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Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians - Phones (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Twizzy30(m): 2:05am On Nov 12, 2018
Airtel is big fraudulent company i swear. i complained on Twitter, nothing was done, several calls to their customer care service. They said once you start surfing the net, you enter some sites which automatically activate those rubbish itself.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Siki355(m): 2:40am On Nov 12, 2018
I tot am alone
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Deelaw(m): 4:44am On Nov 12, 2018
Airtel is d biggest scam we're having in our hands at present and don't know why d govt is keeping a blind eye on them, yet they claim they're fighting corruption. Rather, dey keep attacking only mtn who are even far better-off in terns of contributions and lives touched here in Nigeria.

Stating what airtel has STOLEN from me personally can't be fully exhausted in a single write up, i dislike dem so much for it.

While dey continue with their shameless stealings, they shuld also remember that their mast and other important facilities are out there in d public vicinity aswell.

Let dem continue, their day of reckoning will soon catch up with dem
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 5:04am On Nov 12, 2018
Maybe we should hack their system and give everyone free Internet access and airtime.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by lereinter(m): 7:07am On Nov 12, 2018
I thought I was the only one affected

50 naira is been deducted from my credit daily

Airtel are thieves

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by ikeno(m): 8:23am On Nov 12, 2018
mine was even #50 deduction daily for a service I never subscribed to..I decided to take the bull by its horn and dial ncc on a toll free number nd complain bitterly to them and the deduction stopped.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by leomarz007: 8:23am On Nov 12, 2018
na wetin I wan do them be that
brothers in airtel arms, i ve been recharging to qualify for borrow me 1500 airtime. They ve deducted my joy from my own sim i got with my 1k special no. Biko any suggestion on how to get them by the balls is welcomed.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 8:26am On Nov 12, 2018
mine was even #50 deduction daily for a service I never subscribed to..I decided to take the bull by its horn and dial ncc on a toll free number nd complain bitterly to them and the deduction stopped.
What stops you from posting the "ncc toll free number" so others can try it?
And don't even ask someone to inbox or whatsapp you for the number.

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Nobody: 9:25am On Nov 12, 2018
Just calmly port out...
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Ufedolove: 9:33am On Nov 12, 2018
Let's call them out on twitter
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Ufedolove: 9:34am On Nov 12, 2018
Since they claim visiting some sites automatically activates the unwanted services, I suggest you all stop browsing with their network.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Johnchike(m): 10:02am On Nov 12, 2018

What stops you from posting the "ncc toll free number" so others can try it?
And don't even ask someone to inbox or whatsapp you for the number.

Learn to ask politely. Besides, the NCC toll free number is in public domain, all you need do is ask Google.

Disclaimer: Before you come for my head, note, I'm not the owner of the initial comment.

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by mikool007(m): 10:09am On Nov 12, 2018
I load 1k to buy data, tried to buy in the evening only for me to get insufficient airtime shocked , they said i used the credit to call, I don't make phone calls, we need to kill them on twitter, lets get the hashtag and do the needful

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by NwaliE01: 10:16am On Nov 12, 2018
I concur with the OP. they have frustrated me eh. My airtime doesnt exceed 24hours. Just have airtime no matter the amount. they will keep deducting the money until its on ground Zero.
We need to charge them for this fraudulent activities.

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Amastermovic(m): 10:19am On Nov 12, 2018
I taught I was d only person I get deducted with nothing less than 14 naira daily and dey keep subscribing to more services d more I keep deactivating..
no refund because they will claim you subscribed to u it.. let's make it trend on twitter


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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Amastermovic(m): 10:20am On Nov 12, 2018
I've noticed that Airtel has become fund of cheating people by subscribing them to a service they no nothing about. When they subscribe you to the service, they withdraw money from your airtime credit balance.
They've been doing this to me and other innocent Nigerians. When you call their customer service center, they will remove the service but will not refund the money, then after about a week or so, they will again subscribe you to another service.
Sometimes you get a welcome message to a service you never subscribed to or know anything about.

