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Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison - Celebrities - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison (492 Views)

Another Boule Humiliation Ritual From Bill Cosby To Now Bro. Polight / Inside The Prison Where Bill Cosby Is Expected To Serve His Sentence / Bill Cosby Found Guilty On All 3 Counts In Sexual Assault Retrial (2) (3) (4)

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Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison by kaysteph: 8:21pm On Sep 25, 2018
Bill Cosby has been found guilty  and will spend the following 3 to 10 years in prison. As indicated by CNN, Cosby has been condemned to put in 3 to 10 years in state jail. The declaration was made today after he was discovered guilty of medicating and sexually attacking Andrea Constand at his home 14 years prior, Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison.

Cosby has been accused by a few ladies for rape however this is the principal sentence that the performing artist has formally gotten. Prosecutors had supposedly pushed for the greatest of 10 years to be passed on.

As per the New York Times, Constand's casualty articulation was given amid the condemning, where she expressed, "Bill Cosby took my lovely, sound youthful soul and pulverized it." Earlier today, a judge led the disfavored comic a "sexually brutal predator," constraining him to show up  on a sex offender registry. The judge in the 80-year-old's case trusts he is in effect reasonable in his condemning, saying "Nobody is exempt from the rules that everyone else follows." One of Cosby's asserted casualties, Kathy McKee, disclosed to CNN that she's encountering "exceptionally troublesome and profound feelings" about the preliminary, trusting that he was condemned appropriately.

What do you think about his sentence?


Re: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison by zinnydan(f): 8:23pm On Sep 25, 2018
Re: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison by Millenniumlady(f): 8:26pm On Sep 25, 2018
Justice at last.....let this serves as a lesson to his fellow rapist
Re: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison by amaniro: 8:26pm On Sep 25, 2018
Long awaited.... shameless old man

Truly a fool at forty is a fool forever.
Re: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison by uboma(m): 9:03pm On Sep 25, 2018
The sins of a man never goes unpunished....

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