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Help! I'm In A Career Cross Road And Dilemma - Career - Nairaland

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Help! I'm In A Career Cross Road And Dilemma by koife(m): 5:32pm On Aug 18, 2018
I will try and keep it simple. I'm 35 single with loads of aspirations on my mind. I hold a diploma, bachelors degree and masters degree, my main passion has always been to be in academic or research related career path. I feel out of this world fulfillment each time I teach or explains things to people. But of recent I have had an increasing desire that makes me question my present situation. I have admission in US to continue another masters that leads to PhD as well... I also desire to start a fresh PhD here in Nigeria. I recently got a job onboard an international going gas vessel that pay as high as 350k dollar equivalent but I find myself doing menial jobs like moping, cleaning, greasing, painting and running errands.... simply put, I feel underused and it freaks me out because it feels like my wealth of knowledge is wasted and everybody treats you as per your rank here onboard. My family members are pushing I keep the job but I feel I'm starting a new career and worst more like being on an illiterate rank. I spend six month on ship and two months home..It's freaks me out and I find it hard to explain to ppl because they feel it's all about money and all. I sometimes feel like screaming hence,this short article just to seek your advise here as a family. Only few will understand the situation I'm in right now. Bashing is welcomed. Thnx
Re: Help! I'm In A Career Cross Road And Dilemma by Getsaved(m): 6:27pm On Aug 18, 2018
Alright. I had a similar situation like you. I studied a research based course. Although, I do not like teaching. I am more of a creative, good with any practical based stuffs, like giving solution to problems e.t.c. but I discovered there are very few Research and Development (R&grin) companies in Nigeria. I was doing personal home lesson at a time when a new job different from my field came. I went for it and Ifrom there now I am starting a new field from here.

From what you said now (if it is true). Then it shows the job you are now is not related to what you studied in school - that is why you have to run errands and do those menial jobs there, even though the money is coming.

I cannot type everything I really would have told you here. But I will give you a brief advice.


Work there for sometime as you deem fit. Gather enough money and go study abroad. Since the opportunity is there for you to study (unlike me), go and study. Let your passion be your profession. sometimes, Everything is not about money bro. Besides, there are lots of R & D companies in the USA than any country.
I hope this helps.

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