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Six Keys To A Successful And Wholesome Relationship - Romance - Nairaland

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Six Keys To A Successful And Wholesome Relationship by VirtueDigest: 1:42pm On Oct 22, 2018
We all dream of a perfect scenario and a perfect bond. Yes, to a certain extent, we can achieve that, it just requires efforts from both partners.

Any relationship is a two-way process. In order for a relationship to sustain itself and flourish, it is crucial that both partners invest time, emotions, efforts, respect, trust and energy. It is alright to some extent if the effort of one party is more in comparison to the other, but one-sided efforts will not be enough to sustain any relationship for the long haul.

Communication is the key to maintain that perfect bond between partners. Communicate with each other and maintain that transparency where you both can be open about your feelings.

We often talk about how love and understanding will make a perfect relationship, but in practice, it all comes down to small details; simple gestures which show you care about the other person just as much as they care about you.

The beginning of love is to let those we love to be themselves and not twist them into our own image; otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves which we find in them.

Here are 6 keys both partners can keep each other content, satisfied and happy.

Relationships live and die not by the sword, but by the amount of discussion. Communication, as it is rightly said, is the key to a successful relationship. Even individuals with distinguishing personality type share the strongest bonds if they are willing to communicate, irrespective of how they feel towards others around them...Read More at https://www.virtuedigest.com/six-keys-to-a-successful-and-wholesome-relationship/

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