Imagine how much they will make if they do it to just one million Nigerian. Most of the services are from N25 to N75 or more per week.
Most people don't even know when their balance has been reduced.
This is a crime and Airtel and other mobile networks in Nigeria needs to stop the rubbish.
Maybe no one has sue them to court about it, that's why they kept on doing it.

I've been calling them to unsubscribe me to their stupid services for about a year now. When they unsubscribe me, they won't refund and they subscribe me to something else after about a week or two.

Let's come up with something to do to them to make them pay and stop cheating on us.
pls modify your post and let's make it trend on twitter.. by putting d hash

#airtelscam #nccdonothing

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by ikeno(m): 10:46am On Nov 12, 2018
What stops you from posting the "ncc toll free number" so others can try it? And don't even ask someone to inbox or whatsapp you for the number.


Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by falcon01: 1:39pm On Nov 12, 2018
You know, this is a similar thing that CBN is doing to us
Removing 65naira from over 100,000 people in a day. Over 300,000 sef. Something has to be done.
o just received a message from them right asking me if I want to permanently deactivate DND, and I did not send any Ussd code. Maybe they saw this post on nairaland. stupid people.

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by smoby(m): 2:14pm On Nov 12, 2018
I thought m the only one , imagine my two hundred naira jst vanished jst like that......since then I have not load credit for the fear that dey might subscribe me on how to fu"co weekly service .M just tired bro.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Apappy: 2:54pm On Nov 12, 2018
Airtel is the real Yahoo

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Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Darksider131: 6:02pm On Nov 12, 2018
They do take my #200 recharge sometimes.. maybe once in 3weeks
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 7:14pm On Nov 12, 2018

Learn to ask politely. Besides, the NCC toll free number is in public domain, all you need do is ask Google.

Disclaimer: Before you come for my head, note, I'm not the owner of the initial comment.
Ok no wahala.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 7:15pm On Nov 12, 2018
Ok thanks.


Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Nobody: 10:02am On Nov 13, 2018
the admin no kw if you will still be alive till then
I will be much alive bro
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Emily22(m): 11:08am On Nov 13, 2018
I got an Airtel Sim and was automatically subscribed to this their gist guru nonsense. They keep deducting #50 like every three days and sent me an SMS containing the code for opting out only when my balance was #0. I tried opting out and they said it had stopped.

I Recharged few days later and they started deducting my airtime again. I've vowed to use d sim for data only and always leave my airtime at #0. once I've qualified to borrow airtime, I'll kindly borrow at least #500 and dump the sim.

Jeez... So am not the only one... The funny part is that they deduct at midnight when u re asleep
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by dessz(m): 12:36pm On Nov 13, 2018
I wan die dis night after waiting till 12am I no see my #50 for night browsing.. As in I cry sleep.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by honestmike(m): 9:03pm On Nov 13, 2018
Airtel Airtel. just port the Sim to another network.
the crazy part is there is no actual service running. I called their customer care that I'm not getting any update from any of the service they subscribed me to. told them to refund my money. that one was saying it's not in his power. said I should send one code to one number that all the services will be deactivated. lie.. they just resubscribed me again.
just port to another network
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by ken6488(m): 9:22pm On Nov 13, 2018
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Nickdash(m): 9:39pm On Nov 13, 2018
Wow amazing write up check out more info @ www.my9jaview..com
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 10:34pm On Nov 13, 2018
Share the cheat na.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by CDCEO001: 10:36pm On Nov 13, 2018
Airtel Airtel. just port the Sim to another network.
the crazy part is there is no actual service running. I called their customer care that I'm not getting any update from any of the service they subscribed me to. told them to refund my money. that one was saying it's not in his power. said I should send one code to one number that all the services will be deactivated. lie.. they just resubscribed me again.
just port to another network
Will read how to port SIM from one network to another.
Re: Let's Make Airtel Pay For Cheating Nigerians by Netwrk: 1:41pm On Nov 14, 2018
They crazy
o just received a message from them right asking me if I want to permanently deactivate DND, and I did not send any Ussd code. Maybe they saw this post on nairaland. stupid people.

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