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Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) Employee Interview - Business - Nairaland

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Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) Employee Interview by Seun(m): 10:41am On Jun 15, 2005
The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, NIPC, was established by Decree number 16 of 1995, during the administration of the late General Sani Abacha. It bills itself as 'the one-stop-shop for exploring and planning foreign investment and new business in Nigeria' (see about NIPC).

(For investment assistance, send e-mail to [email]nipc@nipc-nigeria.org[/email], or check out their website at www.nipc-ng.org)

Na mi o, a member of this forum, is an Investment Officer at the commission. Here is an excerpt from a recent conversation we had:

Seun: What does the NIPC do?

Na mi o
: The Agency's mandate is to facilitate foreign investments and advocate on behalf of foreign investors in the areas of favourable government policies. We help to create a friendly investment climate so that investors can see Nigeria as an investment haven.

: How does what you do affect an average worker who has maybe just 50,000 naira in savings?

Na mi o: What we do affects the Nation as a whole in the sence that when foreigners invest (foreign Direct Investment), and this brings in Dollars which translates into the Nations GDP.

Take the example of a foreigner who comes and starts a refinery in your state (Ondo?) Of cos a lot of people would be employed in that company and we would not need to import refined oil

This NIPC investment officer has agreed to a formal interview to be published on this forum to enlighten the readers of Nairaland.com on issues relating to investment in Nigeria and the work of the NIPC in particular. What questions would you like us to ask her on your behalf?
Re: Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) Employee Interview by jossylad86(m): 10:17am On Jan 27, 2010
Wow. Great opportunity from this commission but I just want to make a suggestion.
Any individual that wants to pursue a career in any Federal Government parastatal should either have obtained a Msc or in the line of doing that orelse you would be going to leave on peanuts for the rest of your life.
Re: Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) Employee Interview by claycares: 1:56pm On Dec 02, 2014
Interesting, how did I get to this thread Seun?

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