around Trump giving him advice....
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by stanech: 4:59pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
Vernon Jones @RepVernonJones I’m a Georgia State Representative and lifelong Democrat. But in this election, I’ll be casting my vote for @realdonaldtrump . I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The Party left me. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by basilico: 7:58pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
My take. Liberals or rather democrats want to impose socialism. In other words they are communist in nature and via progressive education indoctrination on the beauty of the socialism and hatred of capitalism . Capitalism creates billionaires so tax them to high heavens in order to achieve achieve equality an impossible situation. To achieve this they need power. Power to effect social changes while they remain at the top of tje foodchain. They need to control the past in order to influence the future. They will lie or rather use deceipt to achieve their goals. They held up the corona relief bill so that they would ram through unrelated socialist ideals. Trump is an absolute danger to their globalisy socialist agenda and so they fight and denigrate him 24/7. They now picked up on his handling the Wuhan virus pandemic in order to win in Nov. They falsely accuse him of not taking action enough . When he banned travel from China they called xenophobic and racist. They want to ignorants to not remember how they were against Trump all along. They want to control the narrative of the last 3 months to favour them. Trump replayed what they said in the last three months infront of the whole world. The liberal brainwashed democratic media could not stand their lies being exposed. They cut away from airing it live. Then they went into overdrive accussing him of political campaign 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by zendi: 8:13pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
America, the Relief Pay cheque will not arrive on schedule, it will arrive ahead of schedule. And it will bear the President's name. God bless America. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by woodsbeatrice30: 8:48pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
zendi: STOP Press,Stop for a moment and imagine Obama sending relief checks to Americans with his name on it..tell me what you hypocrites would have done?Cry to high heavens isnt it?... ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by obixcel(m): 9:46pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
woodsbeatrice30:Still crying since Obama left Office? and the sweetest thing is that Hillary will never be in that oval office, so cry me a river and deal with it ![]() 6 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by obixcel(m): 9:58pm On Apr 15, 2020 |
stanech:The truth is many have been jumping the ship but understandably are afraid to admit it in public lest the plantation gatekeepers descend on them. They will be secretly voting for President Trump come November together with a huge percentage of Independents and Centrists as well. Biden will find it difficult to sway the Independent votes - that I can tell you. He will end up only running on some of Bernie Sander's socialist policies in effort to appeal to Bernie's Supporters (which unfortunately are very small in numbers) - talk about misplaced priority ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by feedthenation(m): 12:12am On Apr 16, 2020 | Hydroxychloroquine does not clear coronavirus, but can alleviate symptoms, study says A study of COVID-19 patients in China who received hydroxychloroquine showed the anti-malarial drug did not clear the patients of the virus. "The overall 28-day negative conversion rate was not different between [standard-of-care] plus [hydroxychloroquine and standard-of-care] group (Kaplan-Meier estimates 85.4% versus 81.3%, P=0.341)," researchers wrote in the study. "Negative conversion rate at day 4, 7, 10, 14 or 21 was also similar between the two groups. No different 28-day symptoms alleviation rate was observed between the two groups." The research consisted of 150 patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. It has not yet been peer-reviewed and was published earlier this month on the medXiv repository. |
